Why Death knight does need a full rework

Yay, wrong char. I don’t know why it changed. Whatever.

Ps.: I would trade BoS for a boring, basic, hardcoded rotation without a second thought.

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the glacial storm build from antorus patch was good enough replace for breath that i really enjoyied and planing to get the RW resets with 10 stacks felt really good, both single and cleave targets
if im not mistaken they removed the impact of haste on RW

currently with low haste impact and GCDs everywhere it feels cluncky, the stats are all over the place, u need mastery as its the one scaling further, versa is a big stat per point investment, crit is necessary for KM and haste is there somewhere now because u will never be able to stack as much as in legion.

at least unholy u can mainly focus on 2 stats and be functional

I do agree that Death Knight could do with some redoing.

Frost should be slowing targets and then smashing their icy husks for extra damage!

Unholy has always been about DoT plagues and Minion Horde management! They could split Unholy into two subspects to allow focus on DoTs or Pet damage!

we had that with festerblight build, with necrotic blight disease at 15 stacks and then keeping it up with festerstrike extending the duration

the minions should be there but not as a main focus or it would just be another demo lock. but instead how currently they are as suporting and focusing on scourgestrike/clawing shadows power with melee.

First you(not only you bro) cry on various topics, that unholy should throw many diseases and weaken enemies, and then you deny it. Because that’s what he did unholy in wotlk. He weakened his enemies and had several diseases (frost fever,blood plague, ebon plague) - frost and blood - they were stronger than in the frost spec or blood, not like now. Unholy was the real king of disease when it comes to this class of character.
Currently, frost fever is stronger than virulent plague per hit. LOL Blizz.

Btw, wotlk still the best

comparison wotlk unh:

  • if you do not have time to use icy touch and plague strike = you lose damage from IT,PS and FF,BP(diseases)
  • if you correct the attack, but this will not hit = you lose damage and rune (if I rem)
  • eg if you forget about it, your scourge strike will do less damage = loser xD

-if you forget something, you can use it again because you use one type of runes = pro gamer xD



Oh my god, yeah! Juggling that stuff back in WoD was great! Though, that said, I am sure we could do something far more interesting! Ok, fair enough, maybe they should just be mainly a DoT plate wearer as that has never really be done before, right? It’s always been rather secondary at best. Minions have to be there; for burst or for more DoT application.

While I do think that Unholy should be a debilitating disease machine, I also don’t think Warlock should be the only “Minion Horde” spec; having access to various options for ghouls and other monstrocities! I want to have something rotting and viscious on a choke chain as my ghoulish pet!

i dont recal saying unholy should not been about diseases, in my comment above i even say how great festerblight build was.

i said i dont think it should me focused alot on minions as that is beastmaster and demo lock already

i said i dont think it should me focused alot on minions as that is beastmaster and demo lock already

In wotlk, gargoyle, ghoul * and the army of the dead, were one of the strongest hits in one target. It was BIG CD, 3min and 6 min but one of the best in the game cd.
That’s why I will not agree with you because this specification (unholy) has always been associated with the control of the undead, but I respect your opinion.

The advantage of dk is its capabilities based on its power, which was presented in the history of warcraft.
Then you can have a lot of thoughts, lots of associations and probably all will be right. I mean what this class or specification is supposed to characterize. It’s just a lot of maneuvering space.

It can turn into a disadvantage, because if you get a lot, you will probably never achieve something perfect.

unholy uses:

  • necromancy,
  • diseases,
  • weakness,
  • meele and range attacks

Now you try to make it all was a strong (this is what the players want) and at the end of the matter, let everything be competitive with other classes in the game.
Realistically you answer, there is no chance.

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are u just typing for the sake of typing? do u understand beastmaster and demo lock gameplay of waves of minions or tons of minions at ur control?
demo warlock is basicly the necromancer gameplay already.

what im saying is we dont need to be a swarm of minions master, ghoul alone in wrath was 1/3 of ur dmg and thats why u put blessing of might and pet treat on him everytime and u kept him alive if needed be with DC
much like arbiter in legion was totally ok, abomination totaly ok. big azz minion on ur side OK
just look how good the interaction between ghoul and arbiter with legy shoulders was in legion
the simple dark transformation and infected claws combo we got at is more way interaction than u had with ur ghoul in wrath which was just there atacking the boss, much like gargoyle was just a press and fire spell that u used after poping ur CDs, buffs and pots, same as summon undead on the other 2 specs, been there done that. it was just a simple macro button
so excuse me if i disagree that wrath DK was more based on minions than the extremely limited interections we currently have in BFA
and thats why ill keep saying legion unh was still in my opinion the best unholy iteration we ever had for the spec (even tho i miss festerblight), both in big azz minion and disease as you virulent plague and arbiter were ur top dmg with 100-120% mastery in antorus (you only needed 67-70% to make mastery build work), you could even have alot of melee downtime in certain fights if u took clawing shadows (even cleave from range with DnD under u) due to mechanics without much drop in dps

massive swarm of skeletons not ok (in my opinion) because it would just be another copy spec already in the game and do it better, thats what im saying

even the apocalypse is outdate because u dont base ur gameplay around it anymore with the loss of the artifact traits but its still a good fitting spell even tho the 1:30 cd anoys me greatly
if u remove apocalypse there would be no change on ur gameplay

To be honest, I am not really fond of apocalypse either.
Just give me a properly tuned gargoyle instead of apocalypse, and I will be happy. Probably.


saddly, and this is total fault of the “BFA class team” because i doubt its the same team from legion, gargoyle (and old arbiter) is still based on mastery levels of legion where u could stack between 70-120% mastery without problems and made them scale greatly
plus the unholy leggy shoulders that buffed arbiter even more by 40% on top of that for 30sec. maybe and this is a big maybe, if they made the leggy shoulders effect baseline or even talent then gargoyle could come back into the light and outscale frenzy even with low mastery levels (it would also make apocalyse more usefull)

currently mastery is the least desire stat for singletarget while it skyrockets for aoe. there is no middle ground and since raids are mostly boss oriented betting on single target stats is still the best

in BFA, 3 slots dont even give secondary stats and the gear that does give low amount of rating, thus gargoyle will never be usefull in BFA like arbiter was in legion.

and i strongly believe they are doing a “push all to legion” thing again and all the classe changes/balance will come after they throw away the azurite gear. atm we will have to do what we can with what we got

demo warlock is basicly the necromancer gameplay already.

for me warlock is a warlock ok?
for me the necromancer is something completely different.
Lich King is a class necromancer = also others DK ok? Warlock has power over the demons and uses their services. This is a big difference.

Blizzard unfortunately caused that these specifications are similar.

Wod blood and uh were bettrr

I think its time for them to admit they fcked it up, and revert it back to the last checkpoint all three spec (MoP).

on a side-note, how was this thread necro’d when it was 7-months inactive? I thought they closed after 30 days inactive.

Shows the true power potential of Death Knights and their ressurection scourge magic!

Go back to your cow right now… :dagger:

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So sad to see this post again and nothing has changed.

Still have a Tauren Warrior if that helps? :sweat_smile: