Why character boost to 58 is good

Basically this. I find it mindblowing that people have standards these low nowadays.

“The leveling design is flawed, it becomes a tedious experience in the future expansions because the previous content becomes irrelevant. How do we fix the problem?” <= This is how we, PAYING CUSTOMERS, should think.

Instead, a good bunch of players think it’s perfectly fine to pay more money to avoid (not even fix) the problem.

“I am paying for this product, but it flawed. Oh, I can pay more to avoid being affected by the flaw? Great!”


Because everybody wants to be special. Why do you think the real world is unequal? For lack of trying? No, because it is filled with special snowflakes.

This is exactly the same with the boost. The special ones are scared new players have some way of lagging 90% behind them instead of 100%

The real world IS unequal, especially around money, get used to it. How is me owning something others can’t afford making someone else scum? The world is not egalitarian.

I work hard and can afford good stuff, that doesn’t make me feel guilty in any way.

You are making this into a you problem not a game problem.

The leveling design is flawed. Have fun leveling from 1 to 120 in whatever expansion went that high.
If it wasn’t flawed then why did they tweek it almost every expansion by making xp faster and/or scaling.

There are people who wanna play TBC. And by play TBC i mean literally do 99.9% of the tbc content which you need to be max level for. 1-58 has nothing to do with this.
Why are you people so selfish? Who cares if johnny buys a boost to 58? I don’t give 2 sheets if he did it himself or mage boost or blizz boost. He’s happy and our server has another player.
Edit: soup i probably misinterpreted your post. Doesn’t matter my lunch break is over see you clowns tomorrow during another lunchbreak.

"“I am paying for this product, but it flawed. Oh, I can pay more to avoid being affected by the flaw? Great!”

Can you even read? You’re completely missing my point.


Isn’t it enought ? This was a good gamedesign decision because it’s faster but you still play the game.

So, BE/Drae will level up throught their starting zones. Should they ask to be able to skip the 20-58 content ?

Ppl play TBC for max lvl content. So i don’t care nor should anybody else if they spent 1 week leveling to 58 or paid 60 bucks.
Unless you’re selfish right? Whaa i spent 7 days and he gets to pay…
Be happy there’ll be more people. On my server I can do 1 dungeon in a whole day if I’m lucky.

Regardless of bots so don’t reply to me with that argument. Bots been here since day 1 and bots will be here until the last day.

Well hey with your logic every expansion should start at max lvl of the previous one? Not sure if you’re antibooster or just a clown or both.
Leveling design is flawed after a certain point, i’d say at TBC it was quite alright still.
So no people aren’t paying to avoid a flaw, people are paying for a small headstart.

I’m. I’m not really against the 1 time boost itself but the mentality behind it or the arguments like “leveling is not a content”

Funny here. So Blizzard should add everything into the game then, it would be selfish to not doing so and please everyone, right?

True, they’ll just be more effective.

If people play TBC for the max level content why don’t we just all start at 70?


Leveling is content, why not skip a bit?

Questing is content, i bet you also skip certain quests. Nobody does all quests in game. This is sailing the same boat.

Who said it’s mandatory?

I’m sorry, are you a lead product designer at Blizzard?

So everyone who used a paid character transfer in Classic was “crossing the line”? Because, they used their wallet instead of re-leveling a new character on their new server.

Where was the protest when that was introduced, I wonder…? :smirk:

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If ppl don’t play tbc for max lvl content, why do they play then?
Nobody is going to start tbc and be like wow can’t wait to lvl from 58 to 70 in outlands and call it quits.

Sorry, I am not going to scroll though the entirety of every conversation, you do understand that my time is more valuable than that?

Seems like you can’t read. Nothing is mandatory in a game. Obviously some things are going to be required in order to progress.
Don’t take everything literally word for word, a lot of people here including me aren’t native English speakers.

It was the one above mine.

Leveling is mandatory to play the the most important content in the game.
Levelng is mandatory and costs alot of time.

How did I read this wrong?

You really are a loser. LOL.
Always namecalling ect. when you cannot make a point. You are good in 1 thing and that is making enemies.

But at the end of the line. You can cry like the little girl you are, like one who does not get her lolly.
Fact is and remains WE WILL GET BOOST. And there is nothing, nothing at all that you ever could do about it.

You lose, like the loser you are you already lost in life and now here. So keep going on with your crying nobody cares about you

If I can’t do anything about it, why are you crying about me trying?
Sure I got alot of enemies. I have more friends, unlike you, who’s friends won’t play unless they can pay to win.

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