I don’t understand the logic of going from WotLK to Cataclysm, Cataclysm was one of the first mass exodus from WoW, didn’t Blizzard ever understand that destroying the world destroyed the players enjoyment? I know there are lots of players that liked Cataclysm, and it had it’s ups, but the destruction of all the beautiful zones that was upended made me loose much of my interest in WoW. Blizzard sure did a lot of other expansions that drove even more players away, but for me, Cataclysm was the worst.
so why isn’t there a version of WotLK Classic, Blizzard?
For the same reason there isn’t a TBC Classic. There aren’t enough players left behind to keep them going. Classic was left with few players after the expansions moved on.
I think it would be much nicer even if they had to merge into less realms to leave the actual individual expansions as an option for each Classic.
Probably not worth splitting the playerbase and there was abysmal patticipation in ICC phase. The only thing really breathing and alive was botting, GDKP and boosting service for majority of last patch. Speaking in financial management perspective of course. Individual experience may vary.
Maybe they’ll do rerun.
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The only way to make them return is for us players that loved WotLK to remind them of it, again and again.
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I can agree that Cata was kinda a mistake, the participation is lower than ever on the progressive servers, but there is more to it than it just being Cataclyms. IMO, they have split the playerbase too much already and from my perspective, if I were to play Classic right now (I’m not and haven’t really since BC) I wouldn’t even know which server to play on, let alone which version of the game. Era, Hardcore, Season of Discovery or Cataclysm, you tell me where I should play for I do not know. I am waiting on some sort of re-launch maybe, where they do Classic → TBC again (don’t care much for Wrath) until then retail seems good.
I hear some comments on this here and there. Who knows what they plan?
I am fine with having WOTLK for those that liked it, even though I am not interested personally.
I play on Classic. There are a lot of people who really enjoy the old game the way it used to be. Although I would have evolved it and added all the non-existing zones that was populated in later expansions, but all as lvl 60 zones.
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I entered classic last night and it only had 2 players in Org, and 6 items on the whole AH
To keep the money rolling in I’d guess.
MoP classic next.
The problem was there is nothing new to experience and at some time every expansion is getting boring.
Why we get new expansions? Because people will get bored at some point and leave.
What server did you log in to? Here, on Nethergarde Keep, there are plenty. Right now (17:00 ESST), not exactlu peek hours) there are 29 players in Ironforge (not a very popular city), more 50 in Stormwind, and 9 in Darnassus. 18 in Elwyn Forrest, 13 in Darkshore, 6 in Teldrassil, 11 in Dun Morogh and so on. In my guild we have 22 online, and we aren’t even close to the biggest guild. I have no idea what server you logged into, but it seems extremely strange.
Cata’s main issue which led to so many players leaving is that there was so little to do at max level. They’d put all their resources into the World Revamp and Transmog systems.
But players aren’t playing classic for these end game grinds (reps or professions etc.). They do Classic to do the dungeons and raids with contempory classes, specs, abiliities etc.
Also to see the story play out properly. This will work well for MOP where you get the new zones or older zones being devastated.
Classic is very different. Players aren’t out collecting mogs and mounts etc. as they know these servers are temporary for the classic period.
You forget all the thousands that don’t want changes. Who are satisficed with things as they are. Who don’t need to chase after ever higher levels or more gold, or better armor/weapons. Once upon a time there were games, like UO and EQ, where the main goal was the guild, the social aspect of the game. WoW lost that after a few expansions, because they didn’t cater to that aspect of the game, only the end-game, the end-game, the end-game, and nothing but the end-game. Which is depressing.
Or just bring everything back to retail servers that were available again in classic. I could understand ppl wanted ashbringer or zul’gurub tiger going play classic. But just give ppl an option to bring exclusives back. Same for protodrakes from ulduar. And undying and immortal titles. As long as ppl dont do the raid with cataclysm or higher gear but just wotlk gear i see no problem. And you can say that it ruins the exclusive feeling for those players. Blizz doesnt care because they brought back spectral windrider and now the RAF zefra. And many ppl dont play anymore that have such exclusives.
Except the feeling. Barrens got ruined in cata. And many more. But the loot can be turned back. Just select what you want. Zul’gurub raid or zul’gurub dungeon.
I think it would be fine for them to keep one server here and there, it is not like they actively do anything resource-tight in Classic versions of WoW, judging by my experience and complaints seen all over forums.
Unfortunately, the Classic experience as it played out proved that apart from niche tight groups wanting those old-school MMO social and guild environment experiences, majority cared more about boosting, GDKPs and botting to rig the game in their favour.
Unfortunately, tight group minorities don’t bring in enough dosh to be business-relevant for Blizz. But I am in favour of you guys getting what you wish for, don’t get me wrong.
Role Playing Player vs Player server? Did you expect to find people on such a server? 
Why wouldnt they go for Cata?
Cata classic was profitable for sure, servers were packed at the beginning and Wotlk became stale at ICC stage.
It was the same question about Diablo Immortal here on forums and it turned out to be one of most profitable games for Blizzard. And yes, profits are all that matters for profit company, we old pharts here are not target audience.
I disagree. I like the idea of a developping world, where zones get upgraded over time, when the story progresses. However, blizzard put Soridormi and Chromie in the game for players to go back with recently altered zones, so they kind of already learnt from the mistake of removing content.
Though, I will say, that removing content and bringing it back during events is way better than keeping it all in permanently. When everything is available all the time, it splits up the playerbase a lot. For example, imagine Blizzard did MoP classic and MoP remix simultaneously.