Right so you don’t want to play tbc that much since you cba to level up, my guess is you boost and make it to 65 before you tap out. But ofc we should potentially ruin the game and definitely blow up the economy even more for some players who will bugger off after 1day /played.
Alfred the special snowflake decides again (or so she thinks).
My guess is you focus too much on other’s. Why is this? You get picked alot in real life so you think your the big deal on some random forums?
Feel free to not play or move to some private server, you will not be missed
of course and there is this argument.
How do you know that i will not be one of those end game players doing raids and dungeons?
cause that’s why im going to play to raid/dungeons and do pvp
i was never fun of leveling even when vanilla and TBC was current becuase only thing i like in this game is raids/dungeons and sometimes pvp
You might as well could have written “I have no clue what people are argumenting about”.
Its about time invested. A level 60 on server X or Y still have time invested in them. Its not comparable with skipping parts of the game that others had to do.
In a MMORPG-type of game, which World of Warcraft after all is (even tho they have worked hard to make it something else the last couple of years) time invested is everything - wether you do have that time to invest or not.
Time is what you “pay” with to grind mobs, gold, quests, gear, reputations, do raids and so forth. “Classic doesnt require skills” is something we hear alot, and its somewhat true, since it instead requires time.
If a player can PAY to be able to skip certain parts of the game, as an example the questing/leveling between 1-58, he/she automatically has bought time to put into something else, and by that gets an advantage over people who don’t or cant do the same. It’s irrelevant WHAT they put their time in, they will by default have more of it to put into whatever they prefer - unlike others.
Why is leveling something that is “okey” to skip, just because it’s on its way to something else/boring/done so many times before? So paying for Pre-BiS would be okey if a player only enjoys Raids but not Dungeons? Paying for PvP-gear would be okey if a player only enjoys BGs but not Arena? As said many times before, it goes against the idea and spirit if a MMORPG in general and WoW specfically.
In the end its all time invested. When you “don’t have” to invest time but others do, its clearly buying advantages. You want to be able to do what others are doing, but without putting in the work.
The time you will put in Raids, Arena, BGs etc after a boost is time one could have put in the leveling aswell (many could have started as soon as progression servers were confirmed). Diffrence is, you just dont want to!
So instead of trying to paint it out as something it isnt, just say “I want to be able to pay to win” and we can agree.
How is a boost to a measily level 58 a win exactly?
Unless you mean saving precious time, because that it does and it is a good thing.
boost please yes i need to play tbc i canot level again becose i need a new hero for tbc but level takes long. i do not can play so many hours day. so i take long to gey 70. Boost is ok so i can go play 70 with new hero
Enjoy your time in Shadowlands.
Not for me, I don’t play to invest in a character, I play to have fun, it is a game.
Saving time, yes, skipping content, yes. Doesn’t levelling to 60 give you an advantage? Better gear, 2 more levels and probably a few other things too.
Guess what, you don’t skip it all, only part of it.
Stop it with this argument, it’s wrong and strawmanning. It’s not in retail so it won’t be in classic.
No, it’s about having fun in the game how you want to have fun, which may be different to your idea of fun.
It’s not winning, at worst it’s pay to skip, it’s play how they want to play, by going straight into TBCC.
The pathetic argument of someone losing it. btw I’m not calling you pathetic. You see it all over the place, If I could play retail in TBC with the same stuff, restrictions and amount of players as Classic TBC, I would.
It’s a perfectly reasonable response, nothing ‘pathetic’ about it.
This guys is claiming that he ‘doesn’t have time to play the game properly because it takes too long’. Retail is the perfect answer to his dilemma. Super-fast, instant-access content that he can speed his way through without limits.
If he ‘doesn’t have time’ to level from 1-58 in TBC, he certainly doesn’t have time to level from 58-70, and if he doesn’t have time to level from 58-70, no way on Earth does he have time to complete any raid attunements. He probably won’t even manage heroic dungeon attunements, all of which require rep.
Retail is his solution, but instead he’s asking the game to adapt to him, rather than him adapt to the game.
i have time but no much so i can go 70 faster if i 58.
dont worry for me i can play dungeans and raid i will be ok
It’s perfect at all if they want to play TBCC is it? No limit to 70, no one doing dungeons and raids, some stuff can be done in retail but it’s nowhere near all the stuff you can do in TBCC.
Except you aren’t levelling in TBCC are you?
How do you know, it may not be having enough time, like me they will find 1-60 tedious.
You can’t know that, they can do it in the time they have saved not doing all that tedious 1-60 levelling. Let them play the game their way.
Again, that’s wrong you can’t do all you can in retail that you can in TBCC. It’s radically different and again, very mistaken.
One last thing which I will say again, you will not stop Blizzard adding the boost, it’s their game not yours or any players. If they add everything in Retail, which they won’t, they can if they want to and do you know something else? PEOPLE WILL STILL PLAY TBCC. It’s not a faithful recreation.
Pirate authentic servers.
See I can do it too.
He clearly said he ‘doesn’t have time’. Therefore it’s reasonable to assume that he doesn’t have time for the things I mentioned.
As you wish. I certainly can’t force you not to use the boost. I’m just personally against the boost and wish it never existed.
In a scenario where 2 players have the same ambitions (having fun is something I assume most people want to have when playing a game either way), the player that can skip 58 levels will have an advantage over the other one. With the time it takes for the other guy to level 1-58, the person skipping it/using boost can get more than 2 levels and the amount of gold 1-58 would give in “normal leveling” in much less time.
I would understand if the Boost was available had TBCC servers only offered copies of existing characters or a fresh character at the very release of TBCC. But, knowing we got Progress Servers confirmed, there’s nothing stoping people from leveling now or in pre-patch if they want to play with their friends.
The Boost is a cashgrab in shape of a “solution” for non-problem.
Having fun doesnt mean skipping things on your way. What makes leveling less important than gearing? If the focus is skipping whatever you personally dont think its fun then arguments about skipping gearing stays - dont use gearing as a metric for a made up progress thats important to you and hence “not the same”.
There’s plenty games where one doesnt need to level but can get straight into the action. Or games where gear isnt important. I would recommend them to people that dont like those parts.
Leveling and gearing are two core pillars of a MMORPG.
People offer their cash freely, and levelling is Classic is not enjoyable for some.
You should add “for me” to that.
Yes, but the other player can do the same if they wish.
Though luck, its a (core) part of the game. There are alot of things that arent enjoyable for players, does that mean we should be able to buy our way around them? Who are you to chose what parts are important and not and what should be skipped and not?
No, not for me, by the progression created within the game. Getting to max level, buying skills, getting better gear, getting into dungeons/raids are all part of a context. Again, how can you say leveling can be skipped in the name of fun, but gearing cant. “I dont have time to grind gear, fun for me is Arena with friends” is the same thing - like it or not.
If they can afford it. By this logical all pay to win is good since “everybody can do it”.
Gee, Dottie, Im really not used to see you have these weak arguments.
Pro boosters are most likely also the same guys who buy gold from 3rd party sites and are therefore partially responsible for the botting problem in wow.
I mean there would not be that many bots around if nobody would buy their gold…
Real players don’t buy gold, don’t buy boosts - they play the game themselves. Those are the players who really enjoy the game.
People that just jump on every game that is currently in hype status and quickly spend cash so they can join the hype will only play until the next new hype. Blizzard milking them is obviously smart from a capitalistic point of view.
reading your post is just so painful… Pay2Win should have no place in nostalgic wow classic / tbc. This is the reason why so many people created the classic & tbc hype - to go back to this original feeling, where you have to put some effort into the game without having CashShops and Pay2Win to buy boosts & mounts & gold etc…
Blizz agrees with everything they get more money out of it because they are greedy and put money over ingame experience.
Leveling will be pretty fast with the increased xp rate of the pre patch. Which leaves you 6 weeks and roughly 1h per day to get to 58 easily.
With boosts you will achieve the opposite - the worlds will be empty & dead coz noone will be leveling 1-58.
And rly? Blizz improving the game with the money they earned? Like giving us fresh server?? or solving the botting issue??? right…
Look like we know what we’ll come with the boost :
25 golds and some green gear. The issue is the herbalism/mining for me.