the same fly hacking bots have been running stratholme 24/7 for 3+ months now with nothing done. Are they trying to destroy classic on purpose or is it just another example of the incompetence of this joke company?
Because Blizzard needs justification to add the WoW token to Era.
Blizzard’s incompetence and self-interest because bots are paying them to subscribe
Because F us, thats why
they probably do (as discussed in a blue post earlier this summer, by the thousands) but it’s probably not enough.
And what are you doing ? Have you ever gathered 100 players and banned at least someone? I’m sure not. There are enough commenters on this forum to solve the problem with bots on classic servers.
Bots can only be killed through making them cost-ineffective, now - bots, do generate an untold amount of cashflow for blizzard that the players would not reimburce.
So basically:
- Killing boting, would require staff to handle and make it unprofitable to bot.
- Killing boting, would cost blizzard passive income they get from their regular new accounts and first month subs.
So it is not incompentence or a joke. It simply is more cost effective to let them remain.
When bots become such a headache publicity wise that blizz must take action - they do a a show of force. Banning hundreds and millions upon trillions of bots, or so they say, and the bots you still see after is sadly - just the ones they forgot to phase into their bot shards of the game.
Regulary purging bot accounts as such, forces the botters to rebuy WoW to continue their business and earn more profits. Botters buying accounts grants blizzard as a company better Q numbers. As long you don’t break the symbiotic system, both sides here come out as winners.
It all works flawlessly… but only as long the problem is out of sight, so out of player mind.
Answer is really obvious
People still waiting for clarification from blizzard, why they support cheaters/gold sellers and gdkp. No action from their side from months.
Blizzard has no interest and, de facto, obligation to explain anything. If it is true what I hear from Classic community - I am afraid the best you can hope for is some sort of equilibrium between gold industry and fluid gameplay for “civilians”.
I am also wondering if your situation, however unfortunate, has something to do with seemingly less apparent bots etc. in retail. I haven’t seen bot or cheater for at least year and half and I play a lot.
All i can do for you is just ask you to go EPL - Strath UD entrance and enjoy what blizzard did with out era classic.
how would you see bots in retail when you just insta teleport to dungeons from the main city and never see anything outside of the dungeon entrance. if you actually had to go into the open world you would see them like in this video
I presume it is hundreds upon hundreds characters stuttering into instance.
Anyways it sounds sad, however I don’t know of any idea to help you here. At least in line with game mechanics i remember from vanilla (if they are the same now). I am wondering why there is such high demand for industrial gold in classic era though.
Yes, I remember that back in SL. I met few bots even in M+ groups which was baffling to me but we had fun breaking them. It was also the time when multiboxers were sadly common. Is that in classic too?
However, nowadays it seems this diminished a lot. Right now there are significant amount of people who would even wish for few bots because retail market lacks top rarity fish for industrial price.
same bots still 24/7 flyhacking and botting strat
$ > integrity
Because the only way to get rid of bots is to ban not only the bots, but also permaban all the gold BUYERS. That is a lot of subscriptions. Blizzard will not do anything about bots until the number of people quitting because of bots, exceeds the numbers of gold buyers+ bots. So make sure to take 1 minute to write why you are cancelling your subscription, when you had enough.