Why are there no male or female Dracthyr?

Surely you are being ironic. You are too intelligent for it to be any other way.

I wouldn’t generally say “Don’t like it, don’t do it.”, because I think people are free to criticise things.

Also more importantly, I think in a video game they should design things with broad appeal very much in mind, with some things. It is silly to design a race that has extremely limited appeal, because it is a foundational system, races are what we play and look at 100% of the time.

They most certainly can be divise, which is certainly true for things like Vulpera. Very popular and unpopular at once (also infamy is a good thing)-- but I think it’s just bad game design to make things which are obviously going to be extremely limited in appeal, particularly doing so to the same faction.

I will say that both Kul Tirans and Mechagnomes are unpopular to a degree of such extremity, that they were a waste of resources because so few enjoy them.

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Mechagnomes are bad because they can mog like… 3 pieces (Shoulders, helmet, and chest) and thats it. Kul Tiran Male at least looks good and feels good with most animations - female ones? Not so much.

They could’ve added the skinny Kul Tiran as well, and you could pick which body you’d prefer - that’d be better I think, because many wanted skinny boi.

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I just think the statistics bear out my assertions.

I just don’t think people at-large like vaguely human/ogre strongmen.

I think the skinny frame would have appeal mostly because it was popularised by memes. People are trendy. Allthough it does work for spellcasters and Rogues. There are issues though, namely there isn’t a female model (which would be hardly played I’m sure). I also suspect after the trendy meme wore off it would decline hugely in popularity.

Kul Tirans already had far more resources - wasted in my view - on them.

Yes, I am aware much of what I say I can’t prove in stone. I just think I know the general ‘zetgeist’ if you will, the way people behave and respond in the WoW community.


I don’t see how this argument proves anything, contributes to the discussion, or refutes the OP.

Besides dragons like the aspects that look much different than the rest of their brood could you tell the gender of any other dragon just from their looks? I think not.

So having a gender neutral or however you want to call it dragonform for Dracthyr only makes sense. Though having said that, I wouldn’t mind seeing more physical customizations for the forms such as bulk, height, tail length etc. Scaly bosoms are not required imo.

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I mean… Have you seen the beard on some of those dragons!

Long story short.
Dragon form druids.
You get male or female forms, then you turn into Bear/cat/travel form.

Females have them too :laughing: Who knew Dragons and Dwarves had so much in common.


Do you see their sex features when Alextrasa or Melagos change to dragon form? If you did not known them.

no wonder game is lacking bad endgame content if we spend all ressources on modeling.

i think theyre fine.
i hate the male bloodelf model cuz i hate the male bloodelf model i just cant stand the way how they stand.

i think dracs are fine looking done pls give me 15 balance patches more instead of “more masculinity” my god look how bad the game is already they already said to housing that the budget isnt really there and now u want this to happen right before the addon

stop being so greedy man i just wanna play a good game shadowlands looked really good too from a viewership but the gameplay is horrible

another shadowlands my beloved wow wont survive stop ur demands man lets fix the game first from a gameplay perspective

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You do realize there are different teams working on WoW simultaneously? One team works on gameplay aspects. Another team, namely the art team, works on designing the world and its races.

The art team adding more appearance options to the Dracthyr would not happen at the expense of gameplay balancing.

There are female and male Dracthyrs, but like any of the other dragons in Warcraft their dragon forms do not reflect their sex. Their humanoid form does though.


Dracthyr aren’t traditional dragons. They are the results of Neltharion’s experiments, and came out as a mix of dragon and human, which is evident in the fact that they are bipedal and work anatomically much the same as pretty much every other humanoid species in this universe.

I also quote Blizz themselves: “The Dracthyr were created in the ancient past by the black dragon aspect Neltharion, who combined the essence of dragons with the adaptability of the mortal races to create a race of ideal soldiers.”

Comparing the Dracthyr to ordinary dragons is just odd, especially in an attempt to argue against the suggestion that they should reflect the player more so than other dragonkin, simply because this race is playable and the others are not. The Dracthyr can be concluded to not be like their cousins. Not even Dragonspawn or Drakonids, because the Dracthyr are experiments, which entailed fusing the essence of a dragon and humanoid to make “super” soldiers.

Therefore, it is perfectly legit to make the assumption that the Dracthyr would show signs, physically, which alludes to the humanoid in them as well as the dragon.

Lastly, if anyone in here ever played Skyrim, I am sure you will recall that the idea of reptilian creatures with human-esque traits is hardly novel, as the Argonian females had breasts. This also extends to other human inspired attributes which were added to the Argonians.

So my question is: What on earth is so wrong about it? It’s a fantasy race whose rules are dictated by the creators/developers and not by real life.

The stupid thing is to take anything that is from real life and apply that to a game that is already chock-full of unrealistic characteristics to determine what makes sense and what does not.

Let’s just ignore humans in this universe, all of which are basically a captain america. Evident in the fact that a human can bear, swing, bash, bludgeon, and strike using weapons that weighs 300 freaking pounds.

You guys really want to talk about realism?


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Someone who understands it!!!

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Dracthyr aren’t traditional dragons. They are humanoid experiments. The rules that apply to your traditional dragon don’t necessarily apply to the Dracthyr. Again, using realism to determine what makes sense or not in this universe does not make sense in and of itself.

You are also taking an already existing fantasy race (dragons) to apply their rules to the Dracthyr (Another fantasy race), whilst simultaneously referring to real life lizards (whose sexual dimorphism is scarce) to argue about realism.

You are contradicting yourselves, as dragons with wings capable of shooting beams of magic aren’t real.

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They are whatever blizzard wants them to be, and some of us like the idea of they haven’t sexual dimorphism in their reptile form.

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Why do the counter arguments of those opposed to the idea of more customizations rest on the assumption that by adding more of said customization would suddenly eradicate a lack of sexual dimorphism. Surely, you would still be able to create your female Dracthyr without, say, breasts, if that is what you want? Why can’t those who WANT breasts for their female Dracthyr be given the option to do so?

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Me and the bois rolling in to dragon isles to pick up Dracthyr chicks after they added feminine models.

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Jesus what?

Breasts are natural, as far I am concerned, are they not?

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