Why bots dont get banned?


The answer to Bots is simple but unfortunately Blizz wont put their hands in their pocket. You need manpower and a dedicated support team who can actively go into live, see the botters and then ban them.

Blizz wont do this though as it costs cash.

add that guy to your friendlist and see how long it takes for him to be banned

I do not think he gets banned anytime soon. From my observation, there are a whole army of bots farming Stratholme, they are rotating characters, they are on both factions 24/7…
Just try “/who Stratholme mage” ingame and you will see. There is more than 50 mages on that list so they cant fit a single list, which is 50 max…

This is HUGE influx of gold to realm economy and HUGE inflation on AH and GDKP…

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