Why are there no male or female Dracthyr?

Are you mad we didn’t get anyother tanking class/Melee one for our dragons?..

You know for most of our recent races added they have used the same models and animations too.

And they are already giving us a body type option for this one most likely…(I hope)…

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Your negativity is boring.


Bro it was one dew! xD …Lets complain and campaign once we see the beta results of this live.

Yes, well this is sold as a new proper race. What’s more it’s just ONE.

With the Allied Race thing no-one was under any illusion as to what that was, as we had rather a lot of them in a short space of time. At least they can be multiple classes, and I will certainly push the idea that gives them much more longevity than Drac’thyr.

Mages have THREE ranged DPS specs.

Why does a tank HAVE to be melee? Think out of the box for a second. I myself imagined a Shaman tank spec that uses elementals to tank, and the Shaman stands at distance commanding them.

One melee spec would be much more welcome if they actually added a ranged DPS spec for Demon Hunters. Either a magic-infused bow spec, or some kind of soul reaper complete with scythe.

What a coincidence. I find inane positivity boring also, not to mention people who unknowingly fall and celebrate spin-doctoring and cheap development.

Believe it or not I am actually very praising of the new talents, and happy to hear the focus again on exploration and large zones.

I think I’m probably the only person who thought the cinematic was one of the best they’ve done in years. It’s actually more focused on setting the scene and atmosphere instead of doing some cheapo Hollywood bombastic romp.


I have no particular positivity regarding Dragonflight. Nor negativity - I’m very neutral about it. Like I’ve been to most things after MoP. But being negative all the time and also throwing it at the forums instead of just leaving bores me.

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Oofh… Blizzard in the various interviews have said that their open for Dracthyr to become more core classes down the line later… Also that more of our core classes too can becomre Evokers too eventually. They haven’t disregarded anything as of yet.

But how would a ranged Dracthyr tank work? Not just dracthyr but any range tank?

I am sorry but you kind of broke my mind on this one

How do you see a ranged tank? Pet tanking? And we all stand near the tanks pet and hack and slash?

You don’t have anything like enough information to say that about me. Reading a couple of posts about a couple of specific topics is rather anecdotal.

Good enough for me.

I suppose you’ll have to prove me otherwise sometime by seeing you in other posts, dont I? But for now, you’re a negative nancy.

Well, it’s not my fault you lack the imagination. Yes, well, that’s the only blunt response I can give, and I don’t think you were being particularly diplomatic yourself… so.

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One alpha biceps Dragon to rule us all


Right… So clearly… You haven’t done many m+ or ever played much tank… If you think a stastionary tank can just stand still and just be a punching bag is all there is to tanking…

You have to move and phase, Posistion your self and use cooldowns.
How is a tank hunter or Dracthyr suppose to manage that ontop of their own abilities?

Tanking with a pet. Wouldn’t work like it does in the open world as a hunter pet does. In a m+ Setting.

I can probably just about bring myself to live another day with that label.

It’s not always the case that things reside in an equal measure of positives and negatives. Anway, my other post in which I noticed you in, about using older zones, was originally not really negative but more of just an idea of how future content might be.

Skull and Kul, spread the love

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Honestly I think all the WoW intros have been good. Some better than others, but all good.


I’m the same as Jessicka.

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If Blizz only made animated movies, I wouldn’t complain


I’d rather do it early, whilst changes are more likely to be possible.
Then, if they’re already in come beta, it could have always been or it was due to me shrieking like a banshee.
Nobody loses!


Imagine your a hunter tank in sanguine depths… Are you going to manually move your pet out of the way from Throvald boss aoe blasts that crosses the room?

The splatters of red pools on the ground?

On the third boss and the inquistors does her AOE. is your tank pet just suppose to stand there and eat all that aoe and damage? It wont work.