Why are you silent Blizz

My friend you forget that 90% of the player base can only dedicate 1-2 hours a day to this game on a good day. “re-rolling” is not a legitimate solution to the problem.

Nobody knows the solution yet, but off the cuff suggestions like this is nothing more than a insult to people’s intelligence.

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He is rank #6 tho? In 5v5. Don’t think he played much 3v3. Considering his score is 15-1 in 3v3.

And I said one of the top. Not the absolute top rank 1 btw.

The game is balanced around 3v3 nobody plays 5v5 seriously and even looking at your 5v5 the top 5 teams have undead priest so I guess they are not better too right?

Most top players will just straight out say that Dwarf Priest is the strongest Priest for disc in Arena.

I would gladly trade my Devouring plague+Touch of Weakness+Wotf for Desperate Prayer+Stoneform+Chastise.

Literally only Wotf is good out of my 3 abilities. Meanwhile Dwarf has 3 strong abilities.

It’s a trade I would take in a heartbeat.


Obviously not a trade for the top teams though huh just because you think it’s better doesn’t mean it is. On demand fear breakers for your entire team wins games.

Rmp is the top tier team and undead rmp will beat dwarf rmp hands down it’s not even a contest

Human Rogue/Gnome Mage/Dwarf priest vs triple undead RMP. Those games either side can win and the games are actully really close calls at top ladder.

You are really biased. You should try triple undead RMP against the racials i mentioned above and you quickly gonna realise how close the games are.


In the end undead should win easy if they are equal skill since they use cc chaining to win the games if one side can sit in a full fear once trinket and fear ward are on cd while the other can still break out of fear its a clear winner.

Being able to remove slow posion and an a single heal on long cd as your racial is not gonna win you the game but being undead is and it’s not close look at the top teams they comprise largely of undead RMP.

There is a reason why 27% of all arena players choose undead for their race in 3v3 and over 32% in 2s that number is staggering out of 10 races they make up 27% cmon it’s broken.

Meanwhile top 30 priests in 3v3 EU consist of:
13 undeads
15 dwarfs
2 trolls

Also most kills in 3v3 doesn’t even happen in fear. It happens in Improved CS/Blind/Poly on the healer. Heck half of the time they just kill the mage through Priest healing. Like you don’t even need to fear the other healer. Your main goal as disc is to perma dispel the other mage while keeping your team alive. Outside of that you can even Mindblast the mage.

Most top teams they just have the priest fear the rogue during kill moments so he can’t peel the for the mage.

Wotf will be more impactful in later seasons rmp vs rmp. But atm with so low resi things just die at such speed it isn’t even needed.

Heck some RMP just deletes the Priest healer. Would be useful to be Dwarf a bit against that.

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Your numbers are wrong top 30 teams are

19 undead priest
7 dwarf priest

Are you looking at China’s stats or something?
There is only 9 alliance teams in the top 30 how can there be 15 dwarfs

I’ll agree with you on the burst matters more in season 1 but most of these top teams should have high amounts of the available resilience to not get one shot.

I checked top 30 priest players eu in 3v3. Not teams. Personal rating.

I have cracked the reason your topic is being ignored, dear Zugzug !

Its two fold:

  1. Blizzard does not read EU Forums (Outside of mods).

And -

  1. They don’t care what a meta orc Warrior who got himself into this problem along with a ton of his zugzug buddies thinks.

I do hope that iv explained it to you in a very simple (Tho not as simple as you) way !

Que Dwayne Johnson - You’re Welcome

Well friend, did these BG queue times come as suprise? Its beem obvious during Vanilla C but not as bad as now. There has also been numerous warnings on forums and Youtube videos for more than a year.

Telling people to reroll Is not an insult but an actual suggestion for people who made the mistake to roll Horde for PvP.

If you decide to go for a proffession/job that you later on discover not to enjoy for any reason. You simply dont blame it on anyone else but instead decide to quit/reroll and start a new job. Despite spending thousands of hours already. See the logic?

Everyone is playing horde to play with their friends. Wonder who that guy is.

Kinda curious to know the arena rating of the “reroll ally lol”.

I can bet 99% have not reached 1k yet

I rerolled from horde to alliance 2 weeks back.
At 70, tank prebis, deep thunder, and made couple friends already.
And oh, instant bg que :smirk:

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Maybe I should link it less often, but I do not see anyone posting about solution that will not nerf Horde, but gives them enough reason to return to Alliance (Alliance deserters) or to faction change for better queues, without regrets of loosing their racials.

Definition of a “functional system” is not “does what you would like it to do”

Definition of a “functional system” is “works according to its specifications”

The specifications say BGs in TBCC are horde vs. alliance.
Horde vs. Alliance BGs are opened.
System works as specified.

No they won’t.
Same faction BGs do not fit the design criteria of TBCC.
End of Discussion.

You must say no worlds about statistics and balance, better just shut up. Sorry for being rude, but it is what it is. You always throw ‘facts’ without thinking. Now with ‘% dwarf vs % orcs’, you have no clue.
Because if you had at least some, you would think about that orc - best for warrios on horde, best for shamans for horde (both of which very popular overall), best for hunter for horde. Even more, not just best, but a mile away from other racials (tauren hunters? lol) and somewhat viable for locks and even rogues. However, only orc warrior and shaman probably would be in top ladder, for a reasons.
While dwarf best (not just for horde ofcourse, but of both factions) for pala, priest, and hunters, with NE Hunter/priest good choise in certain situations too, and human pala is well option too.
(warrior) most popular class warrior with only viable racial option for a horde, combined with overall faction domination + (warrior) somewhat (on arena shamans are not that strong) class with only viable racial with overall faction domination
(priest) not even close to warrior population class with probably strongest racial option, combined with overall faction scs + (paladin & hunter) one of the most unpopular classes on arena

So, you got it? You compare oranges to apples.
You don’t put in faction balance.
You don’t understand that there only few race+class options, orc can not be an paladin for example.
You don’t understand that overall population have big impact too.

See? Once again, you just take some digits out from an air, and call them ‘facts’. Ignoring all other obvious ‘parameters’.

Another, well mistundestand. The game (PvE and PvP) balanced over…headless chicken’s decisions.
There is no balance nor in 2v2, nor in 3v3, nor in 5v5. Wotlk is much much much better in terms of balance, not ideal but all classes atleast have one option to play 3v3. TBC? Vanilla? Balance? Good joke.

BTW sorry, I don’t know why but you trigger you more then other do. While still not crossing ‘just ignore that dumbhole line’