Why blizzard can't make a bg cross for ru region?

you joke about USA atrocities like lives of millions of the Arabs does not matter. And ignore Israel altogether

USA is the greatest ally of Russia since it’s conception it helped us so many times.
Even now it helps to “enslave” European union economy even more and funds our budget by doubling or even tripling the prices on the natural gas.

stop this now, it’s mashing your brain cells up

peace out last message, you crazy yo

Why are you talking about USA? The whole west knows USA does wrong stuff and ppl dont like it. But there are no merging of american and european server, same as there is no merging of russian and european servers…

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Sorry, these are words of a true sofa-hero.

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because hypocrite shills are just boring to argue with. Like my Ukranian grandma used to say: even you piss in their eyes they would still think it’s the God’s mana.

Well, seems like we all agree.

Keep russians for themselves, and americans for themselves.
Let europeans play in peace:O


Well , of course it does, at least in my country.

Russia has taken parts of my country along the history, started wars after wars, killings, etc. What do you expect? Followers and red carpet? Hello?

Yet here you are. Playing Western, American game in this case, while blaming them for … whatever dream you had last night. Dude, I would be ashamed to be against russia but at the end of the day… to play russian games or use russian “tech”.

You are using a Western website, a Western invetion ( internet ), a Western game, a Western computer , a Western phone ( at least the inventions )…literally all Western. What did your beloved country has bring good to the world beside drama novels and literature and…LOTS of wars?..

Then stop using their services? Geez you guys! Seriously, just … stay there, aka stop interacting with Western goods, players, etc. Ok? Thanks!

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hmm, I’m Russian and I just see Russophobia here, there are no countries in the world that have never fought in their history, I could tell you why this happened to Ukraine, but I don’t think the Western reader will understand me.

Do you feel silly now? First Russian response is literally “Our great leader did nothing wrong.”

I’ve seen the polling data on Russian support of the war, it’s overwhelming, they only started polling more pro-peace when they realised how badly it was going.

And that guy isn’t trolling, he’s 100% serious and is representative of broader Russian feeling. They have some weird inferiority complex with Europe and want to subjugate as much of it as possible to feel better about themselves, it’s always been that way. Blizzard paying tax in Russia is actually a disgrace, all their products should have been pulled from there already.


i’m not even from Russia i just don’t consider them to be our enemy.

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yes, however Ukraine is not a western country it does not play on the same league as Germany,UK or france sorry bro. If anything i dislike Ukraine more then russia because all i can see is Ukraine trying to drag us into this mess. As you can already guess i don’t care about Ukraine only about my own country.

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Yeah just give some delusional moron who lives in a palace at the end of the world carte blanche to invade whoever he wants, then when he inevitably gets too confident and invades Poland or Finland or Estonia and we’re all bound by NATO to declare war.

You stop them early, otherwise things get worse and keep getting worse, we learnt that in WW2.


Soviet propaganda 110% , “bro”.

Off you go now!

except he won’t. he invaded Ukraine because it wanted to join Nato it was 100% preventable. We can accept the L and start Peace treaty right now if we wanted to, but we won’t.

Nope it’s way better this way , and it should be for most game.

Hmm, I wonder why, mb something happened

Tell me

But forget about NATO, not only did no one accept Ukraine, but during the war two countries joined NATO, so this is a 0 IQ excuse

Forget about n@zis and other nonsense, if you count small groups of people with tattoos as n@zis, then you have no less of them, as in any country

And forget about the fact that once upon a time the land there was part of the russian empire, by that logic you should also give up some territories

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ok, there were regions in Ukraine that did not agree with the overthrow of President Yanukovych, they voted to secede from Ukraine, in 2014, in response, Ukraine sent troops there, and until 2022 they simply destroyed the population of Donbass, in 2022 Russia decided to recognize Donetsk and Lugansk was independent to accept into Russia and concluded an agreement on assistance and cooperation, Ukraine was given 2 days to withdraw all troops from these cities, Ukraine did not listen and in response Russia sent in troops

What about the Chechen War, and the second Chechen War, and the Russo-Georgian war, and Russia’s ‘intervention’ in Syria, and the annexation of Crimea?

Almost seems like Russia is manufacturing excuses to invade its neighbours, you know, like every imperialistic power has always done.

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about Crimea, where did you get the idea that it was annexed? they left Ukraine in 2014, as the previous regions only managed to quickly become part of Russia, I don’t think that you saw chaos in Ukraine, but the residents of Crimea immediately said that they did not need such unrest, and note that there are no fighting in Crimea The actions there are quiet and peaceful, probably because they are part of Russia?

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As for the Chechen wars and Syria, I agree with you that these are absolutely unnecessary wars, here I will be on the same page with you, I did not support this.