Why are there no male or female Dracthyr?

Yes, which is why I said Blizzard should make doors etc taller, so they could actually make Zandalari and Tauren taller to fit in with their lore height.

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Whenever I see that I just think how much better things woulds be if half those males learnt how to stand up straight.

To me it just seems bloomin’ obvious the majority would prefer that. I mean look how much people like straight backed Orcs.

Worgen, Tauren, Troll, Pandaren, Undead.

And I can’t stand it.

Orcs should be straight backed, but what they gave us is so laughably bad. They need to remake the entire model to have it postured properly. Using Thralls Cata-WoD orc model would be a great start.

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Yes, well, it was a resource question.

I find it hard to understand why they seem so hard up with manpower with everything. I mean we get patches every 4-6 months these days. What are they doing over there? It’s as if it’s 3 blokes in a shed.

Tried to make a comparison between alpha large humans and kul’tirans.

The old one seems to be about the same as orcs, but then comes the kul’tiran that just dwarves everything. And they are ordinary humans…

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So shall we just swap all character models with grey rectangles?

Why does it matter if you are Male or female in a game?

Besides it has been shown that there are indeed different models.

Hey if that’s what would please you, go for it.

What are you not getting? Why does any aspect of your characters appearance matter? People like to customise the way their character looks.

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Exactly, so why do we have to have Male or Female?

Does it matter? NO.

Because male and female is a thing.

Clearly it does, thats why this thead exists.


Shame you wont get to see it 99% of the time you’re playing the game :frowning:

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Tbh I don’t see that much of my character while playing, it’s always from behind and in fights I’m in melee with everyone else. I know where I am but seeing much detail is doubtful.

That doesn’t stop me transmogging and having customisations that I choose etc. In screenshots I can look nice :slight_smile:

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That was from when the game was very underdeveloped.

I can’t recall but were Orcs much bigger than Humans in earlier Warcraft games? They certainly looked very different, as did everything really.

I think the point is the game was a ramshakle as far as consistency was concerned, and nothing was really developed until somethign like very late beta or arguably sometime into launch.

Probably a limitation more than anything - lorewise Orcs have always been larger than Humans.

I thought it exists cause OP wants orbs on female dragons and wanted a break from making hypocritical threads about people leaving groups :man_shrugging:t2:

I want the dragons to have those nice globes of love, why wouldnt you? :thinking:

Not like it’s a dealbreaker tho.


There were CGIs in Warcraft 1 and 2, it’s just been so long I can’t remember the scale differences.

I really do think people take the lore too far in what were originally fun hack 'em RTS games. The lore was mostly made up in World of Warcraft, to give the game depth, and they’ve constantly had to make up new bits and retrofit stuff to keep the balance of coherence and making a fun and expanding video game.

The differences between male and female Vulpera are rather subtle. With armour on especially.

I’m talking about the size comparison. The size of the old “lagre” humans would have fit a lot better than the literal ogre we got.

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Yes, well I think Kul Tirans are one of the few examples were I think they should’ve done just a reskin job like other Allied Races.

Different faces, hair, pirate tattoos and general ''oo rr I’m a sea faring man/lass" stuff would be more than enough to distinguish them from standard Humans.

What’s more I will go as far to say I know for a fact that would’ve been ENORMOUSLY more popular than what we have. Call me arrogant, so be it, I Just know.

To me Kul Tirans were a comical waste of resources, that should’ve been spread out between all of the Allied Races. All that time wasted created new models.

Go on, Terry over in the corner shout “I like Kul Tirans.” Yes, well, congratulations.

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I do like Kul Tirans, and why shouldnt I? They look cool and different from regular humans. What was it you said to me? Don’t like it, then don’t play it?