Why do I have to PvE if I want to PvP?

It did happen in MoP at least for hunter and paladin trinkets is the most often offenders.
Also i do seem to have a weak memory that the legendary did work in pvp not to sure on it though.
in WoD i do not remember.

This is true, but the items mentioned is the exceptions to the whole expansion it is items from 2 bosses in the newest raid this tier.
items that will hopefully not matter in the next raid tier.
(we will have to wait and see on that)

The problem blizzard has is that if they make the pvp gear good enough then pvers are forced to do pvp at least in the start of the raid tier.

You are already getting heroic item level raid loot.
at 1600.

Please keep in mind that right now we are at the end of a raid tier we have had this tier for 5months so far. (mythic BoD opened 29January)

I see ducks everywhere

I losed because of X cd remove it please thank your kind of pvp metnality just whine on everything /wave to legion pvp such boring trahs so many did pvp didnt?

I do not see pve players asking for nerfs/removing XYZ all what pvp players do is whine and cry /beg for nerfs etc on everything instead of getting good and improving scaling exist just because of pvp only whinners to not get totally destroyed by everyone else just boring af more items like CoS etc are fun your vision of pvp was legion full scaling gear did not mattered pvp dreams come true didnt they?

today i did +10 and i got nothing what a …guess what i did heroic and still got nothing hmm i do not get upgrade even from mythic something is broken at this point hmm…

Wotlk pvp best imo got shiny items used in pvp destroyed these “PVP ONLY PLAYERS LULZ” even in their full resilience gear that was fun.
Now pvp players are just what they were before just bunch crybabies compalinng whining on everything else because someone is doing something else and they get gear …

IMAGINE rating for gear would be lowered by lets say 400 - rat you would be here crying people getting easier gear than you do on lower rating just minimal difference can not please crybaby can you ?

we cant compare pvp and pve when it comes to “people complaining”. if a class is op in pve, it helps their teammates. no one is going to complain about killing a boss faster. the only issues in pve really is people wanting to top dps charts (which is petty), and maybe classes that are REALLY underpowered.

whereas in pvp, if a class is op compared to others, it is an issue cause you are FIGHTING that op class.

thats why balance is more of an issue in pvp then pve, but pve still need to perform enough to be able to kill bosses.

there is probably a few “easy fixes”, but it would need to be looked at by fair and impartial people, not the forums if this thread is anything to go by.

but even still, gear allocation in pvp, (and tbh, in general in BfA) is terrible.

Why do I even need to do something if people accept the way it is? Unless you all pay your subscription, I dont care about anything.

So, basically Blizz don’t give an f about your complaints. You pay money-you accept the rules even if you dont like it. Simple

They will finally start doing smth new and great only seeing huge loss of $. Untill than nbd cares

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No, those are only the extreme outliers. The bigger issue is that PvE is the more lucrative gearing method generally speaking. Doing a m+10 weekly out of time is monumentally easier than capping your conquest at 2400+ rating, and provides the same gear. Add to that completely out of bounds items that can be gained only in raids and that are mandatory to PvP, and the picture for the pvp system is bleak.

For example, this is the very highest rated PvP player in the whole of Europe at the moment: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/ravencrest/chas . You would expect that at least someone playing at the absolute highest level of pvp would have gained their gear from pvp, but looking at his items this doesn’t hold true, 6 of their items come from mythic +10 and 1 from raiding. This is the second highest rated pvp player in Europe: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/ravencrest/b%C3%A9stworld , and their gear is also half from pve sources. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/darksorrow/n%C3%A2zrins - third highest rated character and half their gear is pve. Going down the ladder, things are generally the same or even more biased towards pve gear. And keep in mind, these are the absolute highest pvp players there are. There can be no better pvp gear than what they have. On the flipside, if you check the top pve players profiles, none of them has a similar proportion of pvp items.

There simply is no equity between pvp gear and pve gear. PvP players are forced to do pve if they want to stay competitive.

It only happened for the first season of MoP. In season 2, a few weeks after the season was launched, they operated a change for PvE trinket behavior in PvP - they made them provide a smaller benefit, have a higher internal cooldown and the effect lasted longer. At the same time, they slapped a 2-set bonus on all pvp trinkets, which provided 15% damage reduction in PvP. This completely killed off PvE gear for the rest of the expansion, as the 15% bonus was too good to pass up and the PvE effects were nothing impressive anymore.

MoP S1 (aka Season 12) was nothing to write home about, it was an unbalanced mess, but the seasons that came after it were among the better seasons of WoW, and either way the gearing system was finally fixed. This lasted the whole of WoD as well, and the only reason we don’t have it now is because they ditched pvp gear and pvp vendors in Legion.

So they don;t trust their own crappy systems?

I think it was to much work to balance a vendor with pve titanforging and all this stuff.

Pvp player can never get better gear than pve. That’s the rule blizzard has to follow

PvP feels like such a small esoteric part of the game now. I do both PvE and PvP and it seems like the vast majority of players do PvE with literally 0 PvP, while most PvPers do some form of PvE by choice or necessity especially in the case of the game breaking crucible of storms gear. When I played in the past WotLK/Cata PvP seemed to be a much more active and involved part of the game. PvP right now feels about as consequential to the game as pet battles or the trial of style.

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