Why do i and so many here like forum so much?

Because I can post on the forums on any device, in any situation.

Also I like to talk. If you don’t know my opinion, you’re about to :joy_cat:

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Lurkers unite :clap:

A truer master than N’Zoth himself and the sole owner of the ultimate cow level.

That belf hunter is just a disguise! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


The Old Gods are mere minions of The Twiluna…kneel before the awesomeness of Twilly!


I might see you all later,good luck and have fun.

You couldn’t be more wrong. Video Game forums are nothing but a constant kindergarden of people wahhh wahhing all the time since forever.


Maybe you are not having drinks…

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in fact, not everyone has these restrictions …

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Forums are an excellent place for posting feedback and thoughts about the game, and it’s a good place to meet new people and discuss the game we are passionate about. I’m glad I found out about them. I’ll do my best to provide good, constructive feedback, and contribute to the ongoing discussions about the game. :slight_smile:

Yet the feedback gets ignored about 90% of the subjects.

Just check WW / ret tier discussion.

Gets ignored since 2 months XD

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