Why do you hate Alliance side so much, blizzard?

That might be why Alliance do not get Vulpera.

Especially not when they slaughter Vulpera and burn their “homes” because they are transporting supplies to the Horde after the Horde saved Vulpera-kind from evil snake-boiis.

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I will burn down the horde camp’s & enslave the vulperas to make em playable

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I feel they were probably experimenting with the player choices when it came to the Sylvanas storyline and it might be something we see more of in the next expansion. They are ultimately meaningless choices because the story will have the same outcome regardless and it certainly caused some division within our own side. But it was a shame they didn’t do something similar for Alliance. With Tyrande going off doing her own thing to try and battle at Darkshore etc I’m sure they could have given some player choices. Or something like agreeing or being against Anduin’s type of rule. A missed opportunity IMO.

We joke that it’s Alliance bias when it comes to the two hubs. Boralus is lovely and compact (the trade section). Everything you could need is near each other and easily travelled to and from. You are even exempt in Boralus from the Tiragarde Sound Call to Arms quest. The Horde base is spread out. We have stuff at the very top of the pyramid, some at the bottom of it and then the bit in the Harbour. On top of that Alliance can kill Horde anywhere in the harbour to count for the Zuldazar Call to Arms quest. So if we go to our ship to do missions we may face PvP, you don’t get that in Boralus unless it’s an actual city raid. Same as parts outside the Boralus Inn and where you get your re-roll tokens etc are all included as rested areas. Everything outdoor is not rested in Dazar’Alor.

Not everything is made equal.

I’m not really sure if we are on or off topic now :smiley:


When the sneks tried that the vulpera rebelled and kicked snek butts.

Then i will burn them too!
Anything works aslong as you’re using enough fire!

I love all the hairstyles for the females though. I’ll definitely be very indecisive when it comes to that character creation screen.

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A bit sad that the choices on that didn’t have a much outcome than a few changed lines when walking around Org and other places :thinking: A missed opportunity indeed, and i know i would be joining Tyrande if that was the case haha. I do hope this is something they will add later on with maybe a bit bigger impact on what’s going to happen on one side or both, not sure but i’ll take both.

Ouch yea, getting flying and just flying on my horde around Daz is 10 times better than when i had to run by foot, but i’m not gonna lie i still get lost. Many did say it was duo to the whole raid scenario, but i mean they didn’t have to put the scraper so far off and everything else in a clutter :< It could be still functional and nice. So i do enjoy myself a bit more around Boralus were things are close than getting lost because i forgot were the dam profession trainer is xD

I think the topic a bit de-railed with Mechagnomes as well so can say we are a bit safe :smiley: i hope… hmm

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They don’t.

They’re giving you more advantage on a lot of things. Specially recent things.

But unless something is borderline OP on the alliance side, It won’t be enough to persuade players who’ve been playing on Horde for years, to suddenly swap to alliance.

Try to understand this and stop with your alliance is the victim horde favoritism whining please.


OP forgot the time when everyone played alliance for human racial omegalul


No cross faction PVE.

Simple nerf to all horde racials including regenerating and goblin glider zandalari, orc stun reduction and dmg increase, troll berserking and snare reduce

The racials are pretty balanced these days, so that’s clearly not what is stopping people from taking part.


Why don’t we delete all horde racials and buff all alliance racials then? Oh, still some people would complain about “Horde bias” as usual…


Yes, this is the major cause of the alliance downfall. If you see the population charts then you would find that many are bloodelfs.
To fix this issue, the Devs just needed to add high elf’s to the game for the alliance but alas, they are too stubburn to add them.


It looks like the writing team is fighting with the balance team. They always make alliance the winners and epic people (even though every character in lorr is downright stupid strategically) and the balancing team makes up for it with content

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Yeah everyone seems to have the same opinion.
Alliance has less population? Add high elves!
Alliance has less raid guilds? Add high elves!
Alliance has less lore than horde? Add high elves!

Sorry but i have to disagree. It was op because it gave you another dps trinket which was in expansion like MoP, where oneshot macro was a thing for every class, very crucial. Nothing stand a chance against that for dps classes.

Would be nice if they could add a poll about “crossFaction” and/or "Co-op Server.

See who could be interested in.

Aren’t alliance a bunch of cry babies? :smiley:


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Are you that Paladin that keeps talking about Horde bias?:face_with_monocle:

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You bring shame to us Horde-players, you know that? Of course the Alliance struggles at the moment, this is a statistical fact were you can the data directly from the official site. When even the developers dodge the question during their own convention, then you know there must be something up in the background.

And I really don’t understand why you are so salty about the bee mount? It was a inGame Stormsong Valley route-mount turned alliance-mount as a compensation for six reputation mounts which were only recolors. No new model, recolors. The backlash to it is still evident on /wow and the constantly on-going horses-meme.

The exp-bonus should compensate for the lack of active players in WM. Do you realize that they don’t have enough people in this mode and why it stayed for 70% of the expansion’s lifetime on 30%, until recently? The system adjusted itself automatically. It never fall to a level where both factions had 10% because there are simply too many players on the Horde-side due the feedback loop.

They try to turn the tides back into a more favorable light. What did you expect to see otherwise? Handing out free faction-changes? They know they screwed up with the imbalance.