Why can't we queue for mythic dungeons?

Because he is a troll. Not even the most casual of casuals would struggle getting the ilvl for M0 currently.

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Well, yes.

But you don’t spam chat channels. You list your group in the LFD tool. You even have drop down menus for that let you select the dungeon and whether or not it’s Mythic or Mythic plus.

If you are happy to be matched with anyone you don’t need to set an ilvl limit and can just take the first four people to apply in the right roles. The people applying to the groups just come up as a name, role and ilvl for you to accept or decline.


This is your problem here. You think there is some kind of special dedication required to bother being nice to people.

I’d recommend joining some communities; there are several who’s entire purpose is to help more casual players find dungeons and allow them to run with familiar folks every day, only… I think you’d consider this a chore and a burden, rather than the whole fekking point of an MMO.

There are better single-player games than WoW.


Well you have a point there.
But am sure Blizz can figure that out if needed. :slight_smile:


Just use that LFG tool OP. Sorry to say this, but it sounds like you are just being afraid of using it and interacting with strangers.

10 item levels means nothing after 410. The difference in dps between 420 and 440 is not much. People pay way too much attention to those numbers. Azerite and Trinkets matter, rest is crap stats anyway.

If you know what to do you can outdps 20ilvls to certain point. Depends what your specs toolkit allows you to do.

I don’t see why one shouldn’t be able to. It would be a good change.

M+1 to M+900 wouldn’t be affected, so the hardcore raiders would still be getting what they like.

One reasons why not. Is to prevent a “snowball reaction”.
Allow m0 to be in LFG then whats stopping from people asking lower level m+s to be in LFG as well?
They are also facerollable and you did make m0 in LFG so why not? Why just stop there?

Once Blizzard makes a precedent then I can bet my monthly salary that there will be a new forum thread called “Why can we queue for mythic +10 dungeons”?

Edit: And I fully believe that there will be people actively campaigning for it. Cause they can justify it with an earlier set precedent.

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It’s an attempt to “force” interaction.

On the one side you can’t have people all doe eyed about the social aspect and actually y’know, speaking to people and on the other hand they rail against it when they have to do it.

It’s a tiny barrier to entry, forming a group isn’t a big ask. Heres a crazy thought, greet them and try to get to know them a bit instead of treating them as 4 bots that are a means to an end.


No as I said, I have social anxiety and can’t deal with the extreme pressure of premades.

If mythic 0 is a joke then why are most of the elitists in this thread shrieking and losing their minds over the thought of casuals queueing for it?

It’s ironic because as I said us casuals want to avoid this elitist vetting process every time we log in and invading our privacy through raider io, and then here you go and reinforce why we need dungeon finder. We don’t want to play with people like you, stick to your premades.

If it’s so simple then why do you think so many people in this thread are telling you that this process is a huge hassle and stops us from doing mythics? And if the outcome is the equivalent to an automated dungeon finder as you claim then it makes no sense to oppose it.

I want casuals to be able to queue for all of it. How the world does that impact the “hardcore raiders from getting what they like”? Do they get some perverse pleasure out of gating us from their content?

Blizzard should realize that this exclusivity is a major reason why they’re losing so many subs from BFA.

Haha yeah great “social interaction” being denied from twenty groups because the group leader tells you your ilevel and raider io score are garbage and not up to his standard. Some of us don’t want to feel like a homeless person begging for scraps every time we log in.

Normal and Heroic dungeons can be queued for but Mythics can not. You have to form a group/apply to an existing group and it’s not complicated to do so.

In the same way that there is LFR but if you want to do Normal, Heroic or Mythic raiding you have to form the group manually with the group finder or join a guild who organise raids.

You as the player have the choice to use the tools provided and take part or decide that it’s not something that you want to do.

There is a guide on wowhead, should you need assistance with setting up groups using the in game tool

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Um that’s why many of us are pointing out in this thread that the tools are not enough. We’re trying to get the message across to Blizzard that current system is why so many of us are quitting an moving to games that allow us to queue for content instead of spending hours begging for scraps and going through a vetting process each time we log in.

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The tools are adequate, not everything is going to be accessible if you are only willing to use auto queue systems and not form groups.

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If forming a group or joining one is too much “social pressure” then you should address your anxiety issues, not try to bend the world to fit to you. Games should be inclusive, but I think its wrong for developers to even attempt to pander to every possible human foible.

Scared of spiders? Remove them from the game!
Scared of water? Remove it from the game!
Scared of open spaces?
Scared of 3 circles in a triangular configuration? Tell the world the new iphone strikes fear into your heart!


“So many of us” is hyperbole. You have no idea how many people have quit because they can’t queue for something, its a ridiculous assertion.

Also, what are you doing in Classic knowing you can’t queue for anything and will actually have to interact with people to do stuff?

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I’m sorry, but this 100% has to be a troll.
It’s super easy to get into M+ even as dps, I did my first mythic+ at like ilvl 400 and I’m very casual.
Not to mention you can get around ilvl 415 from just doing wq:s and quests.

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You have a lot of experience with difficult content, don’t you think mythic 0 dungeons aside from maybe operation mechagon are easy enough to make them queue-able?

Would be a lot more convenient for casuals, as they are I don’t see them as anything more than an hc with a little more hp and damage.

I would advise people to try it. Blizzard have to draw the line somewhere between content that is all queued for you and stuff people have to form themselves.

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Why does there have to be a line if it’s intended for pugs? So you admit that the only “benefit” of LFG tool over dungeon finder is that it’s easier to exclude casuals through the vetting process by players obsessed with ilevel and raider io scores?

Or if it’s NOT intended for pugs then the LFG tool should be disabled as well, right? Make it so that you can only enter mythics with guild mates or people who have been on your friends list for at least three months. Make it as exclusive as possible so us casuals finally get the message that this game isn’t for us.

Many casual players take part in Mythic dungeons without any issues. There is no exclusion. Anyone can start a group or a apply to a group.

Mythic is PUG content.