Why did 70% of players quit SoD?

They were already nerfed, if you can’t beat a class which needs to hardcast a 3 sec skill to do dmg it’s skill issue.

Demand is rising because SoD is getting more popular, but there’s more actor everyday so the price is getting lower and lower no matter the demand. That’s how the market work.

Only 2 reasons why prices fall, demand going lower or massive increase in supply, sure on the server that was locked supply is massively increasing now that its open but on every other server people have seen the prices falling as well demand is therefor not rising as they dont have massively increased supply on other servers.
GDKPs were for a fact the main driving force behind people buying gold, the people who buy gold to get a mount or to learn their skills are a drop in the ocean in comparison and they are not repeat costumers, and as anyone who knows business will tell you a repeat costumer even if they spend less per transaction is worth way more than a one time buyer.

Cause the PVP event is wank, and the raid is mediocre. The pvp event is by far the worst thing ever to hit wow, its a clownfest. Its no fun, frustrating, pure chaos, has no rules to it, cheesed by busted classes and non FOTM people have nothing there to look for cause you will lose braincells for no reward at all.

Openworld , you compete with bots for mobs in certain areas or you get 1 or 2 shot by absolute clownfest balanced FOTM classes that can delete you instantly.

Thats the problem.
Theres no game arch and the one they added is trash, change the pvp event to something that makes sense or change the reward system soo its not about chasing the boss dying millions of times to caster groups and getting nothing out of it.

inb4 get good
Ive done the arch on my caster mage it wasnt fun, im doing it on my alts now. Who are not FOTM and its a travesty.

tl;dr STV event isnt fun and needs major changes, gnomeregan is meh, its too easy

because the balance team is on crack while making the adjustments!

How long will this torture last? 3-4 months?
I realy hope sod population drop more or smth so they bring p3 faster :stuck_out_tongue: not sure if its possible.

A bunch of stuff you did in P1 is still very much relevant now so that point is just completely mute. I’d agree that phases last too long tho. Let us get to 60 and actually start playing the game.