"Why did the graphics of older assets look better in Classic than they do in Retail?"

I think that i’m right and you are wrong.
every time when i bombard people with arguments some sheep will just throw in “nah you are wrong because i feel like it won’t elaborate”

You are talking about “feeling” and you said that old zones feel more “natural”, i tried to disprove this sentence for you by using arguments, comparisons and examples, and essentialy all you can say is “nuh-uh”

Sorry but you are talking bull. What you think of as blur was simply just a post process effect called Bloom, many games used it - not to try and mask any visual issues but to… have Bloom.

Back when OG WOW came out people were much less bothered with graphics as a whole and with the limitations of the day the assets are much lower poly and with lower texture resolutions and shaders would have been much less complex.

Classic uses none of the modern visual flourishes that they use in retail and a such may look more consistent on a whole as opposed to the mix and match of retail.

But in short - adding blur to mask the low details? that never happened.

Anyway new graphics could be better, but they are really daunting on the pc.

I spent 2k to make my new pc in the timeframe between 7.3.5 and bfa release, already with patch 8.3 I started to have issue, like game taking a lot to load all assets when loggin in or frame drop in mythic raid.

The thing i love about playing classic is that i never have this issue, while when i play in dragonflight sometimes I even have to wait 1-2 min to enter to room with the dummies in Valdrakken when i log.

To cut short, We should not change our computer every new expansion to play properly.


Who cares? Graphics does not a game make! If all you care about is hd graphics then you need to give your head a wobble and rethink your priorities

Actually it did, if you have a PS2 still load that up on the title screen, press triangle and u will see an option saying “add blur” or something to that effect to make the old PS1 games look a bit more up to date and smoother, this is the same effect mentioned.

Well… Of course it’s not the ONLY factor, but the graphics definitely need to appeal to me.

Just an example: Minecraft could be something I enjoy gameplay wise, but I wouldn’t know because I think the game looks horrendous and makes me never want to even try it.

Games are subjective. Every aspect of them. From the gameplay to the graphics. So sure, I’ll agree with you that graphics alone don’t make a game, but it can break a game (on a personal basis anyway).

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Different people have different preferences. A friend could never play FF because he dislikes their graphics.

I have tried twice to like the game but just don’t get on with it but for me it’s not necessarily graphics that are the influencing factor.

I get that.

I tried FF. I didn’t like the aesthetics, but I didn’t enjoy the gameplay either.
So that’s why I didn’t even finish my first month and never looked back.

When it comes to Classic, for me the aged graphics are a huge turnoff. I tried it a few years back, but I couldn’t get past it.

The map system was enough to make me want to uninstall let alone the seventeen layers to each city.

However people should try it for themselves if they are interested. FF still does a pretty good trial offer.

Graphics reduction in retail in order to allow players with outdated system to still be able to play. Plus add in the environmental details does make the world look hazy or blurry as some have call edit. I think classic has come a long way and is actually crisper today than when it was first announced. However some areas have not be updated and still look dull even in retail. But again this is all in an effort to make all version of the game visually appealing for all players and reduce the chance of players having to buy new systems every 5 years. My current system was purchased during MoP and is still going strong but at reduces settings

That’s not that same effect at all lmao, that was added because of backwards compatibility in a rubbish attempt to make it look better. This is completely different to what pc games did and do.

What doesn’t make sense about it? Being norwegian(we have a lot of mountains), I don’t see the problem. Also, distances. How far appart are these areas actually?

Elwynn isn’t that flat either. I guess you have not been there much.

Compared to where I live it might even be called hilly. I love Elwynn Forest, wish I could live there :wink:

(Maybe minus all the bandits and the crazy amount of wolves. And murlocs.)

Dutch or danish? :stuck_out_tongue:

Do me a favour? I want you to play 5 games that you think have terrible graphics (play minecraft as one) and then let me know what you thought. Im hoping you will see what i see and realise there are some hidden gems that most people dismiss due to graphics worries.

Show me the proof then i will believe your crazy ramblings, we all know you are wrong we are just waiting for you to catch up.

No, I won’t do that. Because games are partially art and it’s subjective. I need to be attracted to the aesthetic of a game in some way. That doesn’t mean I have to find it the most beautiful thing ever; I’ve played plenty of games where I thought the graphics were nothing more than ‘passable’.

But if a certain design choice or aesthetic really isn’t my thing, I’m not going to bother because I cannot get past that. I’ve tried in the past and it has never worked.

I’m a very visual minded person; I make designs, art and other creative expressions myself. There has to be ‘something’ that appeals to me within a piece of work that features art/graphics/designs or else I simply will not engage with it.

Environments in FFXIV is definitely lacking outside of some set pieces. But their character models are so much more expressive than wow’s.

Now if they would only stop with the god damn band-aid that is the glamour wardrobe and give is an actual damn glamour log. They’ve wasted so much time reinventing that wheel rather than fixing it >.<

Oh you have one big forest zone connecting to red-mountaint desert?
I checked Google maps, no you don’t

Every time I go to an old zone and see the textures stretched to 4k, I’m reminded that despite common belief, WoW has had several engine and texture improvements over the last 20 years, to the point I doubt you can call it the same engine.

Classic textures looked great on 2004 CRT / 720p display, because they were designed for that resolution. Same reason my SNES looks better on a crt than a 70" 4k TV.

Wow’s had so many engine upgrades by this point that it’s not really the same game anymore. If a broom has had 3 new handles and 2 new brushes, is it the same broom?