Why do you stay subbed?

Amusing :no_mouth:
You honestly belive, any Blizzard employee reads the EU forum (or knows it even exist…) and take notes what to change? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Because if yes, I have a bridge to sell you :roll_eyes:

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Cause really deep inside them they enjoy the game and all other they try is way worse from WoW. But they are snowflakes and they try to be badass say WoW is bad and they like their own posts with their 20 alts trying to prove something.

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Even which Posts or topics happened to have over 75 likes if you may remember

well yes, thats how we got remorseless winter, holy power, not runic empowerment because that was never something anyone wanted, demon hunters, the dark ranger skin… I could go on and on.

1 has subbed for 3 years just to troll on forums hasnt played anything , once used another perons achives to try and make it look like he had played but got caught out.

You posted on 9 chars in same thread to abuse poeple and to further your own view’s after you got caught out for insulting a player and buying boost’s.

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I like the game even if right now I have other stuff to do and I can never find those 2-3 hours a day to play a bit focused. I’m always subbed because I like that WoW is always “there” when I might want to play a bit. Also I like posting on the forums (especially in the “food” thread).


people ask me that all the time.

i like posting on the forums.

but i do actually plan to try farming up some transmogs and mounts once my finger heals also…

it’s a bit awkward right now with a broken clicky mouse finger, unless i play with a controller.

welcome back to the right race :slight_smile:

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Now you farm tmogs from the previous expansions?

If yes, you are fine and not disapointed¨

I see the players are very disapointed with new account, goes to forum, stays in less than lvl 20 but still has subs, they just don´t do anything in the game but post only in forums


yeah i decided to turn to farming after inspiration from another fellow poster here on the forums.

i may even get “all the things” installed if i end up enjoying it.

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SO true, theres a lot of lvl 10 chars commenting everywhere left and right giving opinions and trolling

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But for example: Chonko

He´s the one who does nothing in the game but only post in forum, such disapointed he is


in my defence i am a level 10 character with nearly 9k posts, and i do not hide my activity.

i fi was a “troll” which i get accused of a lot…

first thing i would do is make a classic character and hide my activity.

i mainly clicked this char as my forum main because .

  1. i did not want people to know my main.
  2. at the time i started posting on this char, there was a lot of achievement shaming in this forums to shame posters to win arguments etc.

because i have millions of gold.

Also this Eliquis, stalks me everywhere rofl on every comment I have, he comes and posts. Why do these people get obsessed? Imagine their life how it must be…

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A Dwarf Death knight with lvl 10 but only posts in forum?

I mean they could do something to play WoW instead of only to post in forums

For example: Leveling to 70, farming tmogs from the old expansions, and many others that aren´t free to play

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I always think its a sign of weakness.
On the forums: Sure. Everyone is a strong forum warrior and they are even competing who will hate Blizz the most.
Yet when you ask them to make a stand and just unsub - “U iz bLizzARD shiLL!”

I always compare them with real life analogy about a person experiencing unfair treatment in work, school…whatever. Now you can:
Either go in the corner and cry on how the world is unfair to you yet be too scared to do anything about it.
You take a stand and plain out say it that its unfair and you will not tolerate this and potentially leave.
Take a guess to which scenario I filter your average WoW forums whinner. :rofl:

Yeap, no in game character (or extremely afraid of his main) but otherwise expert in every single aspect of WoW.
They imagine that there`s a wide audience and he somehow they score points by exposing people who bought a curve boost (such as myself)
Like, imagine what type of irl they must have…damn it
In reality nobody cares about nobody, everybodys favorite subject its themselves, everything is hot now - completely forgotten tomorrow.


i dunno if it is really weakness to stay in a place in the face of great adversity and keep going day to day normally.

i think that show’s a strong character, you are aware how much hate i get here all the time, im still here, that shows i have resolve to not let it get to me and carry on as normal.

people dont like me being here… that is the weakness if you ask me they cannot cope with me having the freedom to be here, just like them because the reason i am here isnt the same as theirs .

that is a character flaw.

im just doing me.

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If you are in abusive relationship or in a toxic work environment and pretend that its “not there” and just carry on normally…yeah its a weakness.
To be scared of taking any action against it or just plain out develop “Stockholm’s syndrome”.