Why did they remove so many features in retail WoW?

I’ve been giving Classic a go and I can’t understand why so much immersive stuff has been removed from the current WoW such as needing flint and tinder to light a fire! I love how you can train to learn how to use whatever weapons, that you must go to a class trainer to learn new skills and actually be ‘trained’ and how you must sharpen your swords or make sure you never run out of arrows! Honestly how could it be considered an improvment to remove such amazing, immersive content? I am shocked!


I know some find that fun, I don’t miss any of it.

There you are levelling and you’ve become useless cos you need to schlep back to some capital to train. You never have enough gold for everything so have to pick and choose what you actually want to learn. In Classic I don’t bother with flint and tinder it just takes up bag space so I just cook where I can on the move on any fire I pass.

I’m probably the worst person to comment on this as I hate most of the inconveniences and tediums that are present in Classic that Retail has long since eradicated :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I suppose that’s why they’re separate, so people who like that style of gameplay can play classic and people who prefer not having that have retail


I miss how socket where before WoD, where gear had 2-3 sockets.

If you summer all of them it was like wearing 1-2 extra items, helping a lot trough raid progression.


It was actually quite tedious and bag-space consuming in some instances.

The funny thing is I keep seeing people wanting to import retail features towards Classic or blaming Blizzard for not fixing things in Classic when they were, in fact fixed in the next progressing expansions that came after it… By player feedback. It’s a whole loop tbh.

Or worse, that the proposed solutions were implemented, but the behaviour did not actually change (see: removing need on Group Loot did not dissuade selling or trading items in raids)


Lol I love all that, it beats mindlessly running around barely doing anything to play the game because it’s all dumbed down and done for you. Classic makes you think about how you play and live in the world x At least that is my own take. It’s fun to read everyone’s differing answers though!


I play the game loads, in Retail.

I hate my life when I play Classic, it takes away from playing. The combat is bad enough and sends me to sleep, then there’s lets trek around the map for an hour to get somewhere. Plus having to go back places.

No thank you.

Classic is welcome to keep all it’s systems in classic and I’ll stick with the modern version. Every time I go play classic it gives me a whole new appreciation for how much better and immersive Retail is for me.


‘I hate my life’ lol I can understand that feeling playing some games actually XD


nah, I don’t need a damn trainer !


But helped people in power progression in order to less skilled players to beat certain encounters, now instead you have less resources especially nowadays where you start progress on a boss fight with your gear having the same itlv or more compared of the boss you are progressing with.

Talking about gems or other consumables like oils ore stones, especially when you can resolve by making a stack going to 200 units instead of 20.


Very simply put
When it comes to detail features like that players either like it or dislike it and Blizzard choose to design the game more for the player audience that dislikes it.
You really can’t have both designs in the game without stepping on any toes and they probably estimated that the against it crowd was larger (which I think is accurate) and more worth it to keep (debatable).

I’m just glad we got classic (in a kind of crappy iteration but still) so I can still enjoy those tiny details that (in my opinion) is what makes the game great.


I usually go back for a Classic launch as they are usually during Retail downtime. A bunch of friends usually but this time there was too much going on that I haven’t really bothered with Cata.

So now and then my gaming BFF will want to go back, this time I’ve left him to Cata as I went to play Remix instead. We never reached cap in the first SoD phase, it was so tedious to level in Vanilla yet again for the umpteenth time, having done it for Classic, and TBC and Wrath. We also had a few goes at Hardcore. But I really don’t enjoy it. The characters that died in HC ended up in Classic regular and eventually we just got bored again.

I think the reason I loved Remix so much is because it’s basically just Retail with a gimmick but all the modern comforts and systems.

I think every time maybe this time it will be fun. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

But others absolutely love and adore all that old stuff. And good for them, I’m pleased they have their own various Classic bubbles to play in.


Classic features doesn’t match current retail version of the game.

I find retail fast-paced. Lots of grind, some that needs to be done on daily / weekly basis. Something that wasn’t a thing back in the day.

Every single time i log into retail there’s something to do before reset, m+, raid, farm, weekly, daily, whatever. With limited time to play i hardly have time to actually do something else like farm old stuff im still missing.

When i play Classic all this rush and need to do stuff before reset is gone. You complete thing on your own terms and probably that’s why you have more time for running around world on foot or setting a cooking fire. :wink:

I very much enjoy both Classic and Retail.


I haven’t found DF too grindy, it’s been a pleasant change tbh. Legion to SL have felt very grindy with lots of chores having to be done before you can just get on with playing.

I’m pretty much in downtime mode atm as we are in S4 (I’m not a fan of the concept). For some insane reason this week I decided to get some of my alt palas to an item level that can enter LFR to try and farm the belt I’m missing to complete a set. I will probably just do one weekly key on my main.

I do know what you mean about there being less of a rush in Classic, esp if you’re not playing in a raid team or anything and they don’t need you levelled and geared ASAP.

Which of the Classics do you dabble with?

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People say classic-tbc-Wotlk sucks…

Yes doing 200 x dungeons and more every season in Retails is a nice feature…to keep have upgrade you gear…and not only that but do that 4x seasons …

Endless grind thought 1 season than 1st week through the new season 1st npc drop items better than last mythic raid boss…

4x seasons that people are burned to redo the same content only through different Ilvl…

Countless posts on forums eu-us each day about the anti-social lvl that WoW as an MMORPG has reached still the same ppl with 10k and 50k post write how amazing the game is now .

Either way best feature that have been removed.

2/3 x Sockets on Gear.
Lvling Proffesions (No more gear up-flask or use for any professions through lvling )
Lvling experience …
Alliance vs Horde lore decimated because of DEI… yes no more faction war …Let’s be all friend…
Reforge System


From a collector perspective i have to totally disagree.
While m+ and raids can be done quite fast and be organised other things cannot.
I have over 100 Goopal kills and still missing it’s manuscript, similar applies to other Cavern rares. Fyrakk assault - don’t even get me started.
Grand Hunts, doing them since DF release x3 and still missing pet. That’s quite absurd.

I find DF much more grindy than other espansions when it comes to collecting and i’ve been doing that long time :sweat_smile:
We can blame RNG but this kind of things shouldn’t really happen had they respected players time.

I mostly enjoy Vanilla, TBC is second.
I loved doing stuff in Vanilla slowly, reps, gold farm and soloing Tyr’s Hand elites for elusive epics. Once i geared up i started to solo Winterspring demons for the Eye.
Good times :slight_smile:

TBC became more gridny, attunements, dailies and so on, I did all that atop of PvPing which felt really good as Feral and so much unbalanced :smile:

All in all, i find both versions of the game completely different from each other.
I despise thought of retail things coming to Classic and i guess i’d have similar feelings when Classic things would enter retail.

As a side note, Classic WoW has a feeling of progression, you are actually getting stronger. Retail? Not so much with the seasons.


I also collect stuff



Because even though it might be immersive; it wasn’t fun enough to warrant holding people back. WoW isn’t a realistic survival game or sim.

For many people convenience trumps realism.

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I didn’t find it realistic though. Quite the opposite. But I’m sure people all see it differently.

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Well, stuff like needing ammo and feeding your pet and such made sense (but I don’t miss either).

Needing to go see a trainer while you’re in the middle of something; sure, not realistic.

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