The expansion lost nearly 4 million subscribers. Before Throne of Thunder was released, the expansion lost about half of those numbers.
The Mists of Pandaria reveal trailer was the most disliked video on the official World of Warcraft channel.
I seriously do not understand why people defend this expansion. I played through it aswell, on this character. I have the Garrosh mount, but the expansion wasn’t well received and the argument of kungfu pandaren is a real one. You can not dismiss the loss of 4 million subscribers because of that.
The funny thing is that Panderen were an easter egg. You never had to unlock Chen in the Rexxar campaign to finish it. He was just an easter egg added because Samwise Didier loved its design.
Yeah compared to modern wow it was good but that’s a low bar.
I really don’t understand. Cataclysm had higher numbers than MoP. Nobody is claiming that Cataclysm was amazing.
Who are you talking about more exactly? 2 people you found on some random video comment section?
Some people loved it I guess. Most praises I’ve seen of it were about class design. I haven’t plyed back then but the description of all classes being homogenized to be able to do everything doesn’t sound appealing to me.
Saw a discussion yeah, but if this topic doesn’t interest you, you can click on ignore bro
I liked MOP , the new zones were nice, i enjoyed the story and the Horde v Allaince fighting…i didnt like Pandaren being able for both factions as i generally hate shared races across factions.
I don’t have the graph, but wasn’t it “proven” that both Cataclysm and WoD lost more players than MoP, and MoP managed to lose less players than expected due to the already long lifetime of WoW?
But why ?
Look at that massive purple bar with the number 460 on it. It hasent ever been that big, not even in Shadowlands.
That is why MoP lost 4 million subs. But fact of the matter is that MoP was a great expansion, IF you forget that you had to spend 1.3 years running SoO non-stop untill you got bored out of your mind.
Oh look its Asjon hating on WoW again thread number 2131308900
Even though it was old god influenced expansion it had completely new enemies we have not seen before. The sha the mogu the klaxxi etc with new story. It had good patch cycles except the 1 year long last tier (SoO) but back then the model was not like it is today. There was no upscaled S4 and the seasonal releases every 3 months was not really a thing.
Class design was a lot better. We had challenge mode which I think to this day was still a lot better than m+. It was not toxic back then it was a lot more fun. It was purely cosmetic and that punishing as m+. If you failed a run you simply reseted and tried again. There was no key deplete nothing. Lot of people often refered to mop as chore expansion because we had a crazy amount of daily quests which I honestly did not mind.
5.2 introduced titanforging which increased replayability and made lower difficulties relevant as you could get hc raid level gear from lfr with crazy titanforge proc.
Isle of Thunder and Timeless isle was the foundation of what we have for many years now. The content patches with new zones where there are rares and dailies to farm.
In my opinion if you ignore the old design (vanilla+TBC+wrath) then MoP is probably the best expansion out of all that has came after them. Just because the sub number started to decline that does not mean the expansion was not a success. Warcraft as a whole started declining at that point. The expansion added good things and laid down foundations of systems that we still have today.
Read all of my OP next time, I adressed it!
I can’t remember the exact number and I ain’t going to find it but it was closer to 5 million.
I do remember there was a huge drop in numbers and mostly because players felt the Panda Theme was too “childish” and targeted at a much younger generation. But with streamers and social media raving about the features - before the the next patch the numbers started growing again steadily and those 4- 5 million players eventually came back including a bunch of new players. If I recall Blizz was still sharing sub numbers and by the time SoO path there were close to 15million players.
Whether and expansion was good or not is subjective. In my opinion MoP was far better than Cata as MoP was feature rich and introduced the first scenarios, the first challenger dungeons which eventually became M+ and the first “island” style. There are a lot more examples of what was considered new which made players love it. Hunters had a plethora of pets, elites all over the island dropping bags of mats for crafted items, rep tokens and mounts etc
Again, in my opinion, the next time we saw another feature rich expansion was in Legion. Since then its been mostly cut and paste or over complicated systems. Thats me and my opinions but many will disagree. Making liking or hating subjective.
As always Asjon has wrong facts
Never lost 5 millons subs
MoP came out 2012
Lost 1.8 million during it but then rose to 10 million again
Please Asjon stop gaslighting and talking lies.
So? Content planning is part of an expansion, if it was terrible then it inherently is part of the expansion’s overall grade - no?
There’s basically one fact; from the start of Cata till the end of WoD it’s basically one big decline. This based on, 90%, official data.
How we interpret this is another question. But MoP was by no means “the savior”, at the very least.
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I think you need to look at offical numbers
They stopped reporting in 2015
Which is somewhere after the release of WoD, yes. Till then it’s 100% clear. Even afterwards there are quite good estimations.
It’s one big decline.
You can literally look up this graph in google and find out you’re not talking out of your mouth.
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You did not adress a 1.3 year long content drought. You addressed some other things which do not justify the loss of 4M players.
Oh for sure. But in the context of this Post, which is people looking back at MoP with positive reviews… People forget that. It’s what I wanted to say.
All they talk about are class balance, mechanics, esthetics… all very relevant factors. But none of the “pro MoP people” include the 1.3 year long content drought in their nostalgia trip. As if never existed.
Fact of the matter is that it did. And it caused many people to stop playing.
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Fine call me a liar for 5 mill - the big drop was the drought period. It was still a good expansion and will remain subjective.
The point i am making is the OP is a lair and telling false numbers
Yes MoP lost 1.8 mill before going back up to 10 mill pre WoD launch only for WoD to lose 4.5mill in first quarter
So basically the OP is full of it and should not be relied on for being honest.
At no point during MoP did it nearly lose 4million i have never seen anyone post such rubbish.
Blizzard stopped reporting in WoD might want to think before you post and look actual facts before embarrasing yourself.