Why did 70% of players quit SoD?

Make the Level process faster would help everyone.
It’s the season of discovery but the only thing to discover are runes…
Why the hell they don’t give us stuff to get more xp in dungeons or quest.

Leveling from 1 to 25 now is a blast and is fun. Leveling from 25 to 40 is sitting in Dungeons or get ganked/killed in the open world


Because the author of the topic does not understand what ironforge statistics are. It only counts people writing logs in Gnomer. A third of the population is still lvling, and the second third has not yet gone to Gnomer or written logs. I play on LG PvE. People are like snow in winter in Siberia. It’s insane to doing quests.


I fell like there is some drop of players in the game but i dont think its massiv as 70%.

I can find group or people easy to anything, there is a shortage of tanks and healers but you can always find someone.
If i just type Lfm dps xxxx, i get like 10 wispers in a second.

I think Gmomergan was a mistake to use, that place is bad, the mobs, the zone the sounds and the music.
Im doing that raid, but i dont like it at all.

I wished they used SM as a raid instead.

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No one would be 40 when you can’t grind SM :joy::joy::joy:

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some people just expect to much from 1 game these days, ive got a lv 40 and done 2 gnomer raids, missed 2 resets this week as ive been busy irl all weekend.

looking foward to raiding wednesday.


"# WoW Classic Season of Discovery Server Population

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery server population

Active characters according to raids uploaded to Warcraft Logs"
You know a lot of the players of SoD are fairly casual right? Most probably ether just hit 40 or are doing it this week so wont show up at all on IF pro until it update next time

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I don’t know what everybody is whining about. I ma having a blast lmao. Levelling my second char to 40 while I do raid and gold farming with my main.

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Warlock is the worst class in pvp?
LMFAO keep dreaming.


Which class is worse?

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True, but Gnomeregan is so ugly.
I still have PTSD from farming pummler on my lvl 60 feral druid.


you really know some ppl that play retail ? must be a zoomer

Come try a warrior, then you’ll think locks are overpowered

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I would say warrior w/o pocket healer. But yeah, warlock is pretty weak. Mages aren’t in a great place either.


Okay so every time I say warlocks are terrible there is always someone coming along who says warrior is worse.

And I totally get it. But I can tell you this much, if I am not using metamorph I will get absolutely bullied by every warrior I meet. Not all locks use metamorph.

And then ocationally I hear people say mages are rough too. but I also get absolutely deleted by mages regardless of what build or runes I run.

So I guess most classes except for rogues and shadow priest has a terrible time in p2. Doesn’t seem like anyone is having much fun in particular.

I can only speak from warlock perspective, I have always played warlock in wow. And this is the first time in wow history where I have felt weak and useless as a warlock. It feels really sad. But I can respect that many others if not most others also feel the same way.

Probably because the overall dmg is too high and in general TTK is way too fast. The pvp is just not fun like this. getting shredded in seconds anytime you show your face in a group fight.

Nothing to do but gnomer - raidlog
No dungeons to farm
PvP is clownfest oneshot meta, BGs are not entertaining
Class disbalance is huge
STV event is lagfest and “PvP is clownfest oneshot meta”
BOTS are ramparting, they dont even hide

Only good thing about SoD is gdkp ban, but still there is nothing to do in game, except watching infinite flows of bots running from/to stockades


You atleast have the option of Meta, we’re screwed either way we go


Yeah but meta isnt fun though. I can duel a warrior and I can survive a rogue and a feral druid. But I still lose to everyone else.

In addition running the meta build is really painful in both AB and STV. I use 1/3 of my mana to just enter meta. Everytime I mount/dismount I spend 1/3 of my mana. I can get CC’d for 20 seconds by enemy warlocks banish. A CC which cannot be broken. And they can get a guaranteed recast for another 10 seconds if they time it correctly. So an enemy warlock just beginning the cast of banish forces me to leave meta, literally making my entire build useless at that point.

Meta is not a great experience for the warlock player just because we can occationally 1v1 a warrior.

Nah i think the development budget for SoD is way too low. MMOs shall represent “worlds” that (in my opinion) means it has to be so full of content that even with 24/h a day playing i would miss things that i could have done that day.

I really hope the evolution of AI in video game development can help to bring high quality content faster than it is consumed.

I’d like to have the option to travel 2 weeks ingame time to another continent while exploring the wilderness and old ruins on the way…or to go into dungeons that are build like those in typical isekai animes with dozens of levels.

The thing i don’t want is a game where i log in and have instant content like a 5min microwave meal.

It’s just sad that the devs (or the companies behind them) don’t try to reach such a goal (not even an slight attempt) via man-power. So we really have to wait for the AI to become better.

The world of warcraft for a 30 year old does not feel as big as the world of warcraft for a 12 year old did in the past.
Other games, single-player games even, have become bigger and bigger. I always like to compare the content of WoW with games like Skyrim or Assassins Creed Odyssey. Those single-player games have as much or even more content than WoW in a single expansion (even than classic wow). And the scope of the world is as big in those games as it is in WoW.
If you create an MMO - namely a game for thousands of people next to each other online - you need 1) content 2) scope to make the “world” feel like it is one. Actually WoW feels more like a stage than a world imho.

And thats the main point imho:
The expectation of players today are often as if there already exists such an AI, that can deliver these demands. And I won’t take me out here either. As stated above I would love to see much much MUCH bigger worlds as MMOs.

That always reminds me of Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall which map size is as big as great britain in RL. (At least that was what i read about in the past. But it was generated with old technology and so there is scope but not really much high quality content in it^^)


I think it was something new when phase1 came out, in phase 2 they just bring some retail abilities and new items. They didn’t bring something new to the table.


P2 is doing it all wrong, from the Endless restrictions like ban GDKP and gold buyers to the esase of the premades.

Bots still a huge problem in the game and you know what? If someone don’t want to farm gold he will buy them and if he gets ban for that he will stop playing, he couldn’t play in first place when he didn’t want to spend time on gold farming