Why do you stay subbed?

So there is a lot of people here on the forum who seemingly dislike the game, my question to you is.
Why do you even stay subbed? Even paying with gold and then continue to still play, or even just stay subbed for the forum (Which is dead asf anyway)

Isn’t it kind of stupid to continue to help Blizzards metrics be it classic or retail if you dislike them?
Personally i have a set of goals, when i complete these, i usually unsub until the next tier. No need for me to announce my depart on the forums, no need for me to stay around for the forums, i just forget about WoW until the next patch again.


I think that we have to keep in mind that some people, myself included, often come here to vent after having a bad experience in game but it doesn’t mean we hate the game, we just want to see it get better.


That makes sense, it’s however a bit pathetic. No wonder our children today are completely messed up when you have 30+ years old forum boomers here have such uncontrollable rage over a game that they have to go and spread their garbage on the forums as well.

Reflects their IRL behaviour.

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Because I paid 6 months in advance and got no refund when I asked for it.

edit: And just as Romkar said, some bad things in this game still don’t quite completely outweight the good things though imho we are approaching the limit pretty fast.

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Doesn’t matter how old or young they are, everyone rage to some degree when they think something is unfair.

The only difference is that some people understand that it doesn’t do any good and just brush it off while the next gets red in the face and start cursing.

Maturity often comes with age but some people never learn.

When I went to school I could curse when I played games but as I grew older I realized how pointless it was, today I hardly never gets upset.

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Me as well, i had an absolute horrendous temper in my teenage years.
It was rarely aimed directly at people though.

Today i have definitely have learned to cool down and take things much more easy.

If i could see my 14 year old self, rage in front of my screen today over Modern Warfare 2 would think “what a loser”

Keep in mind, for everyone - and a “lot of” is a bit of an exaggeration, handfull at best - who is complaining on the forum, there are equal if not more, who enjoy the game and play, instead coming here to make topics

Most of the time who do such things are seeking attention, nothing more
Thats why the meme “Give me your gold, crafting mats, pets, etc” exist. Everyone knows who really quits never come to announce it with a fanfare while dancing in the spotlight and write an essay (then quietly go back to play)… just quits


They have the right too free speech, even though you dont share their oppinion and you dont understand them, they are free to make their own. Some loves the game, some hates it and some in the middle. Not everyone covers up that they might be addicted to the game and say they hate it properly as you think.

Peopke might stay sub or have sub with gold only to help a friend or have a little contact with a once florish guild that dies after ions metric systems.

i dont know man, i dont like this game, way it gone


People are just sh!tty. Especially when they can say stuff anonymously.

I buy one-month subscriptions and quit when I really don’t like to play it anymore.

Cuz we were forced/scammed to buy “12 month subscription” and now we cant leave this filth for 1 year.

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You kinda did the same thing innit
Theres all sorts of people in this world with very diverse personalities, the sooner you accept this fact the better
This game is much like a toxic relationship that people cant get off from
Its based on intermittent rewards that is the MOST addictive type of gambling tactic there is - you dont know when the next reward is so you keep running on the treadmill
Thats why SOME people dont unsub, they are emotionally invested in the game and put up with everything
And when they finally had enough, when they realize that the game in some of its parts(like silly % on mount drops) are basically a social experiment done with their money, THATS when they stop.
And some need to vent about what they been through, some just move on
All in all, it doesnt look very good for WoW. I think the relationship between WoW and its players is toxic much like a marriage of 20 years where you cant stand your partner but put up with everything for the kids


If you expect people to behave maturely at 30 then I have some bad news for you.


I don’t think you’re wrong, turning away from the game is pretty easy for me.
But getting back into WoW after a good period away is really hard. Even tedious.

It’s there you realize how much of a chore WoW actually can be or at least be percieved.

But still, if i dislike something i would try at least to quit. If it brings me no happiness at all and only frustration.
Especially when it comes to entertainment.
I really don’t see why people have to come here and vent. It rarely leads to any positive encounters.

I stayed for M+ with friends and raid with a guild. I don’t really do M+ a lot anymore since it got samy and the raid also feels… eh after a few weeks so I might let the sub drop off in two weeks.

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I’m needed on the forums.

Explain “need”.

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once you start playing wow you never really stop

because thats how you get them to change the game, that should be obvious.
You don’t get anything by seeing some terrible design and then staying quiet about it, like did you know that frost death knights have this terrible mechanic called runic empowerment that shouldn’t even be in the game?