Why do I get deserter debuff for being kicked?

Tank playing with his friends didn’t hold aggro, I call him out after 2nd wipe and they vote me out, this is fine as I’d rather be out of there.

But then I get the 30 min debuff, so WTH!


Yes that is working as intended. If you leave or are removed by the group you will get the deserter penalty. Otherwise everyone who got queued into content they didn’t want to do would just sit down and demand to be kicked to avoid any penalty.


Because 3 out of 4 people deemed you to be somehow at fault. That’s the reason you got kicked.

The deserter debuff is because you left the dungeon before the deserter timer expired.

No, it shouldn’t. It should apply to players who click on the button: Leave party. Please look up the meaning of deserter.
If a boss fires you, it means you didn’t quit the job.


So its not very descriptive, change the debuff name to “deserter and person that the rest of the group didn’t want to spend any more time with”. Happy now?


Would be the better way imo. I would sit next to them and say that we will just wait longer than the deserter penalty would take. :blush:

Deserter penalty should only trigger for leaving.
Or maybe if you get kicked more than once in one hour to avoid what you stated.

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It really shouldn’t punish people who get kicked from queues by bad actors. It shouldn’t be more than 15 minutes at max as a penalty otherwise. This can be abused so often by groups who like to troll pugs and randoms.

Should only qualify for those who leave or are kicked from more than one group in a certain amount of time.


How do you guys manage to get kicked any way?

Because groups of friends were using the random group finder to repeatedly kick one another, evading the leaver penalty.

The LFD system is so bloody dumb. I can’t wait until Mythic opens.

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Please define “bad actor” in a way that the game can decide beforehand.
The decision to kick someone is a majority vote against one player for “user defined reason”.
If the majority agrees then that player is at fault for that reason.
If he deserves the deserter debuff or not is not part of the kick.

However, the deserter debuff gets applied for anyone not completing a dungeon, no matter the reason. That is to combat holding players hostage and punishing those that do hold them hostage. Note that the deserter debuff is longer (30 mins) than the timer that would trigger its application (15 mins).
So a tank just afking to get kicked would effectively save time if he didn’t get deserter debuff. Therefore deserter debuff must be applied even upon a kick (that put you at fault by majority vote in the first place!).
That some peoply just hit “kick” no matter the reason is not a technical problem but a social one instead. You can’t combat social problems with technical solutions.

There is always 2 sides to every single story.

I’ve had people whine & complain about something, and most of the time we ignore them and continue with the dungeon.

People who are instantly vote kicked are people who AFK or are just dumb and cause more problems for the group. So for you to be kicked because you questioned the tank’s taunting just doesn’t make sense.

You did something else or said something, which you don’t want to repeat on these forums :wink:

You are in a group show some respect to other in the group. If the tank isn’t holding the mobs then do something to help them out. You have not mentioned if you bothered to help them at all.

My initial thoughts are that were you pulling before the tank. I have seen a lot of these idiots lately. I simply refuse to pull the mobs back from them now. One maybe two times in acceptable, but after that you are just trolling and on your own. I have zero intention of following some clown getting his kicks from making the dungeon harder than it needs to be.

There was a time when there was no penalty and players abused it. They would not move, would refuse to do anything in a dungeon and demand to be kicked to avoid any penalty of leaving.

So it does not matter if you leave or are kicked you have deserted either way.

Dungeons are a team effort the onus is on the players to get on with the task as a group. Even if they are doing things you don’t want. You have to go with the flow.

I take issue with that line of thinking. Being in a minority doesn’t make you wrong or bad.


What im going to say might sound extreme but i like extreme solutions.

If i film the whole run and get kicked without doing anything wrong then i want the ability to send the footage to blizz and they give all of them a nice vacation. I bet no one is ever giong to kick for fun again


I do wonder what people do to get kicked.

I’ve been kicked once, and that was in wotlk, and it was deserved because I was being a douche. People who’re getting kicked all the time must be doing something seriously wrong.


Oh yeah classic blizzard take.

Let’s ruin everyone for the sake of the 1% who would “abuse” it.


People have a tendency to just press yes. I’ve developed the opposite, if I see the window pop up I press no by default (because in 99% of the cases the reason for kick is unjustified)

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You also got the deserter debuff when your connexion crashes… but people farming first or second boss for their loot won’t be tagged as deserter when they’ll leave the group after these bosses, and will insult you if you looted their precious loot before them :crazy_face:

It was a prolific problem in dungeons. So not really a low percentage. That’s why they fixed it.