Why did 70% of players quit SoD?

  • GDKP bannable
  • Gold trading bannable
  • Leveling after 30 too slow for the modern population that requires instant gratification
  • Skill issues
  • minor Class imbalance in PvP
  • 3 FOTM reroller classes getting nerfed in quick succession
  • Blood moon rewards too easy to get
  • STV lag

Most likely one of these. However, the game is far from dead. Leveling through the barrens feels like leveling did 5 days after launch atm. Everywhere I go the zones are populated, farming spots are heavily contested, groups are fast and easy to find, STV is a lagfest, so yeah. Not many worthwhile players have been lost

In my view, the primary reason for the decline in interest could be attributed to the absence of fresh content. Even the introduction of the “Durotar Supply and Logistics” reputation saw minimal implementation, representing one of the limited modifications made to the Classic experience and in Phase 2 they’ve let it die.

Furthermore, there’s an excessive focus on balancing PvE encounters, particularly concerning damage output. Constantly emphasising how hard players hit detrimentally impacts the enjoyment of both PvP and world PvP. The fixation on individual performance creates an ego-driven environment. While disparities in DPS during PvE raids only benefits the raid group, it becomes problematic when those same imbalances carry over to PvP scenarios like Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, or open-world PvP, leading to frustrating encounters with classes like Hunters dealing disproportionately high damage.

Finally, the game faces a challenge in terms of class viability for various activities beyond raiding. If you’re not a Mage or Hunter, engaging in gold farming, material collection, or any non-raid PvE content becomes exceedingly difficult. Mages dominate in wealth accumulation through methods like boosting, SM farming, and AOE grinding. On the other hand, classes like Warriors struggle due to PvP imbalances, hindering their ability to navigate the world, especially when faced with higher-level mobs. Attempting to engage with mobs above a certain level range proves practically impossible for non-Mage or non-Hunter classes.


What kind of consumbles are these and for what raid? ^^

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Its the type of consumable you use to give you priority on looting a specific piece of gear

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Well, first week Gnomeregan, for me on a Prot Warrior for progression on Living Flame. Soooo.

Strength Elixirs x 20
Agility Elixirs x 20
Troll’s Blood Elixirs x 20
Fortitude Elixirs x 20
Elixir of Defence x 20
Stoneshield Potions x 10
Nature Protection Potions x 10
Fire Protection Potions x 10
Free Action Potions x 15
Food buffs x 20
Rumsey Rum x 20

  • repairs.

Gnomeregan progression that first week cost me 130g for a single raid. A lot of people struggled for gold.


Is this a joke? Is it a diverted form of GDKPs? Are you aware that your consumables serve no purpose other than to make things easier (and even, maybe not) , which is already simple in itself? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Season 1 was casually friendly, and only four times during its duration did I witness someone insulting others over gear, runes, talents, and so on. Many people in pPUGs simply didn’t care that much. Classes and the meta didn’t matter much either.

Now, it’s a whole different beast. “Better” players are giving orders what to consume and insulting others for their gear, runes, damage, etc. PUGs are wiping, and raids are taking twice, thrice as long. Well, those “better” players will have their world free of noobs and people who don’t care that much about the optimal raid setup.
I had probably bad luck in pugs, twice done half od raid and twice down it all. But 3/4 raids have been just too negative experience to do it again. Loot in gnomeregan is also ugly and not really as good upgrades as in BFD and PVP event is madness looking for priest(I tried healing pala in BG and STV and it is simply just pain to play it).
Leveling and SM with RFD was probably the best part for me in phase2. We had a group of 3 farming first 2 bosses in RFD and it was awesome.

Easy got players easy lost players.
Hype gone


Season of Dragonlands :dracthyr_a1:

well we banned gdkps so there is no end-game content now really… i hope the anti-gdkp clowns are happy now. it’s not like we told them this would happen and the playerbase would crumble. hopefully blizzard learns soon that there are way more gdkp people out there and it’s better for them financially to lose the anti-gdkp clowns instead

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Omg this thread (and many more about SoD i’m privileged to read) are pure comedy gold xD

First: it’s a fun game mode because it’s a season. And i really have fun. I play rogue (very bad) get one shotted in pvp and i’m having a blast. Just go again and get over it because the gear which is BiS will become irrelevant in a few weeks, months, years. The only benefit i could get is: i rock the meters and logs with quadripple purple, orange or pink logs. And why do i do that? Oh yeah i want those crucial critical pugs to be so kind to take me with them. Because GDKP are banned and i have to try to learn my class a bit.

But that takes too much time because i work 26 hours for 10 days the week. That’s why i and so many others like me are in no guild because screw guilds! They demand that i have to play every raid which takes 5 hours a day!

I just want to play the game how i see fit and not others or by the titans the developers intended it.

But yeah that’s just the impression i get from reading the forums and playing SoD, Classic WotLK and (hold your horses) retail WoW gasp

Here are a few tips from me (playing since EU closed beta vanilla):

If pvp sucks atm:
don’t play it. If you realllllly want to play pvp because of the bis gear: play it and stay cool. Changes will come not instant (because the devs are humans and not AI (thank goodness))
In vanilla were similar issues and the players then got over it so you can do too i’m sure

You can’t raid anymore because of banned gdkp runs?
If you play a non meta class: search for a guild whichs plays for fun
If you have grey logs: search for a guild which plays for fun.
If you have horrible work times so no guild will take you in? Search for a guild who plays for fun and takes people like you with them (there are a few because there are plenty of people who work in shifts). And if there is non? Found a guild with others and find players like you. Trust me it works.

What else? A yeah my gear gets irrelevant in the next phase: gear always gets irrelevant with new content execpt when there is no new content (like in classic era).
Gear got replaced by new gear since vanilla. And items like hoj got replaced too in MC because there were players who liked to get new gear and didn’t sim or looked in logs or whatsoever in vanilla and they cleared the raids and had fun.

And if it is your opinion, that i write a lot of garbage here then please be welcome to get furious about a game from 2005 if you think it would make things better. But remember: the devs are doing this for fun too (yeah also for money and we are all paying customers yada yada yada) but what i want to say is: let their vision for SoD unfold (we only saw content to lvl40 until now) and report groundbreaking bugs but don’t forget to laugh, when you get oneshotted by a druid or have melee hunters top the damagemeters and have fun with them because it’s all about to change eventually sooner than later.

So cheers and have a nice time. I have it and i’m grateful to the devs.


i have the same question in my mind to move to retail in next week. And the answer is at least for me .
Reason Nm 1 - Bots - I know that there was a long time for other servers live with this situation But for me who played in Wild Growth First then moved to Living Flame to escape the bots. I just can’t Play with them. There is no ressources can be farmable cuz of them in the open world.

Reason Nm 2 - Phases Content- i’m realy desapointed about the choice of the raid. Even if i liked Gnomeregan. But i certainly loved if Blizzard tried new things instead of puting just mechanics on existing Bosses. Phase 2 Raid should be SM Cath with adding new area in the dungon. which can make the Raid a Mini Karazhan when we speak about background envirenoment.

Reason Nm 3 - Poor PVP - We even not fighting in open world. STV is a great idea. I don’t blame the all layers issue that we had things happen and devs worked in harder to solve this. However what i blame is the poor rewards List and the easiest way to get it. After 2-3 STV i don’t find any wish to go back there and fight. In otherwise they shoulded make a mini set PVP to farm and keep the pvp side relevent.
and to finish for me if it continue boting in SOD with a poor content. I will never come back in. At least until having more content or for the end game to reraid MC - BWL etc…

rune hype wore off.
pvp burst meta is boring.
pvp event is too group/meta spec dependent.
new raid is too ranged heavy.

basically the little content there is only caters to the 3 or 4 meta specs.
if you don’t play those specs you might as well go play another game.

They went from easy puggable chill raid to everyone needs to play well and you need an exact composition raid.

Sure it’s not hard, but one bad player kills your lockout which makes it inherently anti-pug. Bad choice for 10 mans and in a game mode where a lot of people where
pugging on multiple characters.

Now most people are down to one raiding character and in guild runs only.

I think it is thats why there is a lot of bots in Stockades.

Because in P2 you either play a caster/ranged or not playing.


your missing the point that sod is a side game to a main game that has been out for over 20 years, sod is not a new game, sod is just going over the vanilla game with changes, in a whole its not a completely new game, everything is know and the meta is known for everything baring best dps specs etc when a new phase launches.

problem with games these days, there’s no exploring or discovery anymore as everything is just a google search away, its not 2004 anymore unfortunately.

go on wow head and search an old quest, there’s normally comments from 2005 saying they have found the mob at x location and they are hard to kill… that just isn’t a thing anymore as everything in wow is known already and in most new games its online or on YouTube within hours of someone finding something.

Because most people wanted Vanilla +
But instead they received Cataclysm in Vanilla.


Id say some prolly got tired of raids that are treated as if it was end game raids. Now some raids want to see you logs… I laugh at them

From where are they taking data? If it is from raids, it says nothing. At 25LVL, I did most BFD IDs. Now I am playing at the same pace, and I am not even 40lvl (I play pretty often, but I don’t want to hurry things up at all). I won’t see a raid in maybe 2 weeks or more. Same as a few RL friends who are playing SOD too. Even if you hurry, I guess most people won’t raid as often as on 25 (raid is harder/longer). And they haven’t raided with alt yet. And there will be fewer alts in this phase too. If the data is from logs, you read it pretty wrong. If not, ignore my post.