Says you. I don’t want a change. I don’t mind something that works well. And the story has not concluded because the story is either about fighting some threat or fighting each other. It cycles. So I’m not sure where you come off deciding that “it’s time for a change”.
That is the big question. I’m not the person to answer it. I prefer the Horde. I only dabble with Alliance as alts
I’m not influenced by streamers or what world/realm first racers play. Just like I have never played a FOTM class or chosen a race based on their racial. I’m just not that good a player for it to make a significant difference.
Even if Method went Alliance again, would that make such a big impact?
Method Sco : “There is no point playing Alliance.”
Because it’s the public opinion on /wow which has at least 2k active users all the time with +50k constantly watching. They don’t want to fight an idiotic war against each other anymore when the lore revolves about the big bads outside the planet’s reach.
And Puny, you’re a disappointment for liking this. I thought of you so much more.
I’m disappointed people want to have cross play. I’m disappointed some want to go a step further and be in the same guilds etc removing the faction barrier all together. I can understand why they want it, I just don’t agree with them.
I am my own person with my own opinions and views.
Typical Horde way of thinking. Alliance = enemy, get past that and out of your comfort zone. Like seriously in ESO factions also done bad and evil things to each other. And you don’t want cross-faction PvE in WoW because what? It would ruin WoW?
No, it wouldn’t ruin wow like i said your precious PvP would stay as it is now. Everything would stay the same with the exception of ability to play Cross-faction PvE. Why is it so hard to understand?
Merging of servers also won’t fix the imbalance problems you know. They are even afraid of full merging realms. They did that in MoP and guess what? Nothing changed. As for racials either rework them or get rid of them. They are also reason why faction imbalance is the problem in WoW. 100% sure method would switch to Alliance if they nerfed Horde racials and buffed Alliance ones.
It’s also stupid to deny friends play with each other regardless of faction. Imagine that friend of yours wants to play with you be he despise Horde and just can’t stand it. Would you force him to play Horde? He would rather quit than play Horde. Not everyone like the Horde you need to understand that and also not everyone like the Alliance.
I am my own person with my own opinions and views.
This is fine but I guess I expected too much from you after these months. If you want your silly on-going war, then so be it, but the overall story always went into higher spheres and at one point this war has to stop. This is where story has been leading to since WC3 and the alluded it in the semi-canon Son of the Wolf-comic. At one point it has to stop, if you like it or not.
The public opinion based on what percentage? Cause I’m seeing a lot of conflicting opinions here and in other threads or forums that entertain these notions.
ESO also has a lot of things which is why it can work as it does.
Cryodill, a huge WPVP center.
3 factions.
No story involved in killing each other or genesis.
The factions aren’t involved in the majority of story telling. And it’s been started with the concept of no factions in pve. WoW doesn’t have the ground work
WoW is set up rly different, and I advocate against the idea of carbon copying another mmorpg set up.
The lore of the game does not make sense if we were to trust one another again.
I’m all for any race any faction, but I’m increasingly against the idea of cross play between the factions themselves.
If anything like this was to go down, I’d expect a fair vote across the playerbase. As if this is what the majority of players would want it maybe understandable. But I don’t read a lot of people wanting something this drastic.
The loss of the faction war would lose something that made Warcraft what it was, and changing the games identity generally does lead out well at all.
This would of all things likely initiate the death of the game more then anything else so far.
Reguardless to which. Ion has already confirmed we will not be crossplaying. It was asked. Ion agreed it was a bad idea in the long term.
And I don’t think there’s enough pro-cross play players to sway that decision.
This is hard to say but the reddit community IS - and I repeat, IS the biggest wow community worldwide. It influenced everything the past years and Ion himself has been saying that he reads almost every day there. The community there has the power to change the game and point of views. They forced him to an AMA after the disastrous BfA-start and many complains during WoD, Legion and BfA had their roots on /wow. With other words, it’s extremely influential to the US-developers, otherwise Ion himself wouldn’t have acknowledged it on the latest WoW-panel at BlizzCon that they will read the feedback from reddit and the official forums.
Please don’t forget that this forum is absolute small compared to /wow and the official us-forums. Their perception just splashes here over for most of the time, including the official GM-statements which are mere copypastes.
Yes it would. You’d be surprised of the dynamics of modern social media culture. When top guilds would go or be alliance we’d she rapid shift of players, streamers etc flock alliance again for the very purpose of progression.
It is all about trends and cools.
Likewise I have always been alliance - I simply like night elves more than I like anything else. I was night elf on time, when all my irl friends were horde and in same one raid group. I still stood by my preference. And I would be alliance even when I would be the last alliance night elf standing.
But game subs will suffer if it becomes one sided. And loss of subs and health of game cannot be good for anyone, not even horde.
And since Blizzard is not paying me to come up with solutions, I let it flow as it goes and mind my own business. Like sitting 20 min in av queue and then doodling on side, or posting on forums.
I realised Blizzard is one dev on whose fan arft Friday my doodles have not been posted yet. But cannot doodle Warcraft, so not sure how I’ll get to that achievement…
wait what were we talking about ?
So if alliance is dead, then explain to me why my realm for example (Azjol-Nerub) is more Alliance based and one thing that I see is alliance hanging in groups of 3+ people to kill everyone ?
Alliance has the numbers, albeit not competitive ones. Instead of being whiny about it you guys just should step up your game, and you yourself can make an addition and fight for the effort of bettering position of the Alliance in the field of M+ and Raiding.
Push keys yourself , don’t go to pug. Form groups yourself.
As far as I have seen last time, Silvermoon realm is entirely alliance dominated.
You got nice communities for raiding and mythic , organise with those people and do it and communicate.
Don’t want to come of as rude , but…
Crying is always easier however._
It has nothing to do with Alliance or Horde thinking. There are people on both factions that want it and there are people on both sides who don’t want it.
We are enemies in the game. Even in times when we faced a common enemy we are still enemies. I mean even Genn doesn’t respect the times when we are supposed to be fighting a common enemy. He attached Sylvanas under a supposed peaceful time. Equally why would any Night Elf want to play with a Horde after they burnt down their home. It does not make any sense at all.
The game has two factions, we are supposed to be enemies. It’s not World of Peacecraft. It’s World of Warcraft.
No one has stopped friends playing together for 15 years. It’s easier now more than ever. Just level a character and your friends can even level with you, either via party sync or just create new characters together. There are other methods available of course if you want to skip the levelling.
There really is no need to make it personal. You want peace, I don’t. I do not answer to you, I’m not required to have an opinion you approve of.
I do think crossfaction as now would not work, but if both horde and alliance would be scrapped as they are now, and 2 new factions emmerge, where any race could join what ever side they wanted to, and they would not techincaly be at war whit eachother, but just having different agendas, I do think it could work out way better than now.
Alright Martin Luther King, back up your words with action and main alliance! (which you probably do anyway)
Once again Cross-Faction PvE wouldn’t damage your precious faction war or PvP. Besides PvE is core aspect of WoW not PvP. Then Ion is just wrong of what he thinks of cross-faction PvE. If he wants the Alliance side to die so badly then so be it. He’s probably Horde-lover and depise Alliance.
I wouldn’t mind at all grouping in PvE with other faction, it would be good for the game not wrong.
And factions united more times to fight common foe than fought each other. You have to admit, that focus on Alliance vs Horde story is boring and people dont like it just like BFA proved.
We had focus on faction war and guess what? People didn’t like it at all. As of right now blizzard struggle hard to write a good story, because that silly faction war is what is limiting them from doing so.
Are we -. I mean druids are not enemies, death knights are not enemies, I believe shaman are not enemies.
So the whole Horde alliance thing seems to be issue with some humans and orcs and undeads. Not others.
The factions are just some game mechanics. With warmode system its even dated game mechanic.
I play both sides regularly. Any other requested information?
I do not require any further information.
I steped up. By switching side.