Why are there no male or female Dracthyr?

Having a pet tank is still slightly better than no tank though.

Sighs Nope that gif didn’t work… But i blasted you… to oblivion

I saw. The link to it worked.


Still having a stastionary pet as a tank… Imagine the Aoe hell our healers would go trough to maintain our pet tank alive? In plaguefall… In Sd in Thazavesh. Pure death. Not just -Slightly-

Pure… Death… Onto all.

They would eat all the explosives. Volcanic. Sanguines you name it. Your pet would eat it. Alive.

This so much.

I would PAY, you hear that Blizz, PAY! To see longer animated shorts done by blizzard. Can be just short stories.
They can do them, the BFA cinematics, just looking at the visual quality, were just top notch.


War bringers but proper cienamtics? Yes please.

Even if it moved, imagine the micro managing the tank would have to do? It’d be ridiculous.

And you know what happens with ranged tanks? The mobs that are melee just walk over to you anyway. It’s pointless.

Yep, imagine a blizz anime show on Netflix. Awesome overload :cowboy_hat_face:


Or use their CGI team, like the ones who made the Saurfang ones.

If they made a series with that, starting with ‘‘Rise of the Horde’’? Mmmmm…


Well, for a start such a tank wouldn’t be casting their own skills, they’d be entirely focused on using the elementals as tanks.

There could be some system where the Shaman shifts into some elemental plain, and for the duration having their health tied to the elemental tank. They could be controlled with more of an RTS type system. Even if the tank was directly controlled, I’d argue it’d be novel enough to make it distinct and not quite a melee tank experience.

Part of the skill could be switching between direct control of the tank and the Shaman-- they wouldn’t have to keep doing this frequently. It may seem clunky on paper, but then I’d argue that’s certainly true for many things in the game, on paper.

Yes yes well I concede some way, because it is hard to imagine a tank that doesn’t use conventional methods.

Anyway it just isn’t the meat of my point in this thread, so it means little to me. My point is Demon Hunters and Dracthyr should have three specs. It seems ridiculous that having one fewer spec is superior, even if that missing spec is a conventional melee tank.

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Thats fair… And i wont oppose that… Just the ranged tank part…

If a ranged pet tank at least in our current World of Warcraft where to ever work.
Our pets would need their own AI to manage all the damage and telegraphing happening.

Having a player managing their own characters abilities and movements.
While at the same time Micro managing their pet tank for tanking without a AI doing some of the work for you. Would make whatever ranged tanking class spec be the highest skill level of tanking I can come to imagine… (If it happend this way that is)


What about a healer with a pet? Gimme that.

I did say such a tank wouldn’t have to cast their own skills, only spells that directly effect the elemental tank. That would make a HUGE difference to the complexity.

Also shifting into a plain or something, because having to manage the movement of two characters simultaneously is excessive.

I’d argue something akin to ‘Eye of the Beast’ isn’t a cop-out either, because it could still feel quite different, as having to even infrequently switch between caster and elemental would shake things up. Also one could imagine switching or morphing the elemental into fire, water or air depending on the situation…

Also having a more RTS style point and click, and manage the camera, isn’t exactly a novel system in an RPG.

When I said ranged tank I obviously don’t mean exactly like a Hunter now just alt-attacking their pet in and letting it get on with it. It just seems the quickness of your reaction suggested that’s as far as your thoughts went on the matter.


And is what you say above then an indication that when a ranged character tanks… They controll their pet instead? While their player character fires from the background while you contoll your pet tank character?

If so… the only benefit would be that a tank would have two lives and chances of dying wouldn’t it? Your pet dies… Your character is still alive…

Actually Kulgrath… We should make our own thread ><… Not derail this one further…

The ‘benefit’ is that it would function and play uniquely. The whole idea is no one class should be superior, but play distinctly.

My idea was the health is shared. If not, well it’s a boss fight, and your tank dies, well it’s going to be a wipe isn’t it-- unless a battle res can get the tank up fast.

For the most part the Shaman would be passive (on a plain so invulnerable while not controlled), because it’s too much to simultaneously control two characters. As I said, part of the skill would be switching between the caster and the pet, at tactical moments.

What are they?

Don’t worry, you wont be able distinguish it.

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It’s not immediately apparent, but if you look closely, you can actually see the difference between a male and female lizard:


I can’t put my finger on the difference…

I have a bearded dragon. It was sold me a male, and was given a male name and was treated as a male for 1,5 years. One day I woke up to see “he” has laid eggs.

Now, that’s how hard it is to tell the difference sometimes. :smiley: This was a year ago, and it’s still hard sometimes to think of her as a female. :laughing: