Why do horde lose 85% of random bgs?

General question. There are some good days for horde and sure running in a premade its easy, but for the most part horde get spawn camped. Why is this?

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According to who or what data?

If you lose so much, you don’t carry enough.


85% vs Larkus :joy:


Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

Well. If these are games you are playing in…………

……common. Denominator…… •_•


because blizz has pushed everyone to alliance since bfa and warmode came out

anyone who’s serious about honor gains and farm is on alliance
anyone who plays competitive pvp is alliance
horde has just few ppl left, and they might be also playing merc often too

honestly if they made a forsaken faction id prob move there too, tired of the 3.5kk horde healer experience casting void blast (literally last bg)


Sorry but…


Work on your gear, your mentality, your build, and prioritize objectives.

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No need to apologize :slight_smile:

Appreciate the explanation, however gear really isn’t an issue for me as I can complete objectives in game with or without full gear, my mentality during the games is to generally stick to the tactics as per the map while avoiding pointless fighting on the roads etc and keep the team positive as many games can be pulled back from even the brink of failure, thats what I believe at least.

As for my builds, usually I have a pretty good grasp on what to do for each spec/build but if im unsure I check out multiple guides to get a good idea of what some of the top players are doing and then practice that. (btw just tested frost mage tonight, super fun even in full greens!)

Im simply asking because it didn’t always feel like this imho :slight_smile: Years back It generally felt pretty even for the most part, and I’m just looking to see what others think :slight_smile:

I unfortunately haven’t got any hard data to provide to you to back this up because amazingly enough I dont actually keep an excel file of a record of the wins/losses over the years, but ive never said that I do have any hard data, I never stated any facts and my apologies if you have taken my question as me trying to put out misinformation, simply asked based on my own experience :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: Thanks for being a friendly, helpful, constructive community member pal. Im sure people love you on here <3

Please feel free to let me know if im doing somthing wrong with my gear, mentality, build and game objectives, but im glad to know that those are the key points for obtaining more wins in random battle grounds, I’ll be sure to spread the word to my horde brothers.

I wonder if one of the reasons why it feels like this for me is the fact that the ally races have strong spells right now and competitive PvPers have probably indeed joined the ally side as a result.

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It doesn’t help much to get mad stupidly in the middle of the bg and get out of it, huh, naka? Even so it has been won without you


Its not. The alliance is currently more popular among competitive players, that doesn’t mean the horde has no good players at all or some competitive players prefer the horde. Last time I looked around 2/3 of competitive players played alliance. Racials offer a small competitive advantage at the highest level. Taking care of your gear and playing objectives on the other hand offers a huge competitive advantage against players in random bgs, most players in random bgs don’t do it. They attack the nearest enemy and ghost bases. The level of play in random bgs is not very high and they are easy to carry if you do some basics right.

I don’t mince words on principle.
If you consistently lose 85% of your rounds there are probably things you could do better.

85% ? are you out of your mind.
You’re aware that the horde has the most premade communities right ?
This is an absurd number you’re mentioning.

Sweet where can i join so i can fight alliance premades?

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How quickly you were to to call unfairness and how quickly you were to jump right into it when its benefiting you.

Ofc and yet you provide none of the communitys you refer to… by the way you acknowledge that Alliance run premades but you only comment on the horde communitys but dont provide any communitys? LOL

Would you advise that if im going to be fighting premades that i dont make a premade of my own? Because I have no problem fighting a premade if im in a premade aswell :slight_smile:

Can i also just say that i mentioned nothing about premades until you did, my question had nothing to do with premades until you brought it up implying that premades cause this problem?


Because BGs are about objectives and not (just) kills.
In other words, go flag, zug zug bad.


You sure? Because if i que random bg 50% of the time is vs horde premade.
Ask how i know? Simple i know their names and when i see them they are 100% in premade so /afk is my only option.

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You’re aware according to the forum rules i cannot simply mention random players right?

You dont know that.
Infact I am one of the most outspoken person on the forums against Premades.
So that I often would leave BGs with Premading raids even when they’re on “my” side.

This means absolutely nothing.
Because in reality you cannot pick and choose who you fight against.
And the premade group ends up being entirely disruptive in practice.

I mean, sorry but the horde premade culture is not invented by me and if we gonna speak about your pulled out of nowhere numbers, it has to be brought to perpective.

I didnt imply that per say. But premades are a problem indeed.
Regardless- your data is unbeliavable.
If you want people to side with you - make sure you got proper argument and if you gonna present data, do so accordingly, not through assumtion.
Since strong bias is a logical fallacy.

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Nah man im not asking for names of players im asking for names of the communitys you refer to so i can look them up :)… never asked for any player names.

only stating this in the interest of honesty as i cant beat a premade on my own :slight_smile:

Indeed now if you look at my original forum post im simply looking for peoples opinions. My question is based on my own experience ive explained in previous replies to others that i dont carry concrete proof of my experience :slight_smile: So all ive really gotten from you is that you beleive premades are another cause to players feeling like this and i appreciate your feed back.

Glad we can agree here at least.

I have noted your opinion in response to how the game experience felt for me. And although i dont have the numbers to back this up you cant tell me its not how the game feels for me :slight_smile: as you have not had my gameplay experience and vise versa.

I dont really want people to side with me more so i just want to get what people think… If you are an alliance player your input to this thread may not be beneficial if you do not play horde just an fyi.

While i understand your need to see hard data of my gaming experience i unfortunately have not kept a record of these statistics. So Everything i am asking is simply based on my own opinion/experience of playing this game multiple years.

I can understand if you dont want to interact with this topic as a result however please be advised that i am strictly refering to my own personal experience and am simply looking to see if other horde players are havinf the same experience. So far ive seen some horde players do have this problem while many alliance players will tend to come flame me and ask for stats and numbers rather than just engaging in a conversation based on individual player experience on particular faction.

No worries if you dont agree in my opinion there is no right or wrong in this thread. Just a chat :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback anyways m8


idk, wth do u even mean.

I have played 7733 battlegrounds as horde and won 3792 of them. So horde only lost 51% of them, not 85%.