Why aren't there many women playing classic

Women either plays healer,hunter with cute pet or well thats it.


Most woman playing, doesnt broadcast that they are female, simply cause it often can lead to unwanted attention.

The ones who are open about it, are either comfortable with the attention, or have a guild thats not filled up with teenagers who cannot hear a female voice without getting all riled up.


How can you know how many players are female and male. Maybe the silent minority are all females?

You can only say from this that women don’t stream, or twitch or whatever their gameplay, not that they do not play Classic. The only way to count male/female ratio would be to ask Blizzard, if they even use this stat.

In my guild on Hydraxian Waterlords (horde side) there are lots of women, and I’ve met many on horde side. It’s probably the smallest realm in EU tho, and only like 25% horde.

The game foundementally offers less possibilites than retail, and it’s a niche title. There is nothing wrong with that but it might explain why it didn’t attracted enugh female players who wants to stream.

On the other hand you can’t say that the players of Classic aren’t diverse, even if it’s a sausage party. A group of ppl is inherently diverse even if they were all the same gender and the same skin tone.

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Probably because most women don’t mention they are women. It’s not important.

Just for the sake of argument, I’m a single woman and I play classic and have since release. I play it because I like it. I don’t like BFA because it doesn’t feel like a proper MMO.

Also, every time I’ve spoken outside of my own guild in a discord I’ve ended up getting harassed by thirsty men who think with their genitalia rather than their brain, unfortunately classic has attracted those types of guys.

I just think it speaks volumes when most of the replies speaks negatively (even the joking ones) about women and how we all like a certain thing or act in a certain way. We’re all individuals as much as you are.


-there are tons of gamer girls, but they pick up more fun games with friendly atmosphere.
-plus they always care for new styles and so most wouldn’t play outdated old game.
-not to mention that RPG fashion games are filled with females.

But anyway for wow classic? many guilds have at least 2~4females in the roster team. if your guild doesn’t have any girl? then your guild members are not considering “friendship” part of the goals in classic.
poor try hard & raid logger Guilds might have zero girl.

P.S wow US servers have Far more famels playing wow than EU.

But ofc vanilla had alot of girls back then for many reasons, one of them is that…vanilla had commercials by famous actors in TV xD

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Well it’s actually because of the fact we’re individuals thats it’s important to notice the group differences, like your observation of men thinking with their junks

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We have one woman in our guild.

I respect your posts in these forums. I guess, gender sometimes explains kindness and no aggressiveness.
Had the illusion, that I could understand a woman by her writing style.

I hope it is not considered harassment.

While I haven’t been on discord voice chat with them, I certain quite a number of my guild are female, myself included. Like others have said I have a feeling that many of us aren’t advertising the fact we are female to the general populace, there is no need to.

However I also feel that in general women are less competitive, sure there are plenty that do want the competition, but it isn’t as common as in men (testosterone has a lot to answer for) so we are more likely to be on pve servers than pvp ones. On RP servers we really keep our heads down except with people we know as there are plenty of boys who seem to think that the only RP that a woman would play a MMORPG for is ERP, something I believe most of us have very little interest in.

A lot of Classic players are also in an older demographic and have learnt from experience.

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Well, they’re all playing retail with me.

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and /thread… pretty much…

Except for the number 6. Vanilla/Classic are about as punishing as a toddlers game, because WoW is not punishing. WoW was created to appeal to casuals, who do not want to be punished for their mistakes in a videogame.

Hey babe, wanna hang out with a handsome male night elf in Goldshire some time? There’s a great inn there I’ve heard…

Alright I’ll see myself out.

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I know the “women dont play games” is a joke but it’s true. Go on any online game and look at its stats, vast majority are male. In the same way certain music genres might be dominated by female, or male, audiences, the same is true for many (most) games.

In my guild we have 3 women in our core raid team :confused: to be fair there are a few people who never speak on Discord, one or two of them might be female, idk. But yeah quite a strong imbalance.

For what it’s worth, I think there is a more even gender ratio in WoW than say, Cod Warzone or PUBG or Counter-Strike. There are tons of female NPCs in the game and in the lore of the game, men and women are equal.

Although I think it’s a shame that the game sexualises the female player characters so much, in terms of armour and emotes, when it doesn’t do this to the males at all. Can’t imagine there were many women on the original design team I guess.

Well for me personally: I do love classic, and I really want to travel down memorlane. But I play alone, and I am late to the party so to speak.
Most people are fully levelled and geared, and I find it hard to find friends or even just to find people to dungeon with through levelling.

So I go back on retail :woman_shrugging:

they dont like corrupt loot councils and min maxing

I’m confused by the whole " women shouldn’t have to advertise they are women" …. What does that mean ? I don’t hear guys advertising they are men ?

Never logged on wow either retail or classic and someone says " hey guys i’m a dude irl " … that would be a very weird announcement.

Exactly, so why would a woman do the same? Therefore how do you know she is a woman? You may have played with plenty of females and just not known it. I would never ever go into a group and be like “hehehe guys just so you know im a girl hehe give me loot lol UwU”

As for the part about the “men thinking with their genetalia” I know that was a completely unfair comment, it’s a tiny minority of guys who ruin it for all the awesome dudes out there.

Ironforge mailbox is more my style. Could you do a striptease? I might throw some copper your way, show me them meaty nelf legs.