Why aren't anyone complaining about warlocks?

Like seriously? I see a lot of shaman and paladin complaints but warlocks you leave in peace for some reason. The class that can literally solo 3 people at once, that outheals everything you do with the stupidly broken drain life rune, add haunt to that and you can try to CC them all day but they just won’t die. They literally just stand there, dot you up and laugh in your face while the dots drain your hp and their felguard beats you to a pulp… Why is blizz allowing this? And why are people accepting it? Do they aven have a counter?

It’s beyond stupidly broken and it’s been like this since phase 2.


Rich from a priest.

Not a single thing u typed is real lol…
Dmg is super low ,lowest in the game.
Pet dies in 3 hits.
Cant hardcast anything cause lock dont have spell pushback protection in any spell.
Its a skill issue nothing more tbh dont know what class you play but warlock is not good in pve or pvp.
Maybe its good on 1v1 but can lose to everything if you play it right and u are not a noob.
Imagine a rogue with spell reflector hitting you for 5 seconds after cheapshot kidney etc and vanish before stun ends to do it all over again.


Yeah, it’s not broken at all when i have to pop all my Cd’s and even a refecltor to even stand half a chance. And even then im probably going to die. You got SL, you got heals/drains wound poison and mortal strike can’t do nothing to, you got health stones and you are tanky Af even without meta. i just recently witnessed a mediocre gered lock slap down 3 people with relative ease. Call that as anecdotal as you wish, but no class should be able to do that. Maybe it’s a “skill issue” on your end.

Even if i get a warlock down, like once in a blue moon because his gear sucks, i will still die to the damn dots.

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skill issue detected


Just use Mortal strike bro.

my dots hits mostly for 75-100 while sp /boomy hit for 400

pet still don’t have any dmg reduction in pvp and get almost one shot by anything and always respawn with 40% hp (and you have to heal 7k hp with a 100hp tick drain)

wl is indeed strong in 1v1 but god damn it’s awfull to play in BG

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We are also the least played class in SOD!! My dots tickle if warlocks were OP we’d be flavour of the month

Maybe that’s because the class is boring af, at least in the current meta.

nah it’s just the worst class of SoD experience.

and unless they give us some pet QoL it’s gonna stay that way.

What’s the point? they’d have to tune every single class back to sane amount of damage or pump our stamina to wotlk values and that’s not going to happen

Do you PvPers do nothing but complain?

Well tbh i can say the same thing with rogue.
I see plenty of rogues 1v10 or smth ( on videos to be honest like pshero and stuff)
I know that the enemy are bad players or pve andies but still to be able to 1-2 shot players and move to next and do the same its kinda busted.
Plus i believe rogue beat Ret in 1v1 but i feel like Rets are one of the most broken classes in sod. (I hope i didnt summon Wave :P)


Dispell or running away (maybe with combination of CC and sprint for example) will remove drain life and then it has 15 sec CD. Absorb effects will make drain life heal for nothing. Pets have no damage reduction in PVP ATM and if warlock summons new one its going to have 1.5-3K hp depending on which one is summoned. SL does not work in Meta, Meta damage (and as a result drain life and siphon life healing) was nerfed by 15% in this phase. Other warlocks can keep you banished for literally 60 seconds if they chain it while you are in meta. Most of warlock CCs are in same fear category so many classes have hard counters to that too.

Problem with lock is that outside of drain life and meta they got no reliable PVP spell because SOD is extremely bursty and warlock relies on dots and hard casts, so best case scenario you gonna kill somebody after they kill you. Also locks are immobile, even in meta, only charge you have has short range and cannot be used in combat, so everyone with any mobility spell can outrun you if they need to.

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Dispell how? And running away and resetting don’t work when you got 5 dots on you, some with a 20+ sec duration and a felguard chasing you. Kill the felguard you say? Sure thing, then he just summons a new one. If ur deep enough into demonology to get SL you can also resummon quickly. Did i mention that these follow you and attack you even if you restealth? Well, they do. I have no idea what some of you are talking about when u say that the drain life only ticks for 100. It does not, I’ve seen more often then i like to think about that they go from 50% hp to almost full on one DL/haunt cycle. Add healthstones to that and ur fighting a literal tank. And yeah, i’ll grant you that the mobility sucks, but the felguard do have charge. And god forbid should u get close with your trinket and/or Wotf on Cd, then you get deathcoiled and feared into oblivion.

Idk, maybe it’s just a counter issue against rogues. But they are brutal. with pred blade and 6/8 NS i crit for about 550 on a backstab on them. As a meta it’s even worse, even with sebacious poison. Also the self banish crap tank locks get on their T1 set bonus. Like, what the actual hell is that? Only thing u can do is try to go for the felguard, but then he will just pop out of the banish and start the usual cycle of dotting, fearing and draining. Did i mention that the dots rarely break the fear? If ever? Granted. It’s been like that forever but it’s still stupid.

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People complain about hunters, yet my arrows still obey certain laws of the universe that life tap doesn’t have to deal with

That being, I can’t shoot through solid objects at my enemy but a warlock was able to cast through the center of blacksmiths building and kill me in AB earlier

Can I get some magic arrows that turn into ghost arrows and can move through solid objects but then turn back into a solid arrow and hit my target?

No ok then hmmm

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you already have magic arrow that hit for 3000damage in pvp while our dots tick for 100dmg :joy:

when they fix shamans, or give us mixed bgs, we can start complaining on real issues like op balance druids and warlocks

good rogues/rets are an equal match too bad that aint going for a majority of matchups.

warlocks are fine mostly

And here we come to main issue with classic / sod and probably WoW in general. It is imbalanced in 1v1. I fully agree that meta lock, especially with tank gear is a hard counter for any class that predominatly relies in physical damage (armor reducing poison / sunder is not gonna help you because Meta lock is gonna have 10-13K armor).

However, when I face decent Moonkin, my only chance is to rely on infernal armor rune (makes armor apply to spell damage for 10 sec) + master channeler drain life + possibly death coil as well in order to kill him before he kills me, and even if I succeed I end up with 20% health (I am full T1 tank and play with MD talent that also gives me 60 all resist) and sometimes get finished off by dot effect form the druid. If I dont have infernal armor available I am almost certainly dead if the druids starts shooting at full range.

Another example, there is no way I can catch or kill feral druid in comparable gear before he runs away with flag in WSG. All I have is death coil, and stun from Felguard, then he just runs away with 70% health and heals when he is out of range.

Another example - rogue. Yes rogue is bad vs meta lock if it is fair 1v1, but you can avoid the fight / disable the lock with CC (or any other class for that matter) for a very long time which in my opinion is the most cancer /anti-fun PVP game design I have ever seen. Not being able to do anything for 60+ seconds, when anti CC trinket has 5 minutes CD is just awfull, first thing I would do as game designer of SOD would be to reduce CD of the trinket to 60 seconds because classic / sod is extremely CC heavy while bursty at the same time which is just non-sensical combination.

TLDR: PVP in sod is extremely imbalanced joke, dont take it seriously.