Weee hasvveee madgic so ewrything is posssibleee!!!111
Okay, we have explanations on why we have deserts like uldum, we have explanation for burning steppes, we have explanation for every wacky zone.
We don’t have explanation on why redridge is located near elwynn, but i can theorize that aggrammar farted one day and red color of mountains is his poop
Bro holy moly, could you do me a favor and just calm down, you have done the “I’m right you’re wrong” like 7 times, you’re approaching annoying levels of “umm aschullay ”.
You can think it makes more sense that the zones are the way they are in DF, but if you try to sell me that the geological side of wow should make more sense and that’s why you like retail over classic. I will genuinely think you’re looking for reasons to cope and hope, like we all do it to an extent, but if you’re gonna come at me with “geologically it wouldn’t make shenshe that Redridth is closhe to Elwyn Foresht” I’m gonna draw the line and say you’re trolling and fishing.
Everry post you’re in is “your opinion is wrong lemme tell you why my subjective likes and dislikes trump yours” and try to disguise it as logic, you can deny it all you want, but look at what you’re doing. You’re saying one version of a FANTASY GAME is bether than the other because of GEOLOGICAL INACCURACY of the zones.
Fam calm down, if you don’t like classic textures and looks that’s fine but don’t come @ me trying to tell me it’s objective and not the most subjective thing ever.
i’m absolutely calm, more so i slept for 14 hours and can’t be angry in any possible way
They look more natural than vanilla, to check this go outside and look around
I didn’t say it should, i argued with another guy that retail looks more natural compared to vanilla because he said that vanilla looks more natural and realistic to him
You’ve seen a lot of floating islands on earth?
Big magical vortexes?
Just to name two.
And why do we need one?
By the way; I’m 100% sure that if those zones were being developed now, they wouldn’t be same. But the original game was designed without flying in mind, so sudden changes in the landscape weren’t that noticeable. And the technical limitations back then of course also played a big role.
for reasons to hope that you are right, as a coping mechanism (if you take the words hope and the word cope, you can sum up the meaning but I don’t mind explaining it to you)
Big magical vortexes and floating isles usually are work of higher forces and it usually explained by story.
Like i said, magic has some logic around how it works, if there is something weird - wizard casted it, and there’ll be lore around it
blizzard sure think the same
well yes because design philosophy changed
Yes i know that simplicity of landscape is technical limitations, it’s just that vanilla fanboys somehow find flat green floor with papier mache trees planted on it as realistic natural design
An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion
From Urban Dictionary
And how exactly you want to achieve it? Because all i see is barking, not a single argument, only attempts to attack me personally
Well yes i said that new design of landscape is much superior, but i didn’t said that vanilla zones should be like this, after all there are fanbase around them
But, why is your opinion fact and his is an opinion to be argued with?
Because your “arguments” are personal, to say that one looks more realistic then the other is how you percieve it, making it your opinion. This only works with art, if you were to tell me +2 stam is better then +1 stam I’d have to agree that that is fact. But how realistic something is, in your eyes is not a matter of numbers nor logic, simply perception, making it unique to every person, therefor subjective.
No it’s not, it’s obvious that elwynn doesn’t look like proper forest and redridge being around elwynn is weird geological wise, while retail zones have much more in common with real life landscapes, not realistic, but much more in common, if you don’t understand what i mean.
So when historian says to you that modern firearms existing in 12th century is not realistic it’s just his perception?
(it’s hyperbolised theoretical situation if you didn’t get it)
This is the correct plural noun. There are many other examples of this in Ancient Latin. Stratum - Strata, Trivium(awesome band by the way)- Trivia,
Et cetera.
“Forums” is the anglicised -and much more unattractive and uncreative in my opinion- plural noun that despite being used by literally everyone (sometimes, myself included), does not sound as “official” and grandiose as its Latin counterpart.
I don’t need to waste time giving proof to someone who probably was not even alive during the time of the PS2. It is what it is, and you are wrong. Go ask mommy for some sweets.
Guess what?! Still prefer the old! Not only is the gameplay in classic WAY more exciting, retail even BORES just by LOOKING at it, with their “aquarel paint” design! Did you have a look at the numbers of players in classic and those in retail? Should give you all the answers you need.
Retail is a mystery in itself. The mystery is, how did they make an exciting game as it was in classic, to the garbage that retail is today. You need to hire the most talentless uninspiring developers from the deepest corners in the world to accomplish that achievement!
Blizzard lives on subscribers from classic today. Not on retail anymore. Otherwise they would have been bankrupt by now. And the achievement of classic in current day, they owe (stole) from the private server devs. I doubt there would be much subscribers left today, without classic, which is an idea inspired by a bunch of people and their private servers. Wow as a whole by blizzard would be done today, without those people and their idea.
“Critically acclaimed dragonflight expansion…” Critically acclaimed stupidity is a better description! From classic to retail, are MAJOR steps back. Maybe not technical, but surely … Gameplay wise. Fun wise. Entertainment wise. Not buying the next retail expansion. And i’m most certain, that I won’t be the only one. The trailer is as exciting as two people simply standing there talking. WOOOH!! Amazing! Geez, such garbage retail became. And even that, is still said too kindly.
Why should one even play retail? … Free loot out of nowhere every week! A chest with many rewards in SW center! ’ FOR NOT PLAYING. ’ Not playing retail is more rewarding than playing. Why should we play? Need gold? Buy a token. Need gear? Buy AH gear, with some token money. Log out, every week free transmog gear. Want epics? Buy a fully epic equiped raid ready level boost! Grind? Why grind? Buy token! So, Why play? Nothing to play for.
But the critically acclaimed xpack added the ability of JOJO flying with mounts! Well … That’s about it. Actually no, we could allready fly with mounts in wow, but the devs wanted to reinvent the wheel, and invented an annoying full of hassle way of using a flying mount, instead of sticking to the old proven hassle-free method. Adding more annoyance, instead of fun, as has been the case with most additions in-game since post-cata.
It’s gotten so far, that they actually give rewards for ‘not playing’ retail, with the free treasures because nobody wants to play it anyway! That’s another unseen before achievement!
PS. Don’t forget to delete the post. To keep, keeping up appearances, as you always do. Go on!
Born 1986 so probs twice as old as you but thanks for asking. You cant say you are right and not provide proof in the same sentence, thats just a childish response to a legitimate question…