Why do Blood Elves need Horde?

True…but the exile of the Void Elves didn’t cause any death or anything like that…they just got exiled and then Alleria recruited them into the Alliance…nice and comfortable, I would say :stuck_out_tongue:

while High Elves had to travel to the whole world for a lot of years, witness many deaths, having a lot of war against the Trolls…so that is the reason he was (and still is as undead) so angry against Malfurion, while Magister Umbric and Void Elves still have a good life even after being exiled

Out of the many legitimate qualms the Blood Elves could have with the Alliance, and the Night Elves

“I want to kill you because Malfurion Stormrage banished our ancestors”

Is probably the worst, most moronic excuse they could have conjured up. It’s so flimsy, it’s so silly.

Imagine Lorash had said something along the lines of:

“Your Sentinels, they had the help of your druids, and they murdered my brother - the only family the Scourge had left me with - when your people decided to treat mine as volatile specimen and careless children that needed to be watched over by the likes of you!”

Wouldn’t that have been much more believable? Wouldn’t that have been actually relatable for some of the stigma Blood Elves get treated with by people who think they know better?

Blizzard’s writing just leaves me confused at times.


Especially because that banishment was actually a merciful act.
Those High Elves knew the punishment for using arcane magic was death. They still did it. It was their own choice. They were warned many times. And in the end, they weren’t killed but only exiled. And they were happy about it. They weren’t chased away in disgrace either, they left with a mighty fleet of ships.
All the hardships they had to endure later on on their journey were a) because they didn’t anticipate the drastic changes they would suffer without the Well of Eternity and b) because they had stubbornly set their mind on settling a place that already was inhabitated. By trolls, who held an understandable grudge against them from the days of Queen Azshara.


Probably they removed them in the lore.

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You read way too far into that comment.

I meant now that Undercity is gone we’re alone in the Eastern Kingdoms.

It wasn’t inhabitated, the amani just considered the ground holy, that is about it. So any knowledge of it being inhabitated was lacking because the trolls did not settle on it, that is about it.

The amani were of course mad and decided to attack. Azeroth is a very hard place to settle decently at, when you have a bunch of trolls claiming ownership of everything alongside the Night Elves, and other places being wastelands that provide little in the form of resources and potential for resources, and then more places corrupted by old gods.

Considering how trolls generally treat each other as well, I would say that the amani had it coming.

Poor Darkspear trolls were also bullied by bigger tribes, chased away from their original home.

It was inhabitated, to reach those sacred ground elves slaughtered their way to reach there to begin with.


Didn’t the Quel’dorei scouts even report on the Trolls’ presence on the land they were entering, in Chronicles iirc?

And they decided to go in anyway because the Trolls’ holy site was a point of convergence for the leylines?

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They sent scouts indeed, hence why they knew of the leylines. If those scouts somehow missed the presence of trolls, or just forgot to mention it, is unknown but very unlikely.
In any case, the High Elves knew they were not welcome the moment they set foot on Amani territory, but they pushed further into their lands regardless and marched all the way to future Silvermoon, killing “any troll who dared cross their path”.

Funny that. The Amani had it coming because trolls are generally no nice people and have therefore no right to defend their homes from invaders? Awesome argument, never heard it before.
Whereas the Highborne in question, the very same people btw who supported Azshara’s actions almost until the very end, are clearly the good guys and the heroes of this story :roll_eyes:

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Surprisingly, the trolls seem to have discovered the elves first. The elves did indeed just follow a leyline, once they arrived at the Amani empire, the amani saw them, got infuriated by their presence and then proceeded to ambush the elves due to their hatred for elves coming from the era of Queen Azshara.

… But the elves soon discovered that another race also called this region home: the barbaric Amani trolls. The arrival of the Highborne infuriated the trolls, who harbored a bitter hatred of elves from the days of Queen Azshara. The Amani sent out raiding parties immediately, and the Highborne soon learned to fear troll ambushes in the dense forests. Yet the elves stubbornly pressed forward, using their magical prowess to decimate any Amani who dared cross their path. Soon the trolls also learned to tread cautiously. The continueous skirmishes fostered a mutual emnity between between Amani and the Highborne.

The elves did find the leylines they were seeking and it happened to be in amani ruins, thus abandoned and not lived in any more.

However, the ruins were still considered hallowed ground by the trolls.

Certainly… I tend to point at any insane aggressor and be automatically against them. Be they Night elves automatically attacking orcs in a forest, or trolls automatically attacking High Elves.

I am a staunch believer of diplomacy first, violence later.

Well this is the only case that the High Elves acted aggressively in a war against the territory of the natives (Trolls in this case) in 7000 years. Because remember, they needed to find a home and that was the only right place because of the leyline convergence for the Sunwell.

But after they settled down in Quel’thalas, they have been essentially peaceful for 7000 years, only defending their own territory and never expanding aggressively. Heck, they never even tried to eradicate the Amani completely, considering Zul’Aman have always been there and the High Elves tolerated them, even AFTER the defeats of the Amani when the Amani were at their weakest (Troll Wars and Second War)

So a single “war of conquest” (because again, they needed a new home for themselves) in 7000 years doesn’t seem too bad to me.

I’m pretty sure Orcs, Humans and Trolls themselves have a worse record in this department :stuck_out_tongue:

Insane aggressors? It was their land lol. And don’t forget the Amani have a history with those people who just happen to walk into their front lawn. Hint: it wasn’t one of friendship and diplomacy.

Insane yes.

Imagine… had they just sent a single diplomat to begin with, see what the elves said or did not say. Said diplomat may die, but if he did, the Amani could have sent their entire army down upon the High Elves right there and then and slaughtered them all.

The High Elves only succeeded because the Amani only sent small parties at them, because of this the High Elves had time to settle and make the Sunwell, and because of this the High Elves were able to fend off the Amani despite being extremely outnumbered, even if just barely.

One diplomat could have made a difference.

Instead the Amani chose to be insane.

I might be doing the Amani a favor here, let us rephrase… instead the Amani chose to be stupid… not unusual though.

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Funny right? Obviously they weren’t even hellbent on killing them all. They just sent small raid parties as their way of saying" This is our land. Get out!" Which we know the Elves did not.
If the Amani were such bloodthirsty monsters as you make them, why not just exterminate the Elves right from the start? Why wait until they reach the source of power that allows them to fend them off?
I agree with you here, that was stupid of them. It’s a pretty stupid story overall.

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They probably remembered the Highborne under Queen Azshara and their power so at the start they were afraid and didn’t want to die in mass by sending their whole army. So they only sent small parties and when they noticed that the Elves were not as strong as before, they moved in mass, but at that point it was too late and the High Elves had already made the Sunwell, so even if outnumbered (1-10?) they could easily defeat the Amani with their full magical powers again.

Because the Amani are not the smartest bunch.
They pretty much underestimated the elves. They eventually “learned to be careful”.

Sending skirmish parties repeatedly is not a warning. Especially not when the skirmish parties repeatedly are killed off. It is with the intention to kill.

To be honest here, if you enter a territory owned by someone else it’s hardly outside of the owners’ rights to tell you if you are allowed in or not.

The Elves could have backtracked as soon as they saw Trolls if they really cared about respecting borders.

They chose to keep going, no matter the bloody swathe they had to leave behind their path.

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And if you attack ignorant wanderers then you are fair game for reprisal. Don’t throw the punch if you can’t handle being punched.

I still think it’s the elves that acted the stupidest and illogical here.

Everything besides laylines was showing that the land wasnot fit for them. Climate was incredibly harsh for them, and the neighbours were trolls who hated them and vice versa. Why would you want to live there if there were so many red flags to not to?
Why pushing to place where you’re surrounded by hostile neighbours who would never clease to fight back?

And then we have example of that Lorash guy who was so upset over it that he blamed nelves, but it was helves who made the choice to settle there to begin with. Why not going south? Or use their advanced magic to search for some nice islands/ archipelago to settle on?

They could’ve inhabitate Gilneas which back then was not occupied.
And attacking first isn’t indeed smart, but these are exact same elves who waged war with them before, it’s not even a matter of “different generation which shouldn’t be blamed for faults of their ancestors” excuse, so their hostility to them imo was justified in this particular regard.

Also funny how usually same people also justify belves fighting of nelves who ade a scouting settlement in Ghostlands. That belves were in the right and nelves in the wrong. But this is exactly what Amani did and somehow they’re the vile ones in the exact same scenario.

Helves pushed into trolls territory because they already felt entilted to it.

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You mean down to the OTHER troll tribe?