Why are you silent Blizz

Good for you, and? What’s your point?

They will enable it tomorow! SIT DOWN!! hahaha.

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Yes, they will.

And the zugzug rerollers will soon flood the boards with even more QQ, because now they have to play against dedicated PvPers instead of people used to easily farm honor by just using instantqueues + lose-honor/marks, and oh, ofc they now have to play against their own OP racials.

Plus, the door is now open for even more retail-cr4p to be stuffed into classic (because, why not LFD, I’m sure there is another vocal minority that finds waiting for a dungeon so inconvenient). So, in a way, Blizzard agrees with the “go play retail” approach…by turning Classic into retail 2.0


Popcorn is ready, I’m just enjoying the show :popcorn:


yeah gee wizz its gonna suck to have to deal with actual competition now. if only the opposite team would always just give up, because that’s so much fun.

Actually they not. ‘Dedicated PvPers’ roll to alliance for better racials. That is why there is more premades on alliance side.

What are you talking about.
Is thats why 90% of Horde is either Orc or Undead?
Alliance racials were good they aint good now.

I’d be happy to wait 2 hours just to run my first Hellfire Ramparts normal.

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learn the game
and actually log, your argument about orc/undead make no sense

What are you talking about?

Just correcting clueless people

I am clueless?
Orc and Undead racial are far better then what the Alliance has. In Classic Alliance had paladins and fearward which was the only bonus we had.
Please educate yourself.

They are not. You can google and read what other smart people say, also use search on forum to educate yourself. Also you can ask top players, if you need someone to explain it to you. I have no will to repeat it another time.
Just remember and stop repeating bs myth some retds created, hordes racials are not even close to OP, some alliance cimbinations are much better then we have in horde. Like warrior gnome, sl-sl warlock gnome, dwarf priest, and so on.

What can I say you are ignorant.

Na you can’t.

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