Why do I have to PvE if I want to PvP?


First of all, you are either blind or you don’t know how to read.
Second, you make no sense.
Third, I stated facts and what it is all about on my previous posts. I cannot explain the same plain things on every nonsense post you make.
Fourth, we speak again when you grow up, like more than 16 years old because the way you type and you express yourself makes me feel that the discussion is worthless. :smile:

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pretty sure PvP rewards decent gear at decent rating.

You are only one here who makes no sense you are neither pvp player like you claim neither pve you do just random bgs and that is barely your achievemetns/stats and HONOR LVL which is account wide just proves you barely play and you expect getting heroic gear and more from just doing RANDOM BGS is beyond being idiotic.

When you rating is 0 and you do pvp so hard your honor lvl is just 16 all you get for your hard PVP ONLY Effort is i think lfr gear/below lfr since RANDOM BGS never reward gear nor they should any.

I mean honestly, if your rating is 0, you dont deserve anything better than LFR level gear.

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2100+ to get gear worth anything but more like glad for any good ilvl. Any other rating and every source of gear gives better. I can do wq for equal ilvl at 2k…


i was gearin my holy priest trough pvp when i dinged even i was not and still im not pvp player

and this is why there are dead realms. as long as people keep paying to server transfer, blizz will be reluctant to do anything. not that i blame the players. no one wants to be on a dead server, but overall, it dont help anything. so no, i am not paying blizzard after them causing this issue. my sub ran out today, and im not bothered when i can be ar$ed to go to the shop and get another timecard cause of the way things are going.

i must agree with others that your replies are a little incoherent. i think i understand the gist of what you’re saying, but im afraid i disagree.

example: a mythic raider with 415+ gear and no pvp experience, going against a 2k rated player, probably in about 400 gear. the mythic raider has far more chance than they should at beating the pvp player.

and all this gear is basically useless after the second week or so of a season. so why do you keep bringing it up?

again, not true. like i said, i was full pvp gear the whole time in TBC, and had a full pvp set the whole of WotLK. i never had rating. i never got my first rating until the end of cata, and i think even that wasn’t above 1.4K.

forget the OP a second. i dont understand his position and it doesn’t really matter. his point is what matters, and he is correct.

in the past, you’d usually be lucky to get 3, maybe 4 bits of gear a week roughly. but now, with wq’s, M+ chests, warfronts, pvp “rewards”, you can get maybe a few dozen a week! but again, after the first couple of weeks, this is all useless. ok, its great for gearing alts, but even with them, once they hit about 320, its easy to jump to about 360 very fast, and from there on, most of the gear again becomes useless unless you want to grind out ilvl, which a lot of people probably dont, cause its an alt.

having all the gear in the world is useless, if its all lower than what you already have, or is the wrong stats, or wrong slot. it would be better to get 1 piece of gear a week, BUT it is actually worth something.

That is not trues since “PVP SCALING” if you do not see difference in dmg to players/healing etc then you do not do pvp at all and yes gear>no gear.

That is lie since you could get gear but FROM PREVIOUS SEASON NOT CURRENT WITHOUT RATING so aka quality of gear you get now from random bgs/conquest cap without rating.

Emissaries give 395 weapons to get them you have to be already 392,5 ivl + same with 400 azerite pieces + you have to be close to that item lvl max random wq rewards is 370 stop complaining about pvp gear rewards now you want to take gear from casuals who are happy doing this ?So much “PVP PLAYERS ONLY” yet they cant get gear equivalent to their skill .

And what kind of BS you are talking about

Tier Rating Weekly Cache ilvl
Normal Items
Weekly Cache ilvl
Azerite Items

Unranked 0-1399 385 385
Combatant 1400-1599 395 385
Challenger 1600-1799 400 400
Rival 1800-2099 405 400
Duelist 2100-2399 410 415
Gladiator 2400+ 415 415

1600 RAT 400 I LVL MAX you get from EMISSARIES and for that you have to be CLOSE TO THAT Item lvl already not like in pvp YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE EVEN CLOSE To get this ITEM LVL so stop with this nonsense.

If you did not noticed you can do anything you want/like and get gear from it you and most these “wanna be pvp players” can nto stomach someone is doing something else and get gear i do not remember donig wq to get 415 item all i see are 370 …

Your posts are so incomprehensible its a pain.

I have to be 2100 rated in PvP to get better gear than just doing M+ or emissaries basically. I get a 405 in the chest from RNGesus but the gear I can choose is ALL useless because its only 400 ilvl.

As for the rest of your post I have no idea what you are trying to say. I can only assume you somehow like or don’t care about the current PvP system cos you have no rating but every pvper hates it. Gearing in PvP would be the equivalent of say having to do +20 to get similar ilvl in mythic+.

By engaging that guy you are just getting baited into feeding. Just sayin’. :wink:


I sure hope they bring back PvP vendors :slight_smile:


yeah, i give up too.

there is meant to be one in 8.2, but we’ll have to see if it stays in, the slots he will sell, the quality/ilvl he sells and the cost/currency of items.

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  • Where can i get a weapon with 50k absorb + 700 main stat from pvp?
  • Where can i get a trinket with a 150k absorb from pvp?
  • Where can i get gaunlets with 36k absorb and 250 haste from pvp?
  • Where can i get a belt with 100k heal from pvp?
  • Where can i get a trinket that draws health from enemies and healing me from pvp?
  • list goes on…

most of these items are BiS for pvp and guess where they are from.
ofc they are disabled in the tournaments but fully functional on live servers which is just pure piss


Yes it’s possible. This was the case in MoP and WoD. So shush with the caps locks. Caps locks doesn’t make it true, it just shows that you have no clue.

Also didn’t you understand the rpg part where it’s actually fun to aim for the best stats? Build up your character? The sense of progression?

Imagine if something similar would have been added to pve, removal of character progression. Only thing added every week would be a buff to everyone that makes them deal more damage/healing/gain damage reduction. The outcry of that would be hilarious to read.

And btw, they have had buffs like that in the past, icc in wotlk comes to mind. So it’s possible to do that. :slight_smile:

Getting 400+ ilvl pieces is easier to acquire from pve than it is from pvp when it comes to ratings.

Rated bg’s are generally considered to be easier because you have 9 other people to make up for your mistakes, so no, it’s not better. It’s easier.

Because we are forced. We won’t get anywhere just by doing pvp.

Not sure why you are talking about minority, do we not get to ask for anything as pvp players just because you think we are minority?
Mythic raiders are a minority too, so are pet battlers. Yet both get content. Pet battlers even can chose between pvp and pve.

I didn’t bother reading all of this but LOL, you are so wrong. These threads pop up every now and then regarding pve, in every expansion:

This is from the weekly chest. You know, the one that you loot once a week.
Ilvl drops from arenas are lower. Today I got a pair of 395 ilvl pants as a drop from arenas, this at 1970 rating. It’s worthless.

From weekly pvp chest I get 400 ilvl. Unless they proc they are usually worthless by now. Doing m+ is far easier and gives the same ilvl.

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ty for confirming this, as i suspected that 2k players were getting rubbish gear rewards from rated pvp, but ive been unable to do rated this season to confirm it.

is that that blue dispelable crystalline bubble or whatever its called? ive seen loads of people using it in the last couple weeks. it is such a pain, and even worse as only dispel i have is 2m racial. other rogue races cant even dispel it.

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No, it’s void stone, which is a physical absorb, so no dispell possible

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All items you talked about is exceptions to how gear has worked this expansion as all of them is from 2 bosses.
That some items have been bleeding over from pve into pvp has happened all the way back when arena became a thing in tbc.
They should really just disable all the fun items in pvp but then you would be here complaining about them not working in pvp.
Just earlier this expansion doing pvp was the fastest way to gear for pve.

It does seem like pvp need better gear so it is on par with pve potentially a bit earlier.

But at the end of the day no one is stopping you from not doing PvE to do PvP.
Just because others do it does not mean you have to do something.

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They didn’t happen in MoP and WoD. BiS PvP gear used to come exclusively from PvP, and the only reason why this isn’t happening anymore is because they removed PvP gear and PvP vendors.

Except that losing games because you cba to spam pve isn’t fun and engaging.

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