Why blizzard can't make a bg cross for ru region?

Why blizzard can’t make a bg cross for ru region?


Because we don’t want to play with you simple.


There just is to big gap between the EU players and the RU players.

I think both “groups” dislike eachother to much for it to be successful



I would also suggest for you…guys, to play your own RU games.

I hope your … “amazing” leader will actually interrupt external internet for the entire country and only do a “intra net” with your allies countries, like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, etc.

I know you guys act like there is “nothing wrong” in the world with your country and that “you are not guilty at all”.

I for one would be ashamed to demand things like you are now, if my country would do what yours do.


Because it’s VERY annoying to see these runes in chat that noone can read. Not helpful at all for communication regarding objectives.

Tbh, I don’t find it helpful to compare all random gamers with the psy,cho ruling over there. Do you rather want them in the streets of Moscow every day demonstrating?
I think the normal/average ppl in that country don’t deserve that kind of bashing, bc they can hardly do anything against their “master’s” deeds nor do they all support him. Lumping everyone together isn’t quite fair.

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The people should overthrow the leader if the leader is a maniac. Just like Amy western country has done throughout history.

People not doing anything is the same as accepting how things are


Dont be so excluding you pathetic retard toxic angry men. Of course every1 is welcome

Dont listen to the angry men in here. I wouldnt mind, and the same with all my friends. Its just in here you find angry little men

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Weak excuse. “Hey, we don’t like our leader”, but he’s in charge for 20 years.

Sure, not all supports putin, but the majority does, in contras to what you are…suggesting.

You would be very surprised to find that the majority who plays western games, like WoW or use Steam, etc, are actually pro putin and war, yet they use western goods.

I hate when in Hearthstone for exemple, I am obliged to play vs russians, because I am sure that from … say 10 matches against them, at least half are pro putin and war.

Its just in here ? Hello? Where are you living? In my country, most are “angry men” when it comes to russia.

Why don’t you just declare other servers Russian and invade them?


Language barrier i guess, we have different letters which makes communication a chore.

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I saw it coming… but it happened sooner then expected the 3rd post already, being toxic just because he is russian. Russophobia really does exist in the west.

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Bro your leaders threaten to nuke us at least once a week and the average Russian is a deranged sociopath who wants to murder his way across Europe just to prove how ‘strong’ Russia is.

Yeah sorry, but it’s going to turn some people against your country.


We hate everything and everyone, even ourselves, it’s human nature sadly

Love is hard, hate is easy peasy lemon squeezey for our monkey brains.

Seems to be alot of projection that assumes all Russian players are mad putin fanatics that think he’s the new jesus.

There is a war going on and it’s affecting a lot of other countries which I’m sure you can understated is causing tension between normal Russians that just want to live and go about their daily business and the west.

Anyone over there that stands up to putin must be brave, it’s not like the west where we can throw eggs in the faces of politicians and get a fine and some facebook likes

You throw an egg at putin you know he’s not thinking about a fine.

Maybe make a guild called “we hate putin” people might support you

But you risk putin’s nerdy nephew who might play wow, telling on you and you get your door kicked in during the night and never heard of again.

Been watching to much TV I think. I prefer the more happy go lucky western meme of a russian we used to have more often than what we get now

Like the dude from the space station in Armageddon.

I feel for you OP that just wants to live a relatively normal existence and chill in front of a computer game with their mates, but some little bald angry closet dude is messing everyone fun up.


Our great leader did nothing wrong, so is our country, you should ask USA and Israel for morality of their actions, also. But you still playing in the game produced by an american company yet argue about some morality.
Speaking of the real issues. The blizzard takes our money since 2009 when it officially brought WOW in Russia. Yet they do not provide enough services, yet still take up our money. The situation -


There you go, this is how the Russians are… Did nothing wrong, yet Ukraina is not in a good shape right now. How can that be?

Ukraine has the right to do whatever it wants. Make friends with whomever it wants, it’s an independent country.

Crossing the boarder to another country just like that is wrong.

USA has also done horrible things which most ppl don’t approve with. But this topic is about Russia.


why USA allowed to do horrible things and Russia does not?

Read my last lines


How unhinged can you be kid? Your leader is a gloried murderer nothing more, only out for himself and his view of how things should be and nothing else. If there happens to be a Hell that clowns going there.

Rather not, if you think the EU looks to USA for morality guidance you’ve been drinking to much of your dads dodgy vodka. Most of the EU thinks USA is a joke, something to entertain us with their antics.

Your on an EU forums moaning about a cartoon game you can’t play because big bad evil western company blizzard has taken you your ruble’s

Maybe stop playing a cartoon game and stop supporting a USA made game and go do something useful for your great country and leader they could surely do with it.