NPC: Sentinel Selarin
Quest: Trek to Ashenvale
It works in Seasons , it work in any other expansion of Classic, it work in Retail even.
But on Classic Era, it doesn’t.
It has been reported over so many times in past 4 Years, but nothing, no respond, no fix.
The Quest is not something special, but there are people who want to complete all Quests.
This is stopping them from accomplishing their Goal.
Some says, when someone complete previous Quest, it would appear.
This has been experimented and it doesn’t work at all, the NPC simple never appear.
Appeal to Blizzard Team, fix this Quest once for all, the Sky wont fall if you spend some time for it.
If Private Servers can do that, why you can’t do it?
Are you less Skilled IT than some Pserver IT who work for free and charity donation?
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Delete character and start over again till this quest will work, what’s the problem?
Frankly, you just have to layer hop at peak time and hope she spawns on one of the fresh layers. I just hopped once back in Darkshore and there she was, standing there. Took the q and never looked back.
She is supposed to show up when someone completes the quest Escape by… of Volcor.
It’s a similar thing to the bear showing up, which is rather silly, on busy servers he is just always there.
I think she tends to have a cooldown, or maybe only one of the quests triggers her appearance.
Blizzard may not consider this important since I recall there are other breadcrumbs.
Plus Tower of Althalaxx which brings you to Orendil’s Cure.
Passing by and picked it up, probably someone else had triggered it. Can confirm that she’s spawned by either of the Escape by… quests being turned in. Spawns a little way away, runs in, chats with Terenthis then offers quest for a few minutes. Lots of people miss it as they leave in the short interval.
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Maybe in Seaon of Discovery work, but in Classic Era it doesn’t.
January 21, 2025, 6:25pm
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