Why did they remove so many features in retail WoW?

I remember running out of ammo during long BGs in classic, I don’t really miss it, same goes for weaponskill, hitting lowlevel mobs till your skill was high enough was more of a pain.

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We were going to go Ally for Classic Vanilla and then I hated Paladin so much I was like we don’t have to be Ally now, we can go Horde. I rolled a hunter instead. It was also insanely boring. There is just too much auto attacking for my liking. It just wasn’t engaging. Then there was the thing that I couldn’t actually see any health bars on stuff that ran away even though I’m the one having to take them out.

In TBC I tried pala again and seal twisting was another awful thing others found fun :rofl:m Wrath I palad again but being mana based and the content being so easy I came back to Retail xD.

I didn’t like the ammo mechanic, having to carry a back up weapon, or having to feed my pet but I appreciate that others find that more immersive.

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Gets a new weapon, hits like a wet noodle, oh yes I remember those days xD


For me this was a double edged sword. I didn’t like that I had to carry around at least a bag full of stacks of ammo and such.
But… I had engineering and making bullets with special effects on them, was something I enjoyed. They also sold well to all the plebs who couldn’t get the recipe. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :sweat_smile:


A lot of that became annoying after a while.

Spell reagents was not a good feature. Trying to cast re-incarnate only to find you’re out of Ankhs.

Plus they took up bag space. Although a special bag for ammo, reagents etc. might have been ok.

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Items with socket slots had less stats than items without. You weren’t getting “more stats” from an item having sockets, you were getting exactly the stats the item was supposed to have and that the content was tuned around you having.

That being said I do miss having more consistent item customization, and I’m not really a fan of RNG sockets or having to buy them with vault coins.

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Not only that but you forgot the biggest feature that they removed.

Dungeons …Quantity-Quality
16 Dungeons with 3 to 12 bosses (Cata had 12 )

After that … 8 Dungeons for expansion with 3 to 4 bosses… Amazing downgrade to the whole experience ppl had with Dungeons .

Righ now Wailling cave is way better customized from any Df Dungeon …

Dungeons up to Tbc would provide even Sets …

Right now ppl are focused to play those 8 x dungeons for 4 Seasons with nothing other than the increase health dmg of npc that scale with people Ilvl…

It clearly that the game is having bad employs.

  • I made=contributed=create many mods for many Games over the Years Like Synergy Mod Torchlight 2 -Spellforce 1 , Freelancer ,Titan quest and few others.

So the question for me is … How Does a Billionaire company don’t have enough ppl to provide better content with good tools that would make more people playing the game ??
Just increase the Subs price to 15-20 Euro and Add 1 more raid and 4-8 more dungeons …Better area and of course better Lore. ( i mean i paid 16 Euro for 2 coffees …)

Increase Sub price by adding more content with better quality .

Instead ending the game is falling to re-use content and ability that they using at the point people get burned and is not appealing to play.


Some of us found that to be immersive back then. We did it all and even got the achievements but now we know how to work our weapons and to light a fire. You can’t expect to relearn this every single expansion. It would just become tedious.


I agree with you and wish more diehard WoW fans would speak up about it like you did.

The number of zones we get per expansion has consistently decreased. The counterargument that the four zones we get now are much larger is beside the point. From a developmental perspective, more smaller zones with different stories, music, and artwork mean a more expensive game design process. Yes, we do have variety within one zone, as we always have, but what we have now feels like the result of a checklist: “we need four zones and eight dungeons, one 8-9 boss raid, and this and that.”

They don’t think about the stories they want to include in the expansion (or rather, they are not allowed to by their overlords?) and it’s all about ticking boxes. When it’s time to start filling the zones, they just cram in whatever they can. I believe it should be the other way around, but nowadays, it’s all about efficiency (not that efficiency didn’t matter before, but now nothing else does).

Remember when a sub-10 boss raid used to be considered small? Even if the encounters can be satisfying and mechanically wholesome, the environments don’t feel very unique anymore. It feels like the percentage of reused assets has been steadily increasing in recent raids. Coupled with layout integrity being compromised with constant portals and dragon rides or similar mechanics, the contrast with the old days, when we sometimes had multiple unique environments per tier and a sub-10 boss tier was a rare exception, is stark.

It feels like most people would be happy if they just got portaled around different platforms to practice the bosses; the rest is just a waste of time. I won’t even delve into the voice acting and how dispassionate it feels lately. Saying this makes me feel out of place and “old” because it seems no one cares about encounter voice acting anymore, haha.

I’ve been holding that back, but your post prompted me to share my QQ.

TL;DR: Mix it up a little. Be less formulaic, everything seems to be painted by the numbers, the lore and story squeezed into predetermined zone and (raid) dungeon “slots” rather than blossoming naturally from the creative process.


Legion with 14 dungeons would like to say hey and BFA with 10 at least be honest with your views and even DF has 9.

read above so not true at all.

we paye to much already.

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So you took 1 example with Legion over .
Mist of Pandaria
Next expansion?

So you took me with 1 Expansion content with over 5 expansions content ?

What about the Raids?

As you see 3 expansion in a row now we are getting 3 raids per expansion> Shadowland - Dragonflight Next expansion.

You know what they are going to do …Quite Easy Awakened Raid… You are likely going to do the same content

What 13 Euro per month is a lot…

That’s not even 1% of what Majority of European lower wage made .

If 13 Euro is way to much i believe being unemployed is a reason .


has 9

and you said in your own words " all expac’s since cata had 8" i proved you wrong with 3 expacs which have had more.

i pointed about dungeons and said nothing about raids , you just dont like being wrong its ok but no need to move goal posts and be dishonest.

not for you maybe not everyone is the same as you, you assume far to much but i am done speaking to such a dishonest poster.

dishonest posting again

Legion/BFA/DF is 3 not 1 placing you on ignore.

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Flint was pointless but IDK why they removed Runes of Teleportation tho - they coulda unified it and still - it was “immersive” without being disruptive.

FRom other immersive stuff, I still think hunters should have ammo/arrows in bags (With a decent melee option when u run out of them). I have a hunter so I have every right to say so.

I think training at trainers made sense. Instead of “Venturing to capital city” they coulda just put some more trainers in the world, just like with profession trainers and reduce gold cost? IDK - what are trainers for now?

Howevver, certain annoying stuff was removed and rightly so. e.g. rigid ID for raids, long running back after wipe. abilities not resetting on wipes etc

I miss some of them at times
But people have short memories. At one point or another, through survey and statistics, it was probably made clear that (at that time?) People were not really looking forward to those things anymore, the novelty had worn off. When the mentality shifted from “1-60 is an adventure” to max level is where the fun starts, things like skill trainers became a hastle, an obstacle, not a prize for leveling.

Alot of things, as much as people may not agree on here, were changed because blizzard (sometimes wrongfully but often correctly) has gauged that a feature is obsolete, or worse, a hinder.

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A lot of us are the same, I think.

They could overcome a lot of the inconvenience of classic levelling by providing:

  • more gold
  • fast (instant) travel options
  • unlimited bag space for required consumables

I guess people who currently play classic wouldn’t like it, but I wonder how many of us who like the idea of classic but quickly get bored of the reality would actually enjoy it then.


Even Classic can’t agree on what it wants, but that’s the same for any part of the game IMO. Some want the modern conveniences added to Classic, others insist on being as close to the original as possible.

Same with SoD, some love the changes and gimmicks they’ve added to give Classic a different approach. Others feel it’s not enough, it’s not adding new content.

But then again Retail is the same, they can’t please everyone. I love that they dialled back on chorecraft yet we saw a backlash from casual/open world players at having their content slashed in the process.


Not entirely true just give a check at the loot tables in ToC and ICC and wotlk classic and you will notice how items from normal and HC are different not just by stats but also by having an extra socket.

A prime example are weapons like Zodz and Nibelung

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Sure but that extra socket is budgeted into the ilvl increase.

It’s not like if they added baseline sockets to gear again the content would be tuned around nobody having socketed their gear.

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Esactly this makes the impact of gear higher and helps people more with their progress

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Depends on the change in question, needing stuff to makw a fire seem silly however i do miss simple things like 3 node talent trees

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