Why character boost to 58 is good

Because people have the foresight that you clearly seem to lack. It won’t be limited for long and it will bring with it even bigger botting problems. The future banwaves will be even less effective than the previous ones, as the bots can simply boost themselves most of the way with a press of a button.

The only difference is that Blizzard will make money off the bots buying the boost, but it won’t have any positive impact on the legitimate players.

Boost is awful for the game, not just in short term but long term. But as it seems Blizzard is now purely focused on the profit aspect (recent lay offs, while giving execs massive bonuses being a good example). They’ll drain out every penny they can as quickly as possible, before people lose finally lose interest.

If the boost happens and, people like yourself keep spouting how they are okay with, before TBC Classic is over there’ll be unlimited boosts, faction and race change, as well as potentially some new shop features.

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This will happen unfortunatly.

Mid-way i’m expecting them to whine about attunements & pre-nerf boss.

“Attunement key pack! Only 25 euros for whole account! Save yourself from the bothersome experience of actually playing the game, so you can enjoy the game”


Who cares if bobby is smart and make
Milions, the boost helps me to not do the dreaded leveling in classic again! Cheers to

Look at the retail store… you cannot buy endgame progression right? What on earth makes you think they go so far in classic? You seem somewhat deluded.


Would you like it for a guy with more money than you to be allowed to cut in line for the vaccine? No, that’s what’s called unfair. There are many examples of exactly this occurring on a daily basis that’s a fact, it’s enough to look at the unequal distribution of vaccines to wealthier countries.

When you’re at the bottom you fight those at the top and those at the top do anything to squish those at the bottom, it’s just a matter of who’s side you’re on.

If you had any sense of morality you wouldn’t side with these animals because deep down you understand this is not fair to those who can’t afford €60 boosts.

I look forward to going full circle back to Classic vanilla servers because at least there the game resembles equality

So if I can afford a better car than the one you have I shouldn’t buy one?

Edit: You could also say that some people cannot afford a car so no-one should have one. Then onto the next level of transport, but that would be strawmanning you all the way to people only walking everywhere.


Retail shouldn’t be an example for Classic.

This was here as a joke

Said by a leech xD

Ofc i’d like to cut the line to the vaccine if it was possible with $$.

I have morality, and i agree the world its a bad place.

But dont come to the analogy of a pandemic vs a boost in a game.

Comparing life and death vs entartainment.

Also, as Dotie stateted” im sure if u can afford a mercedes” u will by one and wont think i shouldnt cuz my neighbour barely had
Money for ansecond hand scoda fabia.

Its just a game! Piece of advice- the world will never change.

There will be no pay to win, there never was in wow.

Stop beeing emotional about the topic and think with rationality.

The boost is only to 58 to start in green gearbout adventure in tbc.

Mind overreacts and ur filter is playing tricks on you.

Thoer will be no such thing as pay to win.

Its called pay to
Convinience- sometimes u order food right? Because u dont have the time to cook nor the will!

So pls, myself and you eant to enjoy tbc, i atest to that, but dont overreact emotionaly with things that wont happen.

Be more flexible in your procces tought.have a nice week!


This is not crossing the line. Not in mine, or the most people in this thread and certainly not in the eyew of Blizzard.

so you see, you are almost alone in this.

No he isn’t. P2W/P2Fast is generally bad for the MMORPG

If you give an option to “skip” a time-consuming content in a MMORPG which are supposed to be time-consuming games you are somehow ruining your game.

Yes, WoW still the most played MMORPG but it has such a bad players retention since a lot of years now. Because you reach the “end game routine” too fast.

The rework of the Vanilla leveling from patch 2.3 was a good gamedesign decision. The 58 boost is just a lazy decision to grab some $ from lazy players + extra cash for the Classic players who’ll use it to boost an alt.


What about people who are tired of farming gold for mounts? Should they get a boost for that as well ?
What about leveling professions? That’s pretty boring and everyone’s done it a thousand times, why no boost for that?
Attunements? That’s not very fun is it? Why can’t we just pay for a boost to get straight to the content that we enjoy?..


Leveling is mandatory to play the the most important content in the game.
Levelng is mandatory and costs alot of time.

What you are naming is not mandatory nor is it needed to open content.

Try to do better next time.

Nah I done here. Fanatics can’t be reasoned with.

So it’s good you can use real money to skip mandatory content? :clown_face:


Why do you need to ask this question again? This thread is so long now and it is explained over and over and over why the boost is good.

I guess since weekend has just passed you still need to recover from brain damage all the booze did.

How about read a bit back to find your answers.

The answers are you don’t want to play the game but buy your way to instant gratification, there are plenty of private servers you can play on where there is pay to level, pay for gear, pay for dualspec. Everything you need.

This isn’t a question of how you should be able to scum me in an already unequal world, but a question of why create an unequal world in the first place. Something that seems to be too hard of a concept to grasp for brainwashed workdrones.