Why character boost to 58 is good

Though luck, its a (core) part of the game. There are alot of things that arent enjoyable for players, does that mean we should be able to buy our way around them? Who are you to chose what parts are important and not and what should be skipped and not?

No, not for me, by the progression created within the game. Getting to max level, buying skills, getting better gear, getting into dungeons/raids are all part of a context. Again, how can you say leveling can be skipped in the name of fun, but gearing cant. “I dont have time to grind gear, fun for me is Arena with friends” is the same thing - like it or not.

If they can afford it. By this logical all pay to win is good since “everybody can do it”.

Gee, Dottie, Im really not used to see you have these weak arguments.