Why blizzard can't make a bg cross for ru region?

Where is the voting under international supervision? Or did Girkin decide that he went there with Russian troops? As can be seen from other cities where the FSB and paid homeless people’s were calmed down and everything was fine in these cities afterwards.
And it’s very strange to hear about legality from a country where the president himself extends his own term.

Do you mean that human casualties have almost disappeared by the early 20s, mainly from mines, so you invaded and drove the entire male population of Donbass into assaults?

Because propaganda works best when you separate people and stop their communication. Then it’s easier to demonize and strip one side of their humanity → “orcs”.

Privileged, pampered, brainwashed westerners don’t want you to play WoW. That’s their thing, only they are allowed the privilege of doing what they want with their lives.

You? They either want you dead in a ditch in Ukraine or in a similar position trying to overthrow your own state. Drop everything you have going in your life and prepare to fight, very reasonable, no?

You trying to live your live through some tough times just isn’t an option in the “enlightened” and superior western minds.

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International control was carried out by the OSCE observation mission, which noted from which side the shelling of the regions took place, and on the second question, why was it necessary to kill people at all? they voted to secede, does international law prohibit freedom of choice?

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He said on the western internet on a forum for a western videogame.

You want to be a hard man for hard times? Stop killing pretend dragons made in the USA.

Such strong logic right there. Let’s restrict every technology to the geographical area it was invented or popularized in. Why haven’t people thought of that?!

I’d say starting tomorrow you go back to using roman numerals and drop the use of paper for a start, wouldn’t want to become chinese right? That’s just for a start.

Who says anything about wanting to be a hard man for hard times? All I’ve said is people need some reprieve during hard times, some escape. Taking that away from them isn’t going to magically convince them to come to your side.

You know you don’t make friends by pushing people away.

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You forgot the war and the “peace keepers” in Transnistria.

True! Some more than others ( like yours ). But, there is this little thing called peace after WW2 and thanks to US ( mainly ) and then the creation of European Union, there was zero wars in Europa. First time ever since … what? Since the beginnings?

But then comes your country, in 2008 to attack Georgia and anex parts of their teritories, and then in 2014 in Ukraine, which anexed Crimea, and then again in 2022. Plus the 1990/1992 anexation of Transnistria.

Also, if you are so against Western, why the hell are you people using Western goods? Literally serious question. I don’t like russia and I’ve never been to russia and I try as much as I can to not use ANY of rusia goods or services which I strongly believe that I do that in most cases, if not all.

Oh but they are. They are the worst enemy to Europe and…guess what? They were always been. Read some history and maybe then you will understand some things.

There were regions in Romania which didn’t agree with overthrowing AND killing our dictator ceausescu. And I am sure there are some regions in ANY country in the world which don’t agree with their leader, president, etc. But …that doesn’t mean YOU have the right to interfere into another country, ANEX parts of it, then some years later start a full scale war.

What did you expect Ukraine will do after rusia anexed Crimea?! Of course they would start doing or looking for allies so that YOU will not do that again to them. Yet. . you did it again.

Yea, rusia propaganda 110%.


Man! You deserve the worst, sorry.

Blizzard, I hope you will ban rusia from your games. Let them live “happily” in their bubble. They are literally banned from most things in real life. Why are you not imposing the same things online?

As I said above, I hope putin will cut rusia internet from the rest of the world and let them be online friends with other amazing democratic countries like Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, etc.

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You might want to play on US servers, there are no language restrictions there. Ping will be slightly worse, but not game-breaking.

as I said, I didn’t expect Western readers to understand me, to understand you need to visit here and talk with the population, preferably in Crimea, you will be surprised how wonderfully the “annexed” Crimea lives.

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Well there it is boys, scratch the surface of a ‘decent’ Russian and all you find is a monster who wants to kill and conquer. They’d be fighting too if they weren’t too afraid.

If there is a lesson to be learned from the early 21st century, and there definitely is, it’s that we had too much confidence in the power of progressive western ideals. You cannot civilize barbarians. Russia never moved on from Tsars, they are a medieval people who should be cut off from the endless gifts the west has given them.

funny, open a world map and see how many Western military bases there are and how many Russian ones, but for some reason the Russians are bad. :clown_face:

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Because the west built and maintains the world order, such as it is. When Russia had their chance to build, they built… communism and the soviet union. I mean really, be honest with yourself, do you think a world led by Russia would be better? Come on now. The totality of Russia’s achievement is a few novelists, that’s it, for all of history. I wouldn’t trust a Russian to polish my shoes.

Come to think of it I can see why Russians are such an angry people, the scale of their failure is incomprehensible.

failures?where was the West when the 3rd Reich was marching victoriously in Europe?

You should learn history and watch less TV.

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Was that before or after the Soviet Union signed the pact to jointly invade Poland? You know, one of those inconvenient bits of history that you don’t learn in Russia.

In any case, the west was keeping Russia alive through the (still) biggest transfer of military material in human history, and defeating the Luftwaffe, and then opening another front.

you will be surprised, but the Soviet Union did not attack Poland, the Nuremberg tribunal recognized this immediately, you really need to learn history, and as for the West, it came only in 1944, 9 months before the victory, when it was already clear that the USSR was winning.

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