Why did blizz remove mouse over quest guidance?

When i was doing quests before 8.2 whenever i moused over a enemy npc that droped quest items or something i had to kill ‘X’ amount of times, the mouse over pop up tool-tip used to tell me how many i have out of the total to complete the quest, now its says absolutely nothing… Its just a guessing game if you’re killing the right mob.

Seems rather inconvenient, dont know what was the harm in it tbh, Sigh…


Works for me.


hmmm, what the hells going on then… is there any option in the interface that disable the info?

probably a broken addon


I was busy with real life matters since patch 8.2 launched, so i hadn’t got the chance to return leveling up my alts. But whenever i do quests/WQ in nazjatar i also noticed that the Tooltip is removed. Which is very weird because it was helpful :confused:

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hm, works fine for me though, maybe update your addons? perhaps one is troubleshooting.

Addons are uptodate i check daily, i have so many it’s a pain to one by one enable them, i thought this was a blizzard unannounced change or somthing… guess i’ll have to go through my long list of addons after all.

Fix your addons. /sigh.

I’ve still not found a way tog et my threat %age back on the Blizzard unit frames. :frowning:

try one of these;

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Don’t think it is, it has randomly happened to me, and as Croe linked (my own thing even!) will put the tooltip info back as it should, that’s why I shared it. :slight_smile:


that sucks, i hope you ll be able to fix it. good luck!

Delete the WTF folder :joy:

Seriously though, that has worked before.

Thank you it appears this worked! :smiley:

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Of course I shared it.

I have it bookmarked because it was that helpful!

Good to hear! glad it helped.


Yes, but sadly that removes the settings that work too.

Elvui can put a count on the end on the nameplate. Gamechanger.

Where is that setting ? :smile:

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