Why did they remove so many features in retail WoW?

What you described are not features, but inconveniences. Losing a bag slot when bag slots were very limited just for a flint&stone, having to constantly go back to class trainers and spend all of your hard earned gold. It added some depth which was nice, but think the downsides outweighed the benefits.


I find myself ping-ponging between retail and classic. Classic makes every small thing you feel rewarding, but retail feels “cool” and it’s fun to take down tonnes of mobs in AOE.

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I was not happy to have to pay for flint and tinder just to be able to cook with limited bag space and money.

This is why engineers and inventors have jobs because eventually we grow tired of unnecessary inconveniences that drains time and energy.

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One of the thing i dislike over the years , is that WoW team has a bad habit of instantly remove plenty of good features for the sake of Seasons-Expansion.

For me Gem wasn’t just extra dmg/stats like ppl say, the lower stats on gear to counter the Gems/sockets. Was the Rpg Element that offered .
An increase in economy also :slight_smile:

That’s right , acquiring an item and having the Socket was the purpose of further invest in the Gear.

( I dislike the current upgrade system 4-4 6-6 8-8 upgrades… Starting with Normal…going Hc…going Mythic…just to hit the next Season where your Mythic 4/4 hard earned gear is switched to Hc normal Dungeon … that you can afk )

I still remember Crusader-Moongoose-Executioner-Berseking and the last good enchant was in Mop . After that all the enchants weapons were focuses on Secondary stats …(Perhaps i’m missing something )

Yes the game has changed but for me it could be better if they would improve the already feature they had rather than removed them.

Legion legendary…Bfa Azerite at some point the game is becoming so much seasonal that you forget what are you playing at all.

And something that bothered me for couple of years .
Every MMorpg that i played from Lineage-Rune of Magic Final Fantasy and even more they upgrafe the character item SLots…

Lineage from 8 Items you can equip items in 23 Same with others. But WoW has the same Since Classic … nothing changed


As a hunter player I do miss the complexity and training of pets and the different attack speeds. The arrows/bullets I do not miss , its just lost bag space. But I am the kind of guy who would love to see dungeon finder in SOD :blush: But with every convinience change I feel like it turn more into a action game and move away from the RPG genre.

uh yea very immersive going to a training give him 5g and now in an instatnt i am able to throw a pyrobalst because suddenly i became so skilled in higher magic by talking to a random lvl 5 npc that would die to every fart thay invades the city.
kek classic andys

Because, and we see this all the way down this thread, people who have played the game for a long time start finding it mundane or get less adventurous, and then they ask for convenience features, and these convenience features will erode part of the charm of the adventure, and this will keep on rolling and rolling and rolling until the whole game is completely destroyed, and the only way to hold them at bay is to know what this game was fundamentally about and push back against it.

Of course they won’t listen, but people who are frustrated that new players aren’t coming to the game do.

Here’s some examples:

You’re not useless for getting a level-up; you got stronger even before you train. Train when you need to go anyway to put some stuff on the AH anyway.

No-no, instead you’d rather play the version that LITERALLY nerfs your character when you level up as opposed to the one that just doesn’t do anything.

I find it absolutely hysterical to hear retail players complaining about the bag system in vanilla. We have over twice as many slots in our bags alone, and literally infinitely many more overall, yet still don’t manage to have enough storage ever. The inventory management game literally cannot be played because the killrate and acquisition rate is so high it just piles up, like dust in the drawer that you have to empty.

Flint and tinder is not a problem… at all.

The original game actually makes getting bagspace exciting, especially early on.

Good thing we have a vendor handy whereever and whenever we want him so we can unload all these 30s items, huh?

The original vanilla team set out to avoid the current retail WoW experience because it was in the games they were playing and they considered it toxic and stressful.

Oh, how the tables have turned. Turns out companies really like them engagement metrics, don’t they.

The good news is that DF is less chore-y than any since Legion, and thank goodness for that.

It was never about realism and everybody with an ounce of sense knows that, even if they can’t quite express what it is if it isn’t realism.

It’s the feeling of planning for an adventure. That’s one of WoW’s core pillars, yet people keep forgetting it. That’s why we have flasks and potions and runes and even gear and levels in the first place. It’s fun to pick up quests and read them and go around to vendors and find the things you need to complete your objective. It is a cornerstone of RPG’s. And if you think you’re going somewhere full of animals, you should bring that cooking equipment.

The main problem with the system is that it was too difficult to get items in and out of your bank, so it became a “lost slot” instead of any kind of choice. But this was never fixed, so now we’re here. You can skin any animal without a knife. Or being a worgen (that was hilarious - the idea of being able to tear the skin off with your fangs D: )

WoW never really did this well, but instead of looking for ways to fix it and make levelling better, they just deleted it.

Well, it is a good feature if there’s a real cost associated. For example, in Baldur’s Gate 3 a resurrection costs 700gp.

More importantly, the new dungeons aren’t that imposing. They are very linear and it is nearly impossible to get lost, and often there aren’t even multiple routes. Although, the few dungeons I’ve played in TWW actually do have multiple routes, so it’s a start.

The Dragon Isles are rather more varied even than Northrend, not to mention it looks a lot better. The problem they’re having is that, as the landscapes become more natural, the zone boundaries become less clear, so they try to make less of them, but WoW’s map systems were never built for such large zones, so the roads and camps become ever smaller on the maps, so at some point they just have to cut it.

An ESO expansion ships with one zone, yet it’s bigger than 3 WoW zones put together, and larger than all of Lordaeron.

They need a new map system.

It’s obviously supposed to represent him giving you some knowledge, like a book or something. No, it wasn’t perfect, but it makes more sense than where we’ve ended up for sure.

We could’ve gone all the way with something like Skyrims Spell Research mod:

And something like that was actually planned, but they decided not to do it and instead the skill system wasn’t really used and eventually, slowly, it was turned into dust because it just wasn’t very well made to begin with.

And not only did all this happen once, it happened twice, and not only did it happen twice, but it has been done by the very people who asked for the older version of the game without the things they are now asking for in the first place. The Classic → Cata progression is probably one of the most insane things I have ever seen in my life. It is literally doing the exact same thing again and expecting a different outcome.

I have to personally say I don’t like where they went with SoD, but even I can appreciate the attempt at going in a different direction. That thing makes sense to me, as an experiment. Going to Cata absolutely does not.


The main problem ( for me at least ) remain the 3 or 4 bosses that has been added due the Mythic +.

Other than the Affictions nothing changed from Classic with the 2/3 abilities per bosses .
20 years and instead of improving the game by adding and evolving the Dungeons bosses they remain the same … 1/2 perhaps a 3rd ability …
If you Look normal and Hc is even more disappointing …is like a training dummy with no enjoy playing the fight other than the loot…

Many have explained it, but the issue is that any “inconvenience” has been removed with the reasoning of “QoL improvement”, even if that incovenience was what gave the game a roleplaying/adventuring feeling.

This was touched in some other thread but I will expand on it here. It is possible to design the game to have both “classic” and “retail” feel in retail right now for some things, but the hard part is balancing it so that one does not feel punished for picking their favourite playstyle. Some examples around non-combat:

  • Remove the need to be near a crafting station for anything. When you craft it outside the range of one, then the item is crafted with 50% extra material cost, 0% resourcefulness, 0% multicraft, 0% speed crafting. What does that accompish? It gives an incentive to want to craft items near a station, but you can still craft anywhere, even inside a dungeon.
  • Instant teleportation around the world through the Group Finder tool: Finding a group no longer instantly teleports everyone inside the instance. Instead it gives the option to teleport through the green eye. Using that “service” now costs gold equal to the level of the player. For some players this will be a deterrant and will entice them to fly on their own to the dungeon, others will not care and use it. It would even bring the option of first flying to the dungeon entrance, then using the tool to find a group, and then entering immediately!
  • World Quest vs Daily Quest: Every active World Quest is now also available as a Daily Quest (or weekly quest, or semi-weekly, whatever) from some NPC in the zone. If the player picks up the Daily Quest then the World Quest version becomes unavailable. Completing it as a Daily Quest gives an extra 10% on gold, reputation and seasonal currencies. That way players who want to speedrun and don’t care about max rewards can simply fly, kill/gather and be done, while the rest will first have to find the NPC, accept the quest (don’t forget that this also requires not being at the limit if 35 quests in your log!), fly to the area, to the killing/gathering, and finally return to the NPC

And some examples around combat:

  • Concentration buff: Subtract 50%/100% from your Haste (going into negatives) while also making the global cooldown longer and increase your output by 60% / 120%. That way players who like the slow-paced turretting playstyle of Classic can experience it also in retail, but it will definitely not be optimal in anything above Normal raiding or Mythic0 dungeons, and definitely unviable in any form of PvP.
  • Ammunition / Poisons / Sharpening Stones / etc.: They now overwrite the weapon enchant and are equal in power to the “best” enchant. This way players who want the ammunition etc. will no longer need to spend gold on a weapon enchant, but they will need to ensure they have a lot of ammo on them (or to reapply poisons etc.). Running out of ammo will be like attacking without an enchant. And if one both enchants their weapon and has ammo, they get no benefit.
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Agree to disagree.
I HATED having to get all kinds of different stuff for a raid in vanilla.

And I definitely disagree that it’s a ‘cornerstone of RPGs’.

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Well, not much else I can do. I could tie myself into knots trying to convince you of something so obvious as preparing with items and levels being a cornerstone of RPG’s, but I’m not even going to bother - because I’ve been down that road and I know where it leads, and that’s not what I want to do today. Or any day really.


No no no. You do what you always do and move the goalposts.
Nowhere was I talking about ‘levels’ not being cool or a cornerstone of RPGs.
And now all of a sudden it’s ‘items’, is it? Yes: Gear and getting better gear is definitely a cornerstone of RPGs. And that was NOT what I was talking about.

And I think you knew that when you wrote your reply.

When Classic first came out I gave it a go for old times sake. I soon remembered the frustration of never having enough gold to train, pet dying for want of food, and dying miles from corpse. I will stick to retail. One gripe though, I do find all the highlight twinkles around quest items etc. a bit irritating, as if I’m not capable of finding stuff on my own.

No, I didn’t mean just gear when I said that.

I meant stuff like this:

A chaotic mess of an inventory?
Could you be more specific what you ‘meant’?

WoW still has crafting materials, grey vendor trash and loot drops.
WoW still has potions, drafts, elixers and such things.

So I’m not sure what you’re talking about what used to be ‘oh so RPG’ that isn’t now.

This thread literally has a thousand examples of it being pruned down to its bare essentials.

I said I wasn’t gonna bother, and I’m not.

It literally does not have a thousand examples. Don’t use words like that to enforce something that isn’t factual. :sweat_smile:

The thing is: That example of yours, really doesn’t show anything that we don’t have in WoW today in some form.

Have they made the game more convenient? Yes.
Is that a good thing? Overal, in my opinion, yes it is. I think WoW today is a better game than it was almost 20 years ago.

We can just disagree on that. No need to try and use fake arguments.
It’s okay to disagree.

Hunters running out of ammo in the middle of a raid still made me chuckle. Same when Warlocks ran out of soul stones.

Because it was an RPG, now it’s just m+ and raid lobby game, where open world is meaningless and useless.


Last time i had a chat or even interacting with someone in Open World Was… Was… Still Loading …loading …Error 414…Not Found.

That’s right in the last 7-8 years the Mmorpg Feature (Open World_) disappeared .

If the World bosses wasn’t as a Quest i would say that this game is Single player Mod.

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