Why do you hate Alliance side so much, blizzard?

I’d like to know why blizzard and retail WoW developers hate and neglect the Alliance side so much? There’s huge faction imbalance in favor of Horde. World first race, high end mythic raiding, high end PvP, War Mode are all Horde dominated.
It all started with the addition of blood elves, then way better Horde racials compared to useless ones, that Alliance has. Why all the top guilds are all Horde if not for the racials? That’s the only reason. If Alliance had Overpowered racials for once they would all switch to Alliance and abandon the Horde.
Blizzard has all the statistics, data, they watch everything including world first race yet they do nothing to fix this faction imbalance. All they say is “We cannot force players to play Alliance” Like really? this is your answer and solution to the serious problem that is faction imbalance?
Then how about driving players away from the Horde? Nerf their racials to the ground, enough of this Horde dominated Europe. Alliance simply don’t exist anymore in this region, just check hall of fame in EU, there’s barely any guild from Europe here…
What must happen for blizzard to act at last? The entire Alliance side must vanish? It would be too late to act. They killed good opportunity in fixing faction imbalance by not implementing Cross-faction PvE. I don’t care that some Horde-only players don’t like that idea, they are in minority anyway. Stop being so stubborn blizzard and save the Alliance faction. Add Cross-faction PvE and allow people to group up for PvE content no matter the faction.
There would be more pugs, lesser queue times for LFD/LFR. And people that are forced to play the faction they don’t like in order to play with friends would be really happy. It’s a win-win situation. As of right now WoW is the only MMO without cross-faction play.
Why do you stick to outdated faction ideas? You broke it with the addition of mercenary mode for PvP… You also allow Blood and Void Elves, DH’s and Panda’s to understand each other, you even added elixir that allow to understand other faction. What are you afraid of then? You can leave PvP as it is intact. Just add cross-faction PvE at last. This faction war is boring and old and feels so forced like seriously. Lots of people are tired of it, myself included. Do something at last, stop being stubborn, blizzard.


it actually all started with thrall in warcraft 3/base wow metzen’s legendary self insert heck a lot of the moments in thrall’s life are just reflections of metzen’s own thrall is a good example why self inserts are bad


Don’t be stubborn like me. I used to fight for Xfaction pve.
I didn’t like Ion’s response. Then my guild disbanded. I won’t waste more time in Alliance, so I left. So should all raiders consider doing now or once Nyaltotah’s being cleared.

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I would join horde keys and deplete them 24/7


It is done all the time by lore characters.
There are also private servers that do this.
PvE isn’t PvP, no need to separate factions in PvE content.


WhAt AbOuT fAcTiOn PrIdE aNd “ThIs A pArT oF tHe GaMe FoR yEaRs”?


Faction pride is not going anywhere.
People can still play only 1 of the factions if they wish to.
PvP would still about faction VS faction.
PvE cross-faction wouldn’t hurt, people will moan about anything including this if it happened but it would be a good change.


Well pvp was actualy other way around when Every Man for himself was a thing. It was bit too much op.


Now, 2 out 3 players that reached 1.8k are on Horde side…

I might sound cynical, but if Alliance PvE dies, I wouldn’t care.

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Here we go, Alliance miserable once again… the bee mount wasn’t good enough, the increased exp in war mode wasn’t good enough… and now you want to burden us further by essentially removing the factions. Screw that for a game of golf, not going to happen.

Haven’t blizzard been making alliance racials more competitive for a while now? Mecha-gnomes will have one of the best racials in the game… but it’s just never enough, it it?


And hordes complained a lot too.


I hope not, I like to have alts there to run keys, just like I do with my Horde ones.
I’m not interested in raiding myself but I hope there’ll be Alliance raiding still. I don’t see a reason for them not to do so. Is it the racials? Because Blood Elf racials aren’t OP, Legion is over already.

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I never had a problem with that :laughing:
It was overrated. Sure it was good, but for let’s say 2v2 you would be better as a Night Elf actually, as you could successfully Shadowmeld from an incomming Fear or Aimed Shot or Chaos Bolt, etc…
That and Horde racials were already good, Blood Elf wasn’t nerfed to its current state yet, etc…

haven’t Junker gnomes been nerfed 2 time now on the ptr?
Only asking as heard on grapevine


Yes but the racial will still be stupidly OP at 120.

As I and many other explained, I’ll explain again why the vast majority of raiders are on Horde side. Its’ only a trend that led into a vicious circle :
More raiders are on Horde side -> guild 1 moves to Horde side because they wan’t a stronger player pool to pick from -> Even more raiders on Hode side -> guild 2 movrs to Horde side -> so on and so on

Moving to Horde is win win. As a player, I have more guilds to choose. For guilds, they have bigger player pool.

At this point, I don’t expect Alliance raiding to survive Shadowlands.

Also, an op racial won’t make guilds switch. Limit switched for a free 430 only to switch back…

Merging servers is not the solution. Depending on how they are doing this, it could incentives even more Alliance players to move Horde.

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Alliance whine too much.


In what way are the racials on the horde side, superior to the racials on the Alliance side? They’ve done a lot of pruning and balancing over the years, and now they’re pretty much evened out on both sides, giving minor increases that aren’t actually a make or break kind of deal. The actual throughput increase from the racial traits are less than 1% on a 10 minute fight and that goes across on both factions.

Though I have to say, there is one thing that they might do at Blizzard that might help a bit on the problem. Write some actually good lore for the Alliance side and stop placing them as flawless goody two-shoes. Everyone is so bloody full of themselves that it drips of them. Horde stands out as actually characters with flaws and imperfections, struggles and issues both on the faction and with themselves.

So don’t blame the racial, blame terrible writing on the Alliance side.


Also BFA is just a terrible expansion where millions of people left.

Many happened to be Alliance.

Things will fix itself once Shadowlands hit.

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Not entirely sure about that, Shadowlands isn’t exactly blowing people’s mind at the moment. And a lot of people are divided on whether or not Shadowlands has any promises to it.