Why can't my Void Elf have this hair colour?

I think what OP is trying to say is that there are many other High elf threads, and here she is simply asking for black hair to suit the Void elf skin.

Making it into another High elf argument when the topic didn’t even mention it, is kinda annoying. This message isn’t for you specifically but for anyone that reads it



Well the Natural hair would suit them too if you ask me. And people want to rp as fully high elves soo why not give them the KT hair colors.

actually a lot more than I was expecting tbf.
Kinda annoying since the other allied races have naught to their name

So I geuss normal hair colors for Void elves are not of the table then :3

they’re not on the table though.
The maghar are certainly against the norm.

I do not agree with you there Blizzard wanted to make Void elves the alliance high elves so I think they would need normal hair colors.

they specifically said a few options for it though.
And you got them.

the interview heavily implied nothing more high elf now.

but i also think lets get off this thread.

I don’t think you understood my message at all.

To keep this on topic, yes yes yes! Black hair looks amazing on Void elves. I don’t understand why it wasn’t added in the first place. There is rumors that it didn’t work with the tentacle hair, so I hope it gets fixed

is there a different thread that is active about this you can drag us to?
If not I’d happily make a new one.

chose your poison
Lets argue on either or

Just choose 1

Blizz is already stole from belfs enough customisation so no more. . You got enough. Its a hard no

No it wasn’t

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Funny coming from a faction that “stole” a big part of night elven race, lore and architecture. You’re lucky they have such terrible customisation options, that’s why they’re flying under the radar.

The funny thing is, I’d support adding a bunch of new options (and even some night elf stuff) to the Nightborne, because giving more options to any race is a good thing. Especially when they make sense.

They’re not stealing, they are making available something that was part of the alliance for years.

TL;DR you can advocate giving more options to void elfs as well as giving them high elf stuff, as well as giving new stuff to vulpera, nightborne, mag’har etc. The more the merrier.

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I say Amen to that.

Making Vulpera a playable race was a mistake.
Now people think they can ask for even more furry related things to be added to the game.

I would argue that players who don’t actually play the game and come here on the forums to tell their worthless clown crap garbage opinion is what makes the game worse for everyone. So please, leave.

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Those hairstyles… why can’t Blizzard make stuff like that… :sleepy: :sleepy:

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This void elves community will always complain about something.
I want new skin colors, I want new eyes, I want new hair, I want I want I want…

What a charming and lovely person you are