Why do you hate Alliance side so much, blizzard?

The thing is…We don’t know how it’s going to play out. My main concern at the moment is the class rotation rework. Sadly, at this moment, it seems there will be no rework…

Yeah, if there is anything I have learned over the years in regards to the gaming community, then it is that skeptisism and being critical won’t ever last long and people will preorder and/or prepurchase regardless.

I have personally been burned more than enough to have finally learned my lesson.

But even I can see there are some promising features coming to Shadowlands… although the lore is absolutely crap.

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This really needed another topic. OK here we go again.

The imbalance of 2.7m Horde vs 2.2m Alliance. 2.2m players should be more than adequate to have guilds, mythic and pvp teams at all levels.

The racials are pretty balanced these days and if anything the Night Elf one is favoured in Mythic Plus.

Personally I like the factions, smaller games have allowed cross faction play because they don’t have the player base to support two sides. World of Warcraft should have. If you want to play with your friends and they are on a different faction, maintain a character on both sides. If you are friends you can help each other out with levelling gear.

The worst thing is that if you just band aid with cross faction play you solve none of the issues. If there truly are problems getting the Alliance into end game content then that is where the problem lies and that is what needs to be solved.

Mercenary mode has already been changed and the honor bonus has been removed, this makes it a lot less attractive mode but players will always seek out what works to their advantage like the WM bonus. If Mercenary mode needs to go for the lines not to be blurred I would welcome it’s removal.

I hope Blizzard stay strong and stick to their choice as answered at the Q&A at BlizzCon. There are no plans for any cross faction or big faction merge at this time.


The problem might just be that many servers that house Alliance aint keeping things up enough. I had 3 guilds now moving to Ravencrest duo to population on my realm is now “bad” and not enough people to recruit. So far i have been in 2 raid guilds from Legion and up that crumbled duo to no people that signed for mythic and then when trying to recruit it was nobody that hardly wanted to since most people are already so knitted into the guilds that are already there.

The problem is not racials, the problem is simply that many servers are straight up dying and the people wanting to raid on Alliance on that server gotta move to another more populated area. Servers like Silvermoon, Ravencrest, Outland and heck even Argent Dawn have a better server ratio for raiding than most other Alliance servers.

They stated they would connect more realms now, but when? I guess we just have to wait and see if they will in 2020. BfA also made a lot of players stop not to mention Classic killed many guilds (I know since my previous guild died that way very hard).

While i don’t see the problem with letting us group with different faction PvE since lore wise we are fighting side by side to take down the threat, but it wont happen.

I’m gonna throw this also in, but… The thing might be just faction pride for many, Horde gotten a lot of that sort of attention over the years while the Alliance have just gotten some crumbles here and there. If this is much of the reason for high end raiders, dunno, but for some that’s a strong reason to feel pride in their faction and their leaders to stay with them. We are seeing some development with Tyrande and gonna get some more in SL (or maybe it’s just more Malfurion in secret pff).


They really need to get a move on and announce something about server connections.

We really don’t need that many servers any more but I know for name preservation we the connections are good.

Edit to add:-

As a Horde player I don’t see this bias, I see us having our city put under Siege twice and two raids revolved around a Horde capital. We lose in Arathi and Darkshore. We were practically made to feel like part of the Alliance with Baine and Saurfang teaming up with Anduin.

Even our leaders change all the time, Varian got an epic death, Vol’jin got a minor demon spear him and he died later. It’s like the Alliance get everything great and epic and are clearly the larger force and we are treated poorly in that sense.

I think it’s swings and roundabouts. I can see where both sides feel the other get it better at times in various ways.


Indeed, specially since we can have 50 chars on one realm

I didn’t until we got a joke race called mechagnomes while vulpera, the only thing i had any hype for this entire expac went to horde ( yeah i know why, but still )

It is probably more of a prefrence, i despise every allied race on alliance, i liked highmountain tauren, nightborne & vulpera on horde so far >_> but yeah again, probably just my prefrence of races


Stop seeing it as a joke-race then.

That is your fault.

I see something amazing in the mechagnomes.


It is literally a gnome with transmog restrictions

Explain this to me, even my gnome main friend didnt wanna play this race


I’m not excited by Mag’har Orcs or Highmountain Taurens. I did like the Nighborne although they need a face change to match that of the actual Suramar NB. I do like the Zandalari Trolls but not enough to change the race of my main. I think the Vulpera are super cute but I’d have loved the Sethrak too, they are so cool.

I really liked the Void Elves, Dark Iron Dwarves and the Lightforged Draenei on the Alliance. I do have a bit of a soft spot for my male Kul Tiran. He’s so bouncy but I can understand they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’m not excited for Mechagnomes myself, I know of a streamer/content creator who is. So I guess there must be some out there who like them.


I really hope some connection will happen sooner than later, but i also guess that will take a bit of planning and mapping out to do before we hear anything more on the matter D:

While it’s true what you say and i did feel bad for having to seige like that to happen (not much Daz’alor because i keep getting lost on my horde alt’s :< ) And the whole mess of Warchief roulette nearly every exspansion and heck i joined in the anger of Vol’jin’s death’s. But for some (i can’t speak for all of the Alliance base haha) we feel a bit left out of things with no much development and story focus per say and a bit more can hang up with Horde focus.

Yup i can agree on that one for sure.

Tho i wont dwell to much on that topic as it’s not in line with this topic :sweat_smile: I just added it as a side under since faction pride is still a big thing for many players when taking a side when it comes to main on raid guilds per say.


Me neither, although i like that i can now make the joke ‘‘They are just orcs with N word pass’’ but idm them existing

I couldn’t imagine you as a zandi troll tbh, wouldn’t fit you x)

Not gonna lie, i dont like any of the allied races on alliance, but my palla is lightforged because i didn’t like any of the available races and i already had a normal draenei

They literally felt like a huge middle finger to my main class ( Druid ) but i don’t really mind much nowadays

This is a mystery to me, but to be fair the only horde race i like ( core ones ) is goblin & tauren



Robot limbs are far more awesome.

A people who at first sought to reverse the curse of flesh and I believe some succesfully did so. Others seek a balance between flesh and steel so to speak.

Just like other gnomes they are light-hearted beings which are always welcome in my opinion, people viewing them as jokes is like viewing Pippin and Merry in Lord of the Rings as jokes, or the entirety hobbithood.

Oh yeah! i didn’t think about lore reasons, i was just thinking visually + racials


Visually they are basically just gnomes with robot limbs… which is cool in itself and covering them up would be a waste.

Their heritage armour allows you to go further with the cyborg aesthetic which is cool.

Their racials seem pretty awesome to me, somewhat powerful, atleast compared to the vulpera.

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I tried Mechagnome (female) on PTR and while I don’t like their hm… legs? I think they make can make pretty cool looking Mages or Warlocks.
I like their mechanical ears, eyes are nice change too, the arms aren’t bad… and I like some hairstyles. I just don’t like the legs and I can hide that playing with a dress.

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Yeah there was defenitly a far bigger demand for vulperas over mechagnomes so they had to compensate for that somehow

I just like that you can be a bloody cooking fire as mechagnome but thats about it for me x)

See… they are amazing!

I might make one though just so i can be a kitchen oven, and yes im gonna have that as a name and offer people to cook on me

Imma hang around the cooking trainers

Now you are embracing being of the gnomehood!

I’d still slay 50 million hordes for natural vulperas