As Jeyce said, there are people out there who use RP to further and shape their characters and don´t write long life stories into their profile.
I’m aware of this. Don’t know why that needs to be said.
So what you suggest is to commit to RPing situation I may not enjoy with someone who may end up being powergamer only because it would be preposterous to just ignore them outright?
Already answered this three posts ago.
The mature thing to do would be to politely explain in an OOC whisper that you aren’t enjoying the role-play, you feel uncomfortable, and would prefer to end it there. No flaming. No attitude. No resorting to meta or power emotes to get outta dodge. If both parties are adults, then the role-play will be concluded and you can both go on your merry way without embarassment and only a tinge of awkwardness.
… >
it really seems like you honestly believe that criminal roleplayers are this nice group of people who, even if they do powergaming and all other kinds of things that are signs of bad roleplay, are absolutely understanding to others? And somehow, it´s everyone else who is in wrong and we should just be more understanding of average Stormwind mugger, even if said mugger is doing it to “win”.
It seems like this thread has hit the bedrock, where basic reading comprehension has gone out of the window and there’s no more constructive discussion to be had. I haven’t argued or advocated for any of this, Dorlas. The narrative of the last 30 posts has been so nitpicky and all over the place, however, I’m not surprised you think that’s what’s going on here.
To cut a long story short, this thread started to derail around Morduas’ (brilliant) reply, which was post #29-30, and since then it has been plagued by ‘hurh, criminals suck!’ and this shallow thought that criminal role-play is hopeless because (quote-on-quote) ''the only reason people do it in the first place is to win!‘’… As though the real reason we role-play isn’t because we enjoy the process of writing a character we find rewarding to play.
I’m going to call it a day there. Great reply though at #55 or so, Rocmar. That was a bloody lovely post.
I could be alone in this but heroes journeys are a dime a dozen. I’ve always found regular folks tales in universes such as Warcraft’s more captivating. How life works and how it affects normal people in terms of the day-to-day makes it both relateable and intriguing.