Why Death knight does need a full rework

Obviously DKs need a complete rework in all of it specs, it’s a boring, slow-moving and nonrewarding gamestyle and there’s a blatant disconnect between class fantasy and gameplay. Like who in the their right mind feels rewarded to either Pop Army of the Dead and do decent damage on a short fight or mediocre/garbage damage on a long fight as Unholy? Frost is the most non-rewarding spec I have ever played, Breathe of Sindragosa is a garbage ability and should never seen the light of day in my opinion. No idea how they fare in PvP since I don’t really focus much on that aspect of the game. Let me break it down why (atleast in the PvE side of the game) they need a rework. Obviously these numbers and statistics available to the public aren’t a 100% honest representation of reality but it’s the best available to the playerbase and in the end there is bound to be some truth to it but let’s board the DK-Whine-Train boys:

Just check the logs on the first boss in Eternal Palace in mythic diffculty:
Druids - 15517 logs!
Priests - 12841 logs.
Paladins - 10525 logs.
Shamans - 9921 logs.
Rogues - 9233 logs.
Hunter - 9427 logs.
Mage - 8909 logs.
Monk - 8862 logs.
Demon Hunters - 8421 logs.
Warlocks - 8308 logs.
Warriors - 7589 logs.
and lastly Death Knights - 4510 logs in total, Blood - 2153, UH - 1450 and Frost 917.

There are 3 times more Druids who have killed the first boss than Death Knights and 1,5 times as many Warriors that has done the same feat than Death Knights aswell. I wonder if this has something to do with the lack of raid utility and damage Death Knights do or if people don’t really play Death Knights?

Well let’s check the class distribution of all the 12 classes on level 120:
Druid - 10.8%
Paladin - 10.8%
Hunter - 10%
Warrior - 9%
Demon Hunter - 8.6%
Mage - 8.4%
Priest - 7.5%
Warlock - 7.3%
Rogue - 7.3%
Shaman - 7.1%
Death Knight - 6.9%
Monk - 6.1%

So the least playable class has more representation on the first boss in Mythic than DKs.

Not sure how I feel about the class fantasy being reflected in the gameplay of the Death Knights either. This is what it says on wikipedia atleast for all specs:

Blood - “The blood specialization focuses on the manipulation of blood, using an enemy’s blood against them while using the death knights’ blood to benefit themselves.” and in-game it says “A Dark guardian who manipulates and corrupts life energy to sustain herself/himself in the face of an enemy onslaught.”

Death’s Caress and the Blood Plague debuff visually looks like DKs are manipulating blood. Death Strike + Blood Shield not really a “blood manipulating or a Bloody attack” and don’t get me started on Vampiric Blood the visual is a Rune above the head?!! Dancing Rune Weapon + Bonestorm feels out of place and our baseline defensive Icebound Fortitude looks kinda chilly. Anti-Magic Shell looks unholy. Blood Boil is an angry red circle around me not sure how I turned into Saturn with rings and all but all I can think of is what are the rings of saturn made out of? (apparently it’s made almost entirely of water ice).

Frost - “Frost specializes in control, counters and combination strikes using frost related abilities.” and in-game it says “An icy harbringer of Doom, channeling runic power and delivering vicious weapon strikes”.
Somehow we’ve been Transformed into Frozen’s main protagonist Queen Elsa during the scene were she sings “Let It Go” except instead of a snowman we summon icy skeleton dragons and we don’t do ice-bridges. 8/10 Class fantasy but it doesn’t change that the spec itself is really boring and where are the vicious weapon strikes? Shouldn’t obliterate do more damage if it’s supposed to be “vicious”? Why is a howling blast (not a weapon strike if my understanding of english translates those words in combination correctly) and a chilly breath doing more than my weapon strikes? Breath is literally a runic channel so atleast they got that right but wait… It’s not baseline? Shouldn’t it be if Frost DKs are supposed to channel runic power (but I secretly hope they remove that garbage ability).

Unholy - “Unholy specialization focuses on poisoning your opponent and sending the player’s permanent, controllable pet ghoul to attack the enemy.” and in-game it says “A master of death and decay, spreading infection and controlling undead minions to do her/his bidding.”
I really hate Unholy spec right now, boring,slow and class fantasy sucks. Why is Sylvanas more Unholy than Unholy DKs? She literally do sins against creation, kill her former sisters/brothers and all-around seem like a pretty wicked lady. Why do one of my attacks put on a festering wound that doesn’t do any damage except when I burst them? To me it sounds alot more like blisters. Army of the Dead is also a garbage ability, 8 minute cooldown and you summon 8 ghouls (1 for every minute?) and 1 skeleton Mage if you have the azerite trait. Rename it to “Band of the Dead” and make us summon a skeleton drummer instead since that’s no army it’s a small warband.
Also found this little nugget from an article from 2007 were Tom Chilton, one of the lead designers of WoW at the time (who stepped down 2017) said “We don’t want the Death Knight to be a sort of minion-based fighter. He’s focused towards bladed weapons and smashing your head in.” and today unholy is literally a “minion-based fighter”. as Unholy DK I know who’s the boss in my relationship with my ghoul, he’s the source to the big boy damage and his buddies do a significant amount of damage aswell. Is unholy just a undead beastmaster nowadays?
Unholy are pretty much the kid from Bubble Boy that is made fun of.


Wod Dk was better. Escpially blood and unholy both where best state/version ever. Blood dk in wod just flowed incredbly well together,same for unholy and it had necroticplague which was such fun talent.

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I go wotlk unholy dk with the 3 dots

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in wotlk, the most damage for a single target did meele abilities (exception was DC), while in the crowd the most disease with spells like blood boil or dnd.
in general, I see a great similarity in the figures obtained by paladin in these scenarios: aoe - divine storm, st- tv. I mean numbers.

in bfa still VP… st - vp, aoe - vp.
I want to have a lot of disease damage(many diseases!) but not in every situation and not in the next expansion pack after Legion…

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atm virulent plague has high numbers with a lot of targets but isn’t really a dot that applies pressure. I am talking about pvp for virulent plague. Not saying they should buff the dot damage because than things can become op. Maybe they should ad some nice mechanics back for unholy, frost and blood.

Like how icy touch was , reduced attack speed and increased casting time. plague strike could dispel, death coil when used had 10 sec window ur dots can’t be dispelled and atm now for frost in pvp talents, slowing mobility abbilties by increasing cd and increasing gcd.

Such abbilities are dk missing, owyea missed blood ( like when they hit you with melee you are healed for % health.

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I just miss the old days where Blood DK was a damage spec. After they switched it up DK was never the same to me.


Same here. I loved the idea of Frost being the tanking spec. Unbreakable Armor was a decent cooldown. Self-healing tanks are bad gameplay, would rather tanking be focused on mitigation as opposed to drain tanking style of play.

Just logged on my DK after 5 years not touching it. Used to be my main from Cata up to Season 3 WoD.
Loved to PvP, I was awesome at it. (got 5000+ kills and many many RBG and Duels…So many Duels)
I loved the Runic Presence (or w/a the name of the 3 stances for tankiness, damage, and dots) because they were situational, you had to switch very often. Especially during PvP.

Now they are gone…My abilities feel…underwhelming. So many buttons in my Action Bar are ? ? ? ?. I remember struggling fitting the abilities, but now I can include them all with 2 action bars.

Slowest Class ever, if it wasn’t for being a Worgen I say it would be unbearable to me.


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This here is absolute truth. Thank you


All i want is the class design of MoP to come back. That would fix 99% of the issues imo

just no… cataclysm is what broke the classes and MoP only enhanced how broken each one was…

I think there are some valid points here. First of all i think Blood, Unholy and Frost are good choices as a spec for DK. The lore behind the 3 specs are also decent however i think we can all agree that it’s not really shown in the current DK specs.

I don’t want my frost DK just be a warrior with some “weak” frost mage abilities. We should be harbringers of death using chilly frost, unholy plague and blood magic. We aren’t warriors nor mages nor warlocks.

Also ridiculous that we run away in fear i mean haha really haha wow Blizz. They should fear us as we are the embodiment of death or at least we should be. It’s time especially in the new expansion that death is gonna be more relevant then ever so let it be our driving force that weakens all living things.

Anyway I think as Frost DK myself i love my abilities, they have nice visual effects. BUT I think that all our attacks are so meaningless and not very impactfull, i mean i love Obliterate it sounds so good but its nothing more then a slap on the shoulder. Honestly im fine with us being slow but what i want in place is that once we are in the battlefield we make a difference that we do some serious damage.

I agree that Frost feels just like a battle frost mage. Maybe they should add some blackisch tints in our frost abilties to show we aren’t mages but bringers of chilly death with no mercy. Same goes for unholy they should be masters of death and use that to overwhelm the enemy with fear and despear.

There in my opinion alot of ways to improve their fantasy to make death an actual part of DK. I mean what would DH be without their Fel right ?

I also remember this and I dont want this back, I hate when playing a class is like rocket science and piano talent show… its frustrating and not fun for me.
I like number of buttons to press how it is now.

Hopefully with the allied races getting deathknights and with the new dk intro, blizzard will take the time to take a new look at the class. I have been playing my dk since legion and i really liked the way frost felt. Slow and with no mobility but tough and if i caught up to people they would be in real trouble. Thats all gone now ofcourse, all the gcds we got and all our damage beeing put out from 1 boring ability really killed it. I’ve tried Unholy as i mostly like to pvp anyway but unholy feels really weird too. A bit all over the place and if your top damage is your dot and your pets auto attack somethings off aswell. I do really hope they change the class around come next expansion because i miss playing my dk. I commited until 8.1.5 after that i lost hope on it changing this expansion, but i miss my melee chads, and warrior or paladin doesnt quite do it for me.

I don’t think the gcd’s themselves were really the problem but rather that they did not add anything to make them feel worthwhile, for example if you use the frostwhelp to pillar of frost, you suddenly feel alot better about actually using pillar of frost but at the same time, the reduction in cooldown time on pillar from 1min to 45seconds made it feel like there was too many of those deadzone globals, especially with ERW being, for some reason, converted to an awkward dps cooldown that interferes with certain talents/traits rather than retaining its position as a backup support ability for when you needed a little more frosty power.

We used to be death machines, an instrument of death, the horror in the horizon.

Now we are just blue eyed plate wearers.


Some of us barely qualify on the blue eyed part now too

After playing this rogue a while I have come to the conclusion that Death knight is simply obsolete for sure.

The rogue is just better on all accounts.


Agreed. DKs are a mess right now.,this is last expansion for me … becouse blizz you are SUCK, and dont listenining players

blizz should just learn from Star wars the old republic. The Juggernaut class has 1 tank and 2 dds specs in it and it works super great.