Why do you stay subbed?

i dont pretend its not there, i just choose to not let it affect me and 9 times out of 10 because of my attitude towards it.

i always eventually come out on top of those situations.

EDIT: the moto is “you cannot please everyone”

because of that if someone gets upset at something you are doing or why you are doing something, always approach it with the mentality “why am i personally doing it”

if the moral is better, you are in the right and they will never change it.

Ah nice. So you are submissive in that regard? Any chance I could recommend you to my old student jobs where the boss could just put shifts on weekends on friday evening and you had to either “sck it or leave”.
You would make an excellent worker there. Will do the job, no fuss, no complaints and still come to work next week… :rofl:


choosing to not let things affect you is not submissive, letting them affect you is.

oh look another thread twiggz is making all about himself… shocker

anyone else shocked? im shocked


am i making it about me? not really just giving advice to the countless people who take things here to seriously when provoked.

it’s their choice to listen to it or not.

everyone knows you wont

its weird how even during “appointments” you manage to be on the forum and type so well with just the one hand…


that is because im not at my appointment anymore?

is that a hard thing to muster?

was literally in and out in 10 mins today… was just a checkup… was at 10:45am… took 30- 40 mins to walk there 30-40mins back its now 12:24

i can also type 2 handed now… my finger is basically healed (wound wise) should be fully heal’d by the end of the week… the bone however wont be healed for about 4 weeks.

I like the part where you went to an appointment on thursday and said you didn’t need anymore appointments because your amazing body is healing so well even the doctor is really impressed :roll_eyes: Who knew besides smashing through metal doors you also healed like Wolverine

And then today you do have another appointment you seemingly have been on your “phone” the entire time for. And if your finger is healed, Logan, why do you 6 more weeks off? You have more time off than anyone…

Who eats breakfast in the hospital canteen for a 10 minute checkup :rofl:

So which is it ?


I would not bother with him obvious pathological liar spread’s bad feeling’s every were even when court out.
Bad lair’s cant even remember what they typed 2 hour’s ago.

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from one Twiggz to another … could you stop lying so much please ?? …

really makes the rest of us look bad … if you ask me personally


that was a letter i recieved on the 2 feb saying no intervention was required, i got that letter 3 days after a appointment was already made at the main hospital in bath…

i decided to go anyway just incase why wanted to see me.

turns out they did want to see me so it was the right decision to go.

they told me there i no longer need appointments…

but i had one already booked at my towns local a&e just to update them on the situation, which was today.

i went to that, and made another another final appointment with this mainly just to have the dressing and supports removed from my finger, and to say thank you to the staff for basically saving my finger (i would of lost it without their regular appointments).

my final appointment is the 17th feb…

after that i am signed of work for 5 weeks so the bone can repair to a point where i can effectively use my right hand without potentially doing dmg to it.

i will however probably return to work on light duties within 3 weeks.

Thank you for the laugh good job on the outing.

You miss so much when you have liar’s on ignore.

Not that much, actually
Peace is preferable than momentary amusement


Cinder why would you say that the forums are dead asf? Just go to pvp section there is like 5 threads per hour about nerfing arms / moans on rating

I stay subbed because this is best video game ever and I very much enjoy it and I would never allow any forum clown convince me otherwise and you should not let them bring you down either


just to note a&e in the uk dont do appointments, they are literally accident and emergency and incredibly overstretched as a service as is.

once youve been through accident and emergency for any initial reason they refer you on to whatever service is most appropriate, the fracture clinic, burns clinic, ur gp but you never have an appointment back in the a&e department or the minor injuries department. it just doesnt work that way.

now twiggz may have injured his finger and gone to a&e ofc but after they wrapped him up and referred him on their input is over.


See you in 3 months

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Does final mean something else where youre from?

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Calm down, bud

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Technically speaking I don’t, I just went for the bait of a 6 month sub on top of an extra month with BC last chance promo.

Since there is no way to pause sub, I stay. I do enjoy myself moderately, playing old zones with level lock and stuff.

The dislike is a bit more about the community, such as the issues outlined with WLK summarized as GearScore snobbery, and the rush attitude of both iterations but definitely experienced in retail. And the constant trolling drama regarding certain topics which I maybe wouldn’t even notice much but now I’m sensitivized.

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