Why did 70% of players quit SoD?

For someone who don’t mind GDKPs, you seem to defend this system well and want its reintroduction…
Get used to the idea that for SoD the GDKPs are over. Finding excuses or flimsy arguments to try to convince anyone that GDKPs should be reintroduced is useless.
Want to earn gold? Farming, do quests, speculate in the AH. Feeding yourself with whales gold buy via RMT it’s over.

Because p1 was someway fun. They made the worst version of the game ever in phase 2. My guild just logs in to do a raid run and still many left. Today on 3 ppl are coming, the rest will be pugs. So much imbalance. And the pvp rofl, you call that pvp events? They should all be fired. Is Microsoft sleeping?

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Sorry man you are playing on a botted server and telling me to do AH speculation or whatever to get gold ? Golds for what ? To AFK in capital city ? You can’t be serious.

GDKP will be reintroduced in P3, trust me they know how bad it is at the moment they lose to much money with the 50% population drop. It’s unbearable for them and they saw it solved nothing for bottting.

Majority already left and nobody gonna resubscribe even if they change their mind. You can’t force players to play like you want, as soon as you do that players flee away to others expansions.

GDKP still exist, it’s called Taiwan server but I guess you have no clue because you live in your little bubble.

The fun fact is golds in SOD are now cheaper than anything else since they opened Living Flame. Golds is cheaper than working at MacDonald for the minimum wage in a 3rd country. So don’t tell me to farm or whatever, you are obviously a troll I’m not gonna waste my time. I’ve more than enough.

You do understand supply and demand, the demand for buying gold is clearly down since the GDKP ban went into effect

good, go farm, or quit the game


Skill issue not my problem


yea, i raid till i have 0 gold and quit. ty for advice

just farm gold, do quests, farm herbs/ore have a rogue and do sm stealth runs, or be a mage/hunter and aoe grind dungeons

not my fault when you are lazzy

or u Fish in tanaris.

its okay if you give me an advice. just understand that not everyone enjoys doing content they dont like for gold. people just buy gold or quit.

this thread is about WHY people quit. i gave a reason why i will quit. i think everyone knows you can quest or farm herbs or do mining. its nothing new.

its not about being lazy. its about to something u dont like in your freetime. why do u think people buy gold?

mindblowing isnt it? kekl

how can u mine/ herb or farm when u have a mass Bot farming.

Multiple reasons

Gdkp/ Riding/ expensive boe items in the auctionhouse, and some peoples want to parse 99 logs, even with zero freetime

some peoples are lazy ofc, also some peoples dont enjoy to farm gold, but this (SHOULD) be a part of an mmo, but the gamer mentality has changed, and it´s just to easy to buy gold, cuz blizz dont do anything against bots

and 9 euro for just 100 gold is too tempting, and if u once started doing it, u wont stop

like “why i should farm 10 hours for 100 gold when i can get it with one swipe and blizz wont do anything?” even a mcdonalds employee makes 10 euro per hour

by beeing hunt/mage/rogue who can do dungeon stuff

The demand for buying gold was very low when GDKP existed in SOD P1 since all raids items were going for like 5g to 15g. Anyone could do quests and get that for free. But since Living Flame was locked, golds were high premium price, making people less willing to buy golds because why spent 100$ to get a ban ?

Now, the realm is open, but there’s no GDKP. And guess what, the demand is rising everyday and the price are falling everyday. The demand is rising because of mounts and the amount of consumables and the crafts and the professions you want to swap. The price are falling since Living Flame is now an open realm controled by bots (OpenAI and TRUMP guilds). Since the realm is flooded by goldseller, they also have less remorse buying golds anymore because they ain’t gonna lose 100$ this time.

They overtuned it. Too many runes, too many loot, older loot became obsolete, meta. All the "modern"wow problems. They just needed some touches here and there and maybe double spec.


Thats not how the open market works… Demand rising dosnt make prices go down…

Game is at unsub state that’s it :smiley:

Guess we’ll have better data this and next week.

maybe just maybe, its because they cucked players after the ashenvale chance to not get rep after revered, and then they did the same mistake in STV by adding in a fix after the damage was already here.

There is nothing to do, Gnome is boring and PvP is overtrash, no wonder it’s almost dead.

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-Melees getting completely ******, be it finding a group for PvE or playing PvP
-Bot Infestation
-Old content is irrelevant, even AB is basically a waste of time since STV event is better rep/hour
-Power Creep in general with the new runes
-Alt leveling means wasting your time until the new xp buff is live
-PvP balance in general, looking at SPriest, Shamans or Moonkins as the worst offenders

Did i forget anything?

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Personally, I quit in 3 days when my subscription runs out. The game makes no sense, bots are everywhere, the bot train has been going on for a week. I played on Living Flame, the first phase was great, because there weren’t that many bots, now it’s a tragedy, in the first phase, you could normally collect gold for character development on maps, now you can’t do q because bots kill mobs. Literally, there are hundreds of them. All maps are full of bots, every spot on any map is full of bots. Every layer. Changing the layer doesn’t do anything, because it’s the same on the others.

I came back to WOTLK after well over 10 years, and I honestly admit that there are no bots on private servers, they are only on official servers, which is strange.

The new software bans players massively.

Because they have the courage to play this game, bots in Stockade are doing great, and on maps too, I saw the same thing in WOTLK. Normally there are 4-5 bots on one spot.

And this stupid hope that SOD will be something new, without this problem has been ruined, Blizzard is a company that bans bots once every 3 months? Even though they know they are bots xD

Can you imagine this situation?

The lifespan of a bot on priv is 2-3 days, and a ban, and here it’s 3-6 months xD

This is ridiculous, I won’t pay for a service that makes me look like an idiot.

It’s as if I had no choice but to buy in a store where the owner treats the customer like garbage.

I’ve been feeling like this every month for a year and a half.

At the end of the month they promise pears on the willow.

A new month comes and nothing changes, it’s worse than before.

A classic action by corporations, when I worked in corporations my boss told me the same thing, this month sucked but next month will be great,

The money would flow in streams, the next month would come, and it turned out that I had to work more for less xD And if I don’t like it, there are 300,400 people to take my place xD

Classic corporate talk.

I would never have thought that they would transfer this system to the client.

so sajonara below is a video I recorded a few days ago, usually over an hour of bots running, shock and disbelief…
