Why do horde lose 85% of random bgs?

Well… if you suck at doing dmg or kills then objectives is the last option.

I was one of the first players to hit 2.4k, within 2 weeks of the season start and I didnt do a single objective. I got to 2.4k just by doing pure dmg and sending people to the graveyard. I got to rank 6 which is TOP10 (in the MM spec ladder) just by doing that.

So yes, it is possible to climb high without doing any objectives at all.


If you know. Last night on the bg, you were raging about why a paladin took the flag in a twin peaks, and then you left the bg, it was all very surreal. The worst thing is that it is not the first time you do something like that.


Yes. Possible. If your teammates do the same then you can have all the HKs in the world on a bg if the enemy does the objectives still. But then, a stomp is a stomp.

u do know i had the flag, i literally told him don’t pick it i jump, and then he clicked it anyway
very surreal yes yes, i know u “won anyway” due to prob my prem who stayed in and prob carried it, was aboutt o offer him 100k gold to just leave
its not the first time u get carried through the start and i leave when ppl int and troll ?

believe me, if i could go back, and enter without a duo, and not carry u, and then play as avg as possible till we maybe get GY camped i would, but unfortunately i cannot time travel to prove my point

How do you carry? With your toys? :laughing:

I think the answer would be a premade match making system based on % of people queuing as a group.

For example 3 people queuing as 2 and4 solo would match vs similar.

But a full 5-10man would match only with similar unless none available.

It’s not foolproof but would balance out the casual PvP scene vs grave camping.

Even when I’m in a 4/5 premade. It’s nearly a 100% win just due to coordination of objectives.

It’s easy, if there aren’t any premades involved in a game, the team with less hozen wins. Also having more healers helps a lot.

Nice ideas! It would be interesting to test some of these concepts. I wonder if they would ever consider making the random battleground queue factionless. At the very least, this could help spread out premades more evenly, and I’m pretty sure it would also resolve queue time issues—essentially functioning as a kind of “forced Mercenary buff.”

Or better yet, what if it only applied to groups of three or more? For example, if the Alliance has the option to use the Mercenary buff (which they almost always do because their queue times are significantly longer) and a 5-man team decides to queue without the buff, they could simply be placed on the Horde team anyway. This could obviously work both ways :slight_smile:

Interesting. in my conversations with folks they seem to disagree so i think i will go with the majority. Thanks for elaborating on your initial points. Your contribution is hugely appreciated and is taken into my consideration.

You realize it is much easier to say “Oh man, horde sucks and all the good players play alliance.” than to take responsibility and do what is in your power to improve at the game?

You will always find a lot of bad players who prefer convenient excuses.
If you ask competent players they will tell you
“Yeah, I can win with either faction no problem, what do you mean?”

I MEAN yes, but its also undeniable for me that alliance by default wins more…