I wouldnt mind as long as it’s optional but they need to keep the difficulty and timers and ppl need to aquire keystones that can get downgraded to join (so working their way up to the +10, not just jump straight into a 10 with no experience and expect the rest to carry them).
Calm yourself, please. If you cannot keep a respectful tone when replaying to me, I’d appreciate if you simply didn’t. Thank you.
Regardless, you don’t know what I have time for and what I don’t. You’re not me, so don’t presume to know what my schedule looks like.
Me being on the forums shows that I have time to type on my laptop whilst my pan is cooking some chicken. It’s multi-tasking and it’s wonderful, but it doesn’t quite allow me to squeeze a Mythic+ dungeon in anywhere.
I’ve played WoW for more than 15 years, and I enjoy it very much, and I intend to play it for many more years to come.
Despite the fact that the LFG system doesn’t really suit me as a person, I will of course not quit the game because of that. All I’ve said so far in this thread is that I’m more personally inclined toward the queue system and would appreciate if it was usable to more than Normal/Heroic Dungeons. If not, then okay, I’ll play the game regardless, because I enjoy it.
I feel that custom M+ grouping through the tool is very compatible with this lifestyle (I have periods where this applies to me too), because you get to choose exactly what you want to do with very little wait time.
You can pick the dungeon, the key level, and even see the experience (RIO score) of the person hosting the group. The “Premade Group Filter” addon also lets you see what classes are in the partial group already, which is super useful to me (I don’t apply to groups that already have a ranged dps because most dungeons work better with two mdps and just one rdps).
But anyway, not trying to sell M+ to you, though I think you’d enjoy it!
Imagine world where in your queue you got m+,people from my expereince it taeks LONGER TO QUEUE OR DO LFR ,same FOR RHC imagine why then imaigne progress in int and wipes and on top of it being random who you get etc.
I am more than sure NO ONE good or any common sense would USE IT AT ALL and then we would be having thread about WHY NO ONE USES M+ RANDOM QUEUE EVER)!
O_O nice addon gonna use it thank you ^^
I just found it recently, and it’s so nice! I wish the default group finder had some of these features.
Would be very useful like for shrine 3x ranged dps and 1 of them is warlock without inerrupt is kidna auuuuu
Yeah, but the great thing about the queue system is that you’re free to do other things in the meantime. Once you click the queue button, then the game handles everything for you from there on out.
With the LFG system you’re sort of forced to stick around and be nearby, wait without knowing when, travel to and from, and be at the mercy of other players not leaving prematurely.
I’m not saying the LFG system isn’t great – it is, and it fits a certain player segment perfectly. It’s just not for everyone. It’s not for me.
Very good advice, but it does make me wonder… if you can already do all this, why not just add the regular mythics to the dungeon finder? It’d certainly save a lot of trouble. Instead of browsing through an entire list of poorly articulated descriptions you just go into dungeon finder and click a button. No more straining your eyes attempting to read badly written notes or trying to filter out all the russian and spanish. No more waiting just to find out they had already started the dungeon. Just click “join” in the DF and you’re off to Disneyland.
Ah so when you spend 3 hours spamming LFG tool to find a pug the players are magically better than dungeon finder just… because? Or have you ever considered that the reason why players are “brainless” in LFR is because the content is brainless and made for monkeys?
So you’re admitting the reason why you don’t want dungeon finder is because you don’t want players with less gear and experience than you doing YOUR elite content. You want to keep it exclusive to those with the right connections. Got it.
I’m pretty sure Blizzard called this design philosophy garbage years ago? Yet here we are again.
This is YOUR OPINION. Some of us have social anxiety and we don’t have a friends list full of “l33t pros” to carry us through content. We just want to queue up for challenging content whenever and play with random people. That’s what we consider most fun.
I don’t see any issue with being able to queue for M0 dungeons or why anyone would be against it.
Because then they need to nerf the difficulty of mythic dungeons to the ground, like they did in cataclysm when dungeons were harder to get through due to the extra requirements of CC and whatnot.
No, this mentality that if it can be queued it has to be nerfed into the ground is the stupidest idea I’ve seen on this forum.
The standard UI has a language/region filter already. It’s called “Filter”, right next to the search field. The game also won’t show you groups whose item level requirements you don’t meet. It’ll auto-complete the dungeon name, lets you choose the difficulty type, and you can type in the key level (if you type 10, it will show you only +9 to +11 groups). The “Premade Group Filter” addon that I mentioned above provides additional options.
It’s true that I don’t have friends who want to get boosted and don’t want to put effort into anything. This isn’t limited to the game. It tells me enough about a person to know that I would not want to spend my spare time with them. Presumably, many people who do end game content with friends or guildies feel the same way.
You pretend to be someone who considers this “elitist”, but it’s really just hanging out with people who don’t exploit others or take advantage of them without socially contributing anything. People who only take aren’t much fun to be around.
But as your posting history shows, you are an ambitioned core player who cares a great deal about status and exclusivity, so I’m still at a loss why you troll this forum and pretend that you are the negative stereotype of a casual player. Is it a parody?
I may dabble in raiding but I like the OPTION of just playing retail casually. That’s what this is all about, more OPTIONS for the casual player to experience challenging content.
This process is horrible. And one of the most unfun things in the game.
It’s a big part of why I don’t do mythic content.
What one person sees as ‘a simple task’ another sees as an ‘unacceptable hurdle’.
Then don’t do it. If you don’t want to communicate with your team, then mythic level content isn’t for you.
This thread is about changing the horrible process you have to go through to even be able to do mythics. Soooo, I chimed in.
I have no problem communicating with a group. However having to go through a harsh vetting process just to be able to get a group every time I log in is the worst thing ever and makes me not want to even play the game.